- � fn it r -i t ..3�;
<br /> � .(_.. 6 ff t ,�' " � " -
<br /> tlS� i> �(S ._ �i>y�l�"�(�O't JY� i _` }j -� ! v' r:�: _.
<br /> . ..�u�tl......i.'i�".ViSCf�d�1(IVI1P�i:.n::t},rxr.ni..:FG�Sw ' � "�f.Cr1Ki.C'.. . ) - . . •.•.� �
<br /> . . .. . � �f.... .if.���3 ��_
<br /> �.�Yr.�.
<br />. �pplk#blo Imv m+y spaify for rclnsiatenuN)bePore saie of Ihe Prn�xny pursuan�w any power ot sale comained in�his
<br /> Secudry InNrumem;or(b)cmry uf a JcJgmer,t cn(orcing this Stcu�i�y 6ie�rumtut ?hose coudl�ions are that Gortoti��cr. (a) ----
<br /> • pays I.tnAer all sums whlth then would be dut under this Security (ns�mmcnt and the Naro as If no acccl.retlon hnd -
<br /> occuacd;(b)curcs any ckfault of any ahtrmvenants oragreenxms;�c)pays ali expenscs i�rcumd In enPorcing�his Secud�y
<br /> Inslmmen�.incluAing, but not Itmited to,reasonxbte anomeys'fces; and(d) takes auch aa�lon as i.ender may rcasona6iy --
<br /> nquGe to nssuru thai the Ilen of thls Secnfliy Inslrumen4 Lcnderl dphts in Ihc Propeny and finrcowcrk obligntlon Io pay tho �±�_r_;
<br /> sum> stturcd by �his Secudry lnstmmem sliall caninue unchanged. U{wn rcins�aiemem by 13ettotiver, ihis Secuflly °._-�-y
<br /> Inswmrn�nnd tl�e o611ga�lons sceun:d hercby shall n:maln fully effealve as it no aaelemilon h�A cx�cnmd. However,�his �•�ss��;;_--_
<br />- d�l:t to rctr�tete sl�=_ll na�ply!a t1N c��r ef emtcre�i��unerr�vagreph i 7. _ .---._--.
<br /> 19. R�le of Nolei Ch�nge of Go�n Servia6 The No�o or a partial in[eres�in�he Nota (togciher w(Ih�hix Sccurily
<br /> Ins�tumem)may Ue soid one or moro times withont prior no�ice to Dortowee A sate may rcsull in n change in the enthy �}�;�{�,n;
<br /> (known ns tha"luan Scrvicer")tha�wllects momhly paymems due under ihe No�c and�his Securi�y Instmmem. 71iere atso q _ �
<br /> msy be one or morc changes of the Loan Servicer uarclated to a salo ot�he Note. If�herc Is a chenge of the Loan Servtcer. -�`�� ;•'_
<br /> porrower wlll iw given«�ittcn nmtce of ths chvbe irt accocJanm vriUi paragraph �4 abave and applicable Imv, 7he noilce �f_ .
<br /> wlll s�a�e the namc nnd addrcu of tCc new Loan Se�vl cer and�hc aCdttss to�v6ieh paymcros ihould bc madc. 'Ihe nmicc af1l �,•�i-`?�k��
<br /> aiso mNaln any o�her infama�lon aqu(rcd by aQplicahtc La�v. �`�r'-�'-.__-_-
<br /> 20. ll�xardous SuO6Eaases. Qorrox�er shall�rt rnnsc or pertnit ihe prasence,use,dfsposal,storage,or retease of any 7-• _
<br /> I{atardous Subsinnces on ar in the Rnpaty. 6ono�rtt shnll not do,r.w al[ow anyone elm to do,anythiny attecung the ��-', �� •..
<br /> Property ihat B(n vfola[ion of any Iimiro�snxNal la�v. 7iie prcmGag Uco untences shali r.o�apply m�he preser.ce,use,or - ��'
<br /> s�orage on Ihe Propcny of mall quanti�ias of Hmanf.xr.s Su6snnces thai ue genemily rccognized ro 6e appropriate eo nomwl ti�#!t�i�'�`���-
<br /> residenilaluusundtoniainie:mxcofU�eProperty. }� iF =
<br /> Dortower shail pror.�pny gfve I.ender wriuen mr,icr ot any Inres�igation,claim,demand,lawsui�or other aaion bp any i.�_. v5=�-
<br /> govemm:nat or r.gak�:a:p:�,er.cy or priva�e party involving�hc!l+�ny and any Hamrdous Subs�ann:or Gnvironm.mal �' .--r"`._.-
<br /> Law of�rhi�1 llomi��•cr hns ac�ual kirowledge. If Uorto«�ur t.�rins, or is nm(ficd by any govemmental or regula�a�y '!i •;�F�;:_i�
<br /> authority,t4:e any rtnrm,]ur oihcr rea�:dia�lon of any Ha�zrdous Subclancc uffttting ihc Properly is ncecssary,Qorm�rcc �".±�r1P,�zt':--.
<br /> shall prom{uly takt all ne.u-viy rcmedial ac�ions in attordance with EnvironmeNal 4aw. �lk���j`;! `'
<br /> As uud In�his par.�ecaph 20,"Hazardous Subs�ances"arc�hose subsiances�cfined as�oxic or hazardous subs�ances 6 x=�e' •�'������
<br /> Y c,. , � .
<br /> Cnvfronmemal Law;mct��fnllowing substancer. gasoline,kerosrne,other fSaxna�ble or�oxic pe�roleum produc�s,toxic �i:td�u
<br /> �ed In hIs paragraph 20,"Cnvimnnx+��r.!Law��means!ed ral 1.1q.�x A Iaws of�he junsd ctim whrre�he Ropeny Is located F�1��cs"___
<br /> �hatrclatcroAcatt6,safct orcnviron;��cac:<Ipwtcc�ion. j�n�u��-�
<br /> ,,,,�:;;:::,�
<br /> NON•UNI�ORM CrOVGNANTS. A�rrmver and L.rndcr funixr covcnanl nnd agrec as follu�as: '�k`��'1iS4i�i;°;
<br /> 2E. Actelera�lon; �rmedies. Lender Fhni! ae muiice to Oorrox�er rlor ro ncceleration tollowin Borrox�er's �`��''`'"""'�
<br /> € P & ,l*tt•i.'�,,:.
<br /> Dreath of any mrennna wr agrecment In Ihfs Secv.a��i,s lnslrmneut @ut not prdor ro etteterallon under paragraph 17 ��,1��1:�';,.
<br /> � uNess appllcabie law pro��ldee olhen�ise). The�wtire siw11 s}alth; (a)ihe defauilt(b)Ihe aclion requlred ro cure�he �y' —�+�-"
<br /> deiunit;tc�o riate,not icas inan's0 da s from iire dnte ihc�wifi�is iri��iu Buiiu;;«,L-' cchi:h:��e�ztaul����usi:.e '�"a1kjO"-�
<br /> cnreda nnd ic{)thal fal1ure to cure the delauit on or bePore t2>reLMVe specifed In the nolice m�y resatt In uttcleration i?7 ��-t��, ,
<br /> fhe sun�s secured by 1PeEc Securfty 6alrument and sele ot tha 3'oopzrly. The�intlte shall Nrlher in(orm Dorrm�er of � �" :
<br /> lhe ri ht lo refnstote nYtrr aceeternqon nnd the r3��t f o br{n a cnurt nctlorz ev;.�sert the nomexBtenm i4a defautf ur ��r 4" .:--
<br /> s st s .r�.�;.,i:
<br /> auy cther defense of lJorrox�er ro nccelerelion nm�>alr. ]f the dxfauit Is no7 aa�red on ar before the dnie spec(Red in �;�t'?_�::=._'�
<br />� thenotice,LenUcratltsoptlomm�yrtt�uireimmrditiicpn��memi.stullofnllsumssecuredhy�h65ewriqinslrument � -��;j�;_--
<br /> wlthout hirlher demand and may in�akc the po�rcr o1 snle ana an� othcr rcmcdics permitled by npplicnble Imr. r�';!.L,:r_._
<br /> I.ender s6all be entltlttl lo collecl nll expenses Incurred!n persuing thc remedics pro�9�led in Ih(s peragrnp6 21, ��'�"'�--
<br /> includtng,6ut not IOnited lo,rcesonablc allorneys'Trcec nnd mck of tltle crldence. ��'f-``�''��'�`
<br /> If Ihe power of snle Is Im�okeJ,7}uslee shnll rc�vr�1 n notice of defeuit In each county in trhlch�u�s part of Ihe °1�f`.i°�,'�ii��'-
<br /> Properlylsiocaledandshollmalicoplesoisuvhnailccinahemnnnerpresa•Ibedbyuppllcablelawlollorroxernndlo '��;1�,`t't_::�:�.
<br /> Ihe otlter gersons prescribed by nppllcable law. ARer Ihe'iimr rrqulrcd by npplicable Imv,7Yustee shall gN�e publ[c '=?"���-.:'u'�.
<br /> nolim of snle lo Ihe persons nnd In Ihe manner prescribed by ap�llcabie�aw. 7tustee,xithoul demand on 6arro�rrr. �'�""���.'���"
<br /> chall selS ehe Ymperly at public nucflon to Ihe highesl bldUer�n ahe tlme nnd pinm xnd under Ihe Ierms designntec�in `�'�F"%�;:'�,"�-��
<br /> the notice ofsnle In w.re or more parccts nnJ In nn}�order 7Yuslec dMcrndues. 'IYustee may paslponc salc of nll or nnr i?�a 4:'sa�r,:
<br /> ,,r.s�:ab:r-
<br /> parcel oithe�I'ro+xrcp�6y pubtic nnnouncemenl ef the t(me nnd pl�ce af acic yrarlousi��scl�cduleU sale. Exnder or ifs �sy,i�!t�,1„��-
<br /> designec my�-pu�eha,e ihr Yroperly al an��saie, j;A(�;,;f•{;-
<br /> Uq:on rrrelpt of p�y�menl of the pdce bid,'IFustee sholl r��i�er lo tlie purthamr Teer.st:r's decd cam�eying Ihr '?p;;.•��;;i_,�,
<br /> Praperly: The recitals in Ihe7tustec'adecd shall 6e prlm:�fncie eddence of 16e Irulh ofaPee.{alemenis made iherMm =.;dfj�e�rj�_?,:
<br /> Ttu�lee shzll appiy tBc promeds af the s�lc In Ihc tollooing ordrr: lal lo nll cosls nnd cap�:c��s af exercising Ilie pmrer �.,w .,._
<br /> -� ru.
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