, .�;
<br /> ,� , .
<br /> . „ ,
<br /> ,�"� , .. . _
<br /> . , . , .
<br /> � �f�rC4. , . �. .. . . � , . -' ._ - .. . _. . . .._.:. ...._,. . . :wr-=
<br /> �� ...... . -.. . _t�.�... . ._. .. . .. . . . _ 't' .. .. ^
<br /> _ dUJ�'•�rrc-.
<br /> ' �_,,, .�...���. — ��,,,,� _.-.»..�_.... _ . .____ ' ��..�'.�:ti:r
<br /> . lo.� �7.. � '�9f�6 _ . .���«m�r,n�co.,w�n�,NE.BB�MI
<br /> . .,�. DEED UF 1'R,U�T
<br /> I ' TH18 DEH D OF'i'RU9T,ie mndo ao oP 2 2nd d��y�{ Aga�'11 , 19 �� .hY ,
<br /> ' nnd amonR �er..�a Mae _Wi�kize C'TruaU►r"1, whonfl mniUn� nddraRH is I .
<br /> ' � .�Snr�nd I g]�and� N --- � I /'
<br /> I � 1'9til�atco"),wl►nRnmatUngnddreanle . �1a8 n_qe� Su e �� Hde nas s I
<br /> nnd P. .7. _S � Q� l"Amioilr.lnry'1 �
<br /> � ' LJo�t �econ Haat r� 9 e rae a �_� -.---...._ � '
<br /> whono mnilir�g nddrean i�+
<br /> . � ~ FOR VALUABLE CONBIDEItATION, Truntor irrevocably tranefern,rnnvoyn nnd peaigne to Truetee, IN TRU9'I', , •
<br /> � • .'°`^ W ITH PQWE:R OF SqLE.for the benetit and secnrity uf Be�v�ca�u����ubject to tho torme nnd condiNone of thie :
<br /> � '� '"�" ` pe d t+f�uet,tha�eal property located in the City of ,County oP �.. , .
<br /> ` � �I81 ,State of Nebraeke,and logally describe aer w ho o y"1: I ?� ;
<br /> A,;�raac�,4d������� ,l�° . � :.,.;,:.
<br /> � The Soutli 82.8 feet uF Lot 8, Bluc:c 101, ancl complimentary Lot 8 , � :; � -_
<br /> � i � Block 101, Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, , �°�:: ' J
<br /> � Hall County, Nebraska. � ���' ���
<br /> I .�...�
<br /> .. � � �;,;�_.=-
<br /> TOGETHE�WITH. all rente,eesemonte, nppurtenancos,horeditnments,intemnta in ct�oininq roadR.streetA nnd , �..:;r�-
<br /> ___,_—__ ...� I i apeys,improvemente and buildinge of any kind eitusted therec�n and all pereonal pronarty thnt mny be on c�rret�(ter hecome ! Y. ::_
<br /> �. .._.__� �.•.. �;r�:,::,.Y
<br /> � '- :t?�� � an integrnl pari oi auch buildinge and improvemenl�e+,Ail ClOpe Tt'.iaca cncrcwii,n�eu n„ ..�...�, ..,;..--�. �� �:;,_.-._=____
<br /> , � � I The Property and the entire eatate and intarset oonvoyed to the Trueteo ere refer�ed to collectivoly na tha'"I'ruxt � ' - „___
<br /> Extnls". . '
<br /> { I � FOR THE PURP03E OF��bIR�(i: f�`v
<br /> i °,�;,_-
<br /> " • � i a. Payment of indel�tneas in the total rinci sl emount of S i� ,wic�inca�ec ci 9 9�,ae evidenced by
<br /> p n � r._:_-
<br /> ' thatcertutnpromies�nrynotoofevendate(the"Note')withameluritydeteof DQCembeX 1'1, , _
<br /> executed b y'IYuetor,which hae been delivared and ie pnyable to tho order of Heneticiary,nnd which by thie roforence iR � x�'�`..
<br /> •• . �_ � hernby tnade a part hereof,and any and all modificatlone,extenaiona and renewale therec�f,nn d
<br /> � ; �._��
<br /> I b. Payment of all sums advanced by HeneRciary to protect the Trust Estate, witt�intErest thereon et the rAte of � ,I
<br /> � S►etv.ent( p 96)per annum, end � i ��'�"'�
<br /> � I c. The performance of'I�uatore covenante and ngreemente. ' ��___
<br /> This Deed uf Truet. the Note, and any other inntrument given to evidence or further secure the payment nnd � I °'.
<br /> � perPormance of aqy obligatIo�pROTECT THE 3ECURITY OF THIS DEED QF TRU6'C:�menta� I � --
<br /> � I 1. PAYMENT OF INDESTEDNE3S.Tnietor ahall pay when due the principul of,and th�intoreaE on,the indebted nees � —
<br /> PviAnnced bv the Note.charaes,feea and ull other eume ae provided in tho Loan Inatcumonts. � I I
<br /> � ( •--- ^-- '
<br /> � 2. TAXES AND ASS�9SMENTS•Truetor nhall pay all taxes and special oeaesamonia oi every kin3,nuw ui ..r,ea��r. I
<br />- levied ngufnat the trust eatate or sny parf.thereof as follows: I
<br /> (initial onel
<br /> X '[�uetor ehall directly pay euch tnxea,without notice or demund ne each installniont oomes due end shnll provide
<br /> � the beneficiary with evidence of the payment of the eame. I
<br /> Tn�etor ehs►II pay to beneficiary one•tweltth of the real eatt►te taxea euch mont3�and such other assesamenta n� _
<br /> - � . they becom��due.The one-twelfth payment shall be aa�ueted nnnual�y ae tho taxen xhange and tnistor agr�ees that
<br /> after payment of the tazee each year ttnst any defidency wiU be prompE�y puid Co BeneRciary.Beneficiary agreea
<br /> to�rov{de truetor with receipte showing that the real eatate taxea havo been FaEd in tiill and when due.
<br /> =' y 3. INSURANCE AND RE�AIRS. Trustor ehall malntnin fire end eatend�d cvverege inaurance inauring the
<br />_,. ,� ' improvementa and buildinge consti2uting part of the Truet Eatate for an ornount no leae than the amount af the unpda
<br /> .. �� principal balance o8 Che Note(co-ineurance not oxceeding 80%permIttedD.Such inuur�nco policy ehell contain a stnnderd
<br />��=•� mortgage clause in favor of Seneficiery and ehall not 6o cancell�blo,terminablo or modifiable wtthout tsn(101 daye�dor
<br />-:�-_ •.•. .
<br />---- '�;; ''�� written notice Eo Heneficiary.Truetor shall promptly repair,maintain nnd reploco the TrusE Eetate or any part thereofeo
<br /> -•�...-,�ur�r' �-
<br /> �"' -,,;;,�tf;:L: � , that,except for ordinery wear and tear.the Truet EatatQ ehall not deteriorate.In no event ehall the TrueWr comm t waote _ -_
<br /> ='��•`�•. .�:. , � pn oe tfl the'Truet Eatnte. , -
<br /> --='-''�';�'�j'�b. � � 4. ACTION3 Ak'FECfING'�RUST ESTATE.Trustor ehall appenr in nnd conteet any nction ar proceeding purporiing ,
<br /> s:�`'"��'' ' ta atFect tt►e eecuri2y i�ereotor the rights or powere ot Boneficiary or Truetee,end ehell pay all wats end expeneee,including ; '
<br />'"".' ' � I oost of evidence of 2itle and attorney'e fees.in any auch Rction or proceeding in vvhich Benefcciary or'I�ustee may eppear_
<br />_''��""' � Should 1'ruetor fail to meko any payment or to do any act ae and in the manner provided in any of the Loan Inetrnmenta,
<br /> _� �:•. �
<br /> �.�3t .�". '"� Boneticiar�and/or'Prustce,each 1n ite own dfacretion,without obli�ntton eo to do and w3thout notico to or demand upon
<br /> _r ;:�. . , Truetor end without rel$asing Trus4,or from eny obligation,mny make or do the same in such manner and ta euch extent
<br /> �-::�"'' as either may deem necescary to protect the seeurity hereof. Truetor shall, immediaioly upon demand the��tor by
<br /> ,-�u.__;„
<br />-�- .`? Senetictary,pay all coste and expensee incurred by Beneficiary in connection with the exerctse by BenoQciary o t e
<br />-.,�;i���--»- foregoing nghts,inc7uding without limitation coete of evidence of titlu,court wafs,appraieale,surveys and attorney'a fma.
<br /> - ""'r� '� Any such ooets end oxpenaea not patd within ten (10) cieys of written domnnd ehall draw intereat at the default rete
<br />�:,;_r,::.:. t
<br /> - '°'�Trp�• „ psovided in the Note.
<br /> - � b. EMINENP DOMAIN. $hould the Trust Estate,or fl�y part thereof or intereat 2fieroin,be takon or damaged by
<br /> • reaeon of any public improvoment or condemnation �sroc,eeding. or in anp other menner including deed in lieu of
<br /> ° i Condemnetion ("Condemnation").or ehould Truetor receive pny notice or other information regerding auch proceeding�
<br /> � 'IYustor ehall give�rompt written notice thereol'to Heneficiary. Seneficinry ehall be ent3tled to aID compensation,awerde
<br /> ; und other pnymonts or reltef therofor,and eha➢1 be entitled at its optton to commence,appear in and p�roeecute in ita own �_�-.'
<br /> - � name uny action or procoedinge. Heneficinry ehall nlso be emtitlucl to make nny oompromtae or settlemenL in rnnnecqon -" �- -
<br /> ,with auc5�takina or damage. All s�ch compensation,awardo.demages,righLs of action and proceede awarded to Trustor ��:��;;,::'
<br /> • � (the"4'rocesds")ere hereby nsotgned to Beaefiicinry snd'I'ruetar a¢reee to executo eueh flirther asaignments of the Proceed�s �;.c ,:�s.
<br /> ' ;' ae Beneficinry and'Ilvstor a�eea to eaecutv euch ti�rther aseignmente of the Proceeds ae Boneficiary or 7Yus2ee may i�:�;;yi'�'°
<br /> }�.�t
<br /> �.�.i requiro. , � ,'
<br /> y,�;,r--�,._.
<br /> � G. L'UTURE ADVE4NCE9. Upon request of'1'ruator,B�neficiery,et Aeneficiary s option,prior to reconveyanrn uf lhe i f`'':i� .
<br /> t Property 4.o Trustor msy make future advnncea to Trustor.Such fl�ture advancea,wiih internet thereon,sht�ll be aecuroci �''f'��
<br /> ' � � I by thie Deed of Truet when evidenced by promisaory notes etating that eatd notes are secured hereby. ,����
<br /> :: .. .-...�k^'-
<br /> .�._•:
<br /> 7, APPOYNTMENT OF SUCCE330R TRUSTEE. Benefciary may, from time to time, by a written inatrurn¢��i '��'
<br /> - _ - �
<br /> _ -- -
<br /> - executed and acknowledged by BeneScinry,mailed to 1'ruetor and HecorAeA m tne uounty in wnicn ine Truei cei.aie ia = _� „
<br /> located and by otherw{se comply[ng with the provisions uf the applicable luw of the State of Nebraska euba8itute n successnr
<br /> � or euccesaore to the Truetee named heresin or acting hereunder.
<br /> 8. SUCCE3SORS AND A95IGNS. Thia Deed ofTruet applies to,inurea to the benefit uf and binda nll partiee hemto.
<br /> ' their heirs,legateea,divorcee,porsonnl rnpresentatives,aucceasore mid aeaigne. The term"Beneftciary°ehAU mean lhe '
<br /> owner end holdor of the Note,whether or not named¢a BeneRciury herein. I
<br /> I I fl. IN3PECTIAN. Hene6ciery or itc+agent moy make reusont+ble entriea upon nnd inepectiana of the Property. I
<br /> ' Beneficisry ehell give Truetor notice et the time of nr prior to nn inapection epecifying reaaonable cnuae for the inepectlon.
<br /> ; I' 10. TRU5TOR NOT RELEASEU;FORBEAf�ANCE 8Y BENEFiCIARY NOT A iNAiVER. Extenaion of the time for i
<br /> I I pnyment or modification of amortization of the sume eecured by thia Security InsLrument grented by BeneficiAry to any
<br /> eucceasor in intereat of Trustor shell not operete to release tho Itability of the originnl Truator or TruRtor R euccesaoro in �
<br /> interest. BeneRctory shall nat be rrquired G�commence proceedi��Ac�nguinet any auceessor in intereat or refuse to extend I
<br /> time for pnyment ur otherwiee modify amortizattofl nf the r�umn �secured by thie 3ecurity Inatrument by rnnKOn of nny
<br /> demand mndo by the urikinu7 Truetor or'I'rustur s RucceF�ors in intereat. Any tarbeRrence bp Benet�ci�►ry in cxercisin;y on;; � ��
<br /> , � right or remedy ahnll not be n waiver of or prnclud�+lhe exPrciae of nny riQht nr rem�dy. :i ' ,
<br /> � � ..
<br /> t • ,
<br /> .
<br />