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_..c�el��l �R r1 ��Srl ff���-Y AiYr�S �._ -_.__-..:-....�_.-�-_•----. .-,-. `' r <br /> c <br /> ,•.,v� r;`'.+li -.ilf'�b9jRf -.'. -._...:, - .,.,. 3 ' - , cet..'. .�`. <br /> ..,�,.,_ti.'.5•w�l+L.txi:4�? �,._,�..�.mm++.... ��_,: _. <br /> ....:... ... ___ . _ .-...:.._. ... <br />� 92� �.0�23 <br /> TOaliTlt�R W1TIi all�hc Improvcmcros now or hercaticr crccicd on iho property,and all eascmonlx,appuncnanas, <br /> pnd fix�ures now on c�rcallcr n pan of iho propetly. All rcpinccmcros and adAitlons almll also t�c mvctul�y�61s Sccndty <br /> inslmmcn�. AII otlha foregoing is refcmd w in t1�is Sauriry Insimmcnt as tlic"Pmpcny." <br /> OORROWI:R COVCNANf3 ihm Uorcower is Iawtuily sclsed of tho esia�e I�erc6y comeycd and hns tho dght to gnnl <br /> ' and ca vay tlw Prn�ny and�hat the Property is unencumbercd,exccpt for oncumUmnces ot nrorA. Oorcmvcr wartams and <br /> - w1llde�endgenemly�hoUilom�hoPropenyagains�allcla6nsanddemandF,su6Junoanyencumbmncesofrecard. <br /> THiS SGEIJRITY INSTRUhiRNT wmbfnes unifomi coeenams for nn�innal use and non•unlfonn cnvennms widi ,_ <br /> . Iimited vula�la�s by Judsdfcllon�o cons�im�c a uniform saunry insuvmcm covcring rer{pio�ny. - <br /> UNIPORM COVRNANTS. Aorcowcr nnd t.endcrcovcnam and agrcc as foilows: <br /> f. Payment otPrfncipai anA Inleresl{Prepayment and La1e Charges. 6ortowershali promptly pry when duo ihe <br /> — princtp�I of and interest on�ho deb�evidenccd by tM Note and nny prepnpncn�end late diarges duc under ihe Now. <br /> - 2. BLndsfor7�zesendInsurnnrc. Subjecetoapplicablclawor�onwrincnwaiverbyLendcr,Rottovrerslullp�y�o <br /> Lcndar on�he day nwntt�ly PaYmenm are due undcr�he Nae,un�ll �hc hotc is p�id in PoII,e sum("�ucds")for.(a)yearly <br /> taxes and assessments�rtuch may attain pdority over ttiis Security InsiNment v a lien on d�e Propeny:(b)yrarl>�leasetcold . <br /> Paymcnts or groand rents an tAz Peopny, if any: (c) 7�early h�zard or proprny insuranca prcmiunu: (d) yeaziy ftood <br /> nsurancc prcmiums,it any: (e)ycady nrxtgage insurar,ce pcemiums,if any; and (p nny sums payabte by Sorrower to <br /> — 4endet,In nccordlace wi�h�he provislons of p:r,l,e�ph 8,in licu of�he paymem af monga6e insuraace pmminms. 77:ese <br />��-- itcros art callcd"Fsrrot+L:ms. Lendcr m3y,:rc any�ime,eoil.ct and ho�d Iimds in an amount nm�o exce.A�he muimum -. <br />-�� amount a Iender for a(cd.n!ty refaied motlgage Ionn nuy requfrc for Oonower�cscrow nccounl under�Le k:lr�al Rral . <br />--- Estate Senlement Proccdures Aa a'i i974 as amended from tinr,m Umq 12 U.S.C.§2601 n ser/.CRPSP.1"L unt.v aao9eir <br /> --- law th�t applia m ihe tlmds�oo a ic.ur amoum. If so,Lcm.icr may,at any�ima collccl n�d hold!'uncls in an ama�n:nm to <br /> - exceed�he Icsscr amount. LenS;r may es�imate �he amount of i�nds due on the basts of curtent d:na and cca<na.�ble _ <br />- - es�ima�es of expendi�urcs of fWUrc Cscrow Items or o�herwise in accordanee wi�h applicnble law. -� <br /> - "fhe Funds±h:[I be held in an ins�i�ution a6ose d�pnsiis are insurcd by a fcderal agency,ins�mmcatx!ity,n cr.�t�y _ <br /> - (incL.rling l.endrr,if Lender fs such nn insti�Wlon)or in any Fcdeml Home I.oan 6ank. Lender shall apply ihu Fu.^�d�u�.yay _ <br /> - �he E.�:tow Items. Lender may no�charge 6ortowcr frc ho1:l�.ng and applying the Nnd:, annually analping thr c�mw __ <br /> Tceuimi,ot veri(ying ihe Escrow Rems,unlets Lendu�a�s Eorto�ver intercsi on �he Funds nnd npplicable law prrmiis _ <br />- - Lender to make sech a charge. However,Lender may raqnire Iforcower to pay a onatime ehnrge for an inJependent rcal <br /> = es�ate lax tepotitpz:svite used by Lendtr in connoc�ion wiih thts luan,untess applicable Imv providcs othenvisa Unless an _ <br />- ;�;� agrcement is made uc applicnble law requires intercs�l0 6e p�id.(.ender shnil no�be rcquir.d m pay Dorro�ver any Interesl or -� <br />'--_.;; camings on�he Pomds. Dortowcr and Lender may agrcc In��azi^g,however,that intcrcs��hall be p¢fd un tlic funAs. LcnAer -. <br /> shall give ro Dorcower,wl�hom charge..n annual eccoun�iag o€�he Nnds,showing credi�s nnd debi�s ro the I�nds.M�he <br />"_';�i pwpose for which cach debi�to�h f�nds was m:de. Thr-4i�au nre pledged as adJidonal securiry for all sums sceureA by " <br />,-_��, �fiiSSccuriiylm[nn�nnl. <br />..�,y. If tho I�nds hcid by Lender exceed ttx amounts pem�iucd �o bc held by epplicable law,Le.^.de:shall nccoum lo _ <br /> _' Dortovmr(or�he exceu�unds in nccordance a-ich the mquiremcnts of applicable law. If�ho amount eFd,e fLnds hcld by _ <br />'�+'j� Lender a�nny�ime is not su(ficient to pay�hc liscrow Itenu when due,Lender m:+y so nolify DortoH•ct ia writing,and,tn <br /> such cazc 6ortower shall pay to Lend.r�he amoum necexsnry to make up the deficlency. Dorcower s�+:l make up�he - <br />.:_;�i deflcie�rcy in no morc�han avelve momhly payments,m LenderY sole discrctlon. _ <br />..;�a, Upon paymcri in full of all sums ucured by th(s Scturi�y Inauumen4 I.endcr shall prompdy rcfwid io Ilortower nny _ <br /> �--.ii NnAs held by l.crtizr. If,under pamgraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell�he Roperty.Lender,prior to�he acquisi�ion or - <br />.-=31 sale of�he Pro�xrt�-.shall opply any R:nds held 6y Lender at ihe �ime of acquisi�lon ur sale as a credit agalnsl ihe sums _ <br />-`��� sccured by tlds Scturity Instrumem. .. <br />``=�! 3. Applicalion of Paymrnis. Unles.a applica6le I�«� {�ovides othenvise, all pa��mems n�celved by Lender undet <br />�___s_�� paragraphs I end 2 shall Uc applied:firs�.�o any prepayment dr.uges duc under�he No� amounts payab!c undcr _ <br />�:��i parag�aph 2:�htrd,to imercst due;founh,m pri¢cipal due;nnd lu4 to any Ia�e charges due under�M1C Note. _ <br />'='�� 4. CM1arges: Liens. Dortower s6a11 pa} all tnsea, msessmems,chnrges, fines and imposi�i�»is auributable to the <br /> Propeny which mnq anafn pflority over ihis Secur;ty lac;rumem,and Ieasehold paymenls or ground nras.if nny. Uofro�rer _ <br />-�`-'° sh:�!Fay thcse abligatiuns In lhc manner provid.J in{v�ragraph?.or if not paid in�ha� manncr.Dorcoucr shall pay them on _ <br /> ?'�� �iir�cthec�ly lo Iht person owed p:rymcr.i. Uorrowcr shall pmaip:ly fumisli to Lcnder,d[nmias of a�»nunu ro Uc paid undcr _ <br /> �his p�ngtaph. 1f llotrower makex�hese p:�ymems dircctly.Lorcower.hall promptly fumi fi to Lertder�acipis evidencing _ <br /> -`' Uie paymcnts. _ <br />-�3�u i Oorcower sh:d(promp�ly discharge any li.n rvhich has priari�y orer ihi.Securiq InsirumeN unless dono�aer.(a)agrces _ <br />--::I In wridng to�he{vcmrm of iht oNliSation s�xured by ihe lien in a mamier nccrpia6le w LenAer,lb1 mn�es�s in good fai�h the _ <br />::]I lien by,or defends xgainsi ent'«cemem of the Iien in,Icgal praccdings which in�hc Lenda's opin:on opcnrc ro pcc�em ihc _ <br />;-^�� enli+xemem of the licn;or(t):ecums from the holder of Ihe Iicn an agmement satisfn:cex.�ro Ler.der sulwrdina�ing th:Grn -- <br /> - ro this Sesuri�y insirumcm. if Lender detcmiines�ha�any pan a(ihc Propcny is xubjcei io a licn which nuy annin priori�y <br />-�,:;� uver�his Sccurity Inqrumcm,Lender may gicr Bnnmvcr a nolicc identi(ying�hc licn. 6orto�ecr shall.azk£�Ihc licn or lake = <br /> `t?� one o�more of�he aclions sel(orth above wiehia 10 daps of�he giving of notice. _ <br />,^,�I S. Ilazard or Proprrty tnsurnnee. Iinrew.�er ihall kcep�he improremems noa•cxis�ing or herrafier crected on the <br /> Ropeny insurcd against Ioss by fire,haurds induded wi�hin�he lerm"ex�ended cover.�g. and any o16er hazvds,including <br />.�''�I floods or tlooding, for which Lender reyuirc. insurance. 71iis insurance shall be mair.uintd in Ihe amoums and for Ihc <br />.:��i !'orm W:� n50 �rycr2 Jnl�cn� .. <br /> .{. <br />,..t� <br />:t i <br />:��-� _ <br /> */� ��ifr::'�t[T+;�}�itr «.ni: . _ --_.�_i� .. �.�.. .y. _ _ . ,..�rs C' r �?49i, , ,iY7 ' � - <br /> r f�� <br /> .. ... <br /> . <br /> =�G�� �{�? � . �. . :. _ . ' . _ . • _ , t _ . , . " <br /> . <br /> _ .. . _A—�i___ _ ' ..., . ' __' . _ .. _.:__.-. . .."' _'_'.' _— _" __— . <br /> y--c -e...n _'___— __ . - ' _ _ ' _ " _ '_ __ . <br /> ra', � ;° {� ' - <br /> 3(� `�T �.i" -i-.a\... . • . ' • . . <br /> L,'✓i�l �� '� ` (� ' . . _ <br /> .!�_.-�yi :.C.: •). - .1.• ;: . .. - ' . - . <br /> I <� \ d- � • <br /> _ t.s_:' �, iyr.jl,° . . - ' . , . <br /> � tr� �.. - � . . <br /> htytu'_-��t:. !;1 - .�; - � -, . .- .- � - � _ _ - <br />_°a��. . . . .,�� ' - _ - � - ' � - � � <br /> i� '� . _ . _ • _ _... . . � . . <br /> � � - � ', '� t�� . . . r :s. .,,.nc.,,Nrh <br /> � � -. - ' - _ _ - _ . <br /> �' � " " � - <br /> � i;_- � -;'. r: 1 <br /> '� . - 'C.�:r. .. if , . . . , _�:�i .. _ . .- "` - --, .. _ ,... . . - _....J �_ . . , .. <br />