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<br /> � Ltrbilit • Co-si cr:�. Thc wvcnanu and n�;rccracnts
<br /> 11. Succeesore +uid Ae+�P.ne 8ound;Joini and 5tv�erue y, f�► ��
<br /> hc�cin containcd shall bind,nnd tlie ngl�ts hcrennd�r sliall inure to, thc respective sucacssors nnd asse�ns of Lendcr:►rtd
<br /> • 8orro«•e�r,sutsjcct to ttic provisions of paragcoph l6 hcreof. All coven.snts nnd ugrccmcnis of Borro���er slinll be joint nnd
<br /> • several, Any Borro�r•er�viio co-signs thfs Deed of Trust,hut dces nol execute tk�e Note,(a)is co•signing this Deod oF Tn�st
<br /> only to�rant and convcy tl�at Bonowcr's intcrest in thc Praperty ta Trustcc under the tcrms of this Dccd of Trust,(b)is not
<br /> r„rrc:�lly lin,hlc on thc Notc or under thic Decd of Trust,�nd(c)ngrces tt�at l.ender:tnd�ny othcr Bonowen c�rcundcr may '
<br /> " agree ro extend m�Y•fo�,er make any oQ�ee acoommodations tivith rcgard to the tcrms of Qus peal of 1'rust or thc
<br /> � Notc. witliout that Borrowcrs consent and�vithout rcicasfng thut Bono�►•c� or modifyia�g this Dced of Trust as to that �: .ti�-
<br /> • ° `! � Borra�r�ers intcrest in thc Property. ' ._:.
<br /> � �� ;7_`
<br /> 1!. Notfce. Except for any notice rcquirai under applipble law to be givcn in another mamier,(a)flny notice to :;.�
<br /> � Borro�ver providr,ct for in dris Deed of Ttust shnll be�iven by delivcring it or by mailing such noUcc by certifiod mail 1.,.:i1:
<br /> addressed to Borrower at tha Property Addmss or at such other address as Borrowcr may dcsignatc by noUoc to Lendcr as '.:�
<br /> provided herein,and(b)any notice to Lender shnll be�iven by certified mail to Lender's address stnted herein nr to such ;1'�.:.�
<br /> other address as I.ender may designate by noricc to Borrower as provided Iicrcin My noticc p�vided in dris Dced of Trust � �:-_
<br /> shall be dcemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lender�vhen given in thc manner designated hcrcin. �'��-�'"'�
<br /> `•f�
<br /> � 13. Goveraing LAw; Severabil[ty. The state and locFtl laws applicable to this Dced of Tzust shall be the taws oi ��
<br /> ot
<br /> We jurisdiction in which We Property is located. 'I'Lie foregoing senteace st�all not limit ttie applicability of Federal law to __-__
<br /> � � this Deed of Trust. In the event that any pro'++ision or clause of tlnis Aeed of Tivst or the Plote conflicts with applicable law, �
<br /> �, such oonflict shall nat afl'occ other pmvisions of this Dc�d of Tn�st or the Plote which an be glven effect�vithout the ___
<br /> ;�� conflicting provision,and to this end the provisions of tlris De.�d of Trust a�i�l the Nate are declared to be severable. As used �,:,..-
<br />- herein, "costs","expenses"and"attorneys'fees"incliide all sun�s to the eactent not prohibited by a�plicable law or limited
<br /> � ' hcrcin.
<br /> ' •�, 14. Borrower's Copy. Borrflsver shall be fiunished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Decd of'Trust at the
<br /> .ry1,�
<br /> time of execudon or after recordation 6ereof.
<br /> `!�" 1S. Re6abflitation I.ain Agreement Borrowcr ahall fulfill all of Bocrower's obHgadons under tu►y home
<br />- -- -�� - rehabiIiiation,i�uy�o�cm�t,rcpair,or Qiher Z^��!�ment which Horrower enters into�vith i,ender. I.ander,at Leadet's
<br /> :+��4 optioa,may requirc Borrower to execute and deliver to Lendsr,in a form aoceptable to Lendez,an a.ssignmAnt of any dghu.
<br /> � claims or defcnses which Borrower may have againse parties whm suppiy labor, materials�:r servioes in connection with
<br /> improvemonts mnde to the Property
<br /> 16. Trxnefer of the Praperty ur a Sea�ticl�l Interest ie Borrower. If a1.3 or any patt of the�toperty ox arry
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or it a banofictad intcrest in Horrower is sold or transferttd aad Horromr is noi a naturnl
<br /> •.r � persoa) without Lender's prior writEwn concent,Lendcr may, at its option,rcquire imnt�cd�ate payment in full of all sums
<br /> se�ured by Uris Dced of Tnut. However.thia option sliell not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federab law
<br />' � � as of the date of this Dced of Trust.
<br /> _ ., �. � If Lender exercises this option, I.ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleradon. The notioe shall provide a FF:--
<br /> *'' � " �r ' period of not less tvan 30 days from the date thu nodce is delivered or mailed witliin wlcch Borrower must pay all sums
<br /> an
<br />-�� .��t�f�:., • thcse sums prior to thc oxpirauon of this period,Lender may invoke
<br /> _.:..,,,,z, secure�i by this Dced of Trust. V Bo�rower fails to pay
<br /> L. �,. . .,�� any re�ncdies permitted by this Deed of Trust without fu�ther notiso or demand on Barrower.
<br />,.
<br /> , % ,� NON-UNII�ORM COV�NANTS. Sorrower and I,ender further covenant and agree aa follows:
<br /> � 17. Accelcratton;Remediee. E:cept a� providxd in pnragraph 16 hereof,upon Borrower'e bre�ch ot any
<br />�,.� ,i,. �:� covenrint or agreement of Borrowcr in thi�Dad ot Tn�st,induding Borra�ver'e failure to pay,by the end ot ten(10) --
<br />- c�lendar dsye�lter the date they are due,any aum�eecured by this need oP Truet,Leader prior to�ccsleration eh�91
<br />—�--°�� gi�e notice to Borrower as provtded in pacitgr�ph 12 dereof epecitytng:(1)We bre�ch;(2)the�ction r+equired to care _
<br />-�:..:�y.:,•:�
<br /> � `"""'` `' such bre�cL;(3)a das�e,not teas t�nn 30 dAyn from the date the noHce ia mdled to BornoNer,by w6ich weh breYCh _�
<br />�-�� muet be cured; and (4) that taiture 4o cure such breac5 on or before the d�te epetified[n t6e notiee may reaal4 in
<br /> �`�' / ����� acceleration of the sume eecured by thle Dad o!Truat and eale of t6e Property. Thc aotice sh�ll further intorm =
<br /> r.:�;�..: _ _
<br /> ����'t���� Borrower of thc right to rcin�txt�after accelentioo and We right to bring n court acti�to�surt thc non-cristen�a �:
<br /> , , G of a detwlt or any other detease of Bomo�ver to�cceleraHon tnd s�le. It the breach fe eot cured on or before the �''�d
<br /> ° �: date apecified ie the notice,Lender�at Lender'a opQon,may dec[are�ll o!the wma secured by this Deed of Trust to f�';--
<br /> `- ba fmmediately due And pxyxblc wttkout finrthcr dem�nd and m�ty iavoke the poNer ot a�ls and any other rcmediea
<br /> .,i„ permittW d�y applFcnble law. L,ender shnll be endtled to cu!!cet all co�ts and e:pensee[ncurrcd in pureaSng the :��;
<br /> '��' ' �+CR1EIIlG�)pO11IdCd ID�1Q8 p1lA�'Aph 1�tQ thC CZtl4�pCl'm�KCII Df AppO�CQb�C IiN. _
<br /> ��'`��� � : If Lcader involce�the power of ssdc,Lender or Truatce stia1D rosil�copfea oi a notfcc ot ealc ta the ma�a�r
<br />� , preacribed by applicpble law to Borrower und to the other peraona presCrlbrd by applicable IAw. Tru�tee sha1�give =
<br /> naticc ot s:[e by pa�lis adverN�ement for thc timc�nd tn thc ma�uer prestrib¢d by�ppiicabl�law. Trustee,withau4 .
<br /> � ,,� : dcm�nd on Borrower,ah�ll sell the Property At public xucttoe to the hig6est bld�ler for cesh nE the time xnd place
<br /> .. . .
<br /> �� and undcr the tcrm�dcsignattd in tCe noticc of ealc in one or more parcela s�ud In sucti order as Truatce mAy ,
<br /> — - _ . ... .. _ ___.__�.��..���..� �u....�wv noM�l nf the Pronertv to a�RV IYtt1'timC On thC sY111E d7ltC by
<br />- :_ - --- -
<br /> � 11C[l�I�G lIVEICC mw]�+ttatErvu..n�...... ......� —� r---- -- -- - ' -
<br /> , public announcement at the tim� and plACe o1F any prevtoue�y scheduled eale. Lender or I.ender'� desi�ce mAy
<br /> purch�ac thc Property�t uuy eale.
<br /> Truatce ehall detiver to the purchaser Trunee'e deed conveying the P�roperty so sold wit�out suy covenant or
<br /> warranty,esprcaae+d or impl[cd. 'I'hc recital�in the TrustEe'e deed shatl �c priroa tac[c evidencc ot the trut6 ot t6c ,
<br /> � statemcet� made there➢n. Tn�stee ahali apply t6c procced�of the eals ie the toltowing order. (a) to all costa nnd
<br /> � � c�eesee c:ercising thc power of aale and of tNe eale,iucluding Trustee'�fce�not c:cecding S%of the autat�nding
<br /> __ principil balxnce and attorneye'tces and coste of dtle evidence;(b)to ell sums eccu�ed by this Deed ot Trust;pnd(c)
<br /> �� to thc payment of Jue�or Trus3 dced�,mortga�ea or othcr lir,nholdcre��nd (d)thc c:cea�, ii any,to thc person or
<br /> '. „ persone tega!ly cnNtted thercto.
<br /> Form i1739 NE (10/9G) Page 3 of 5
<br /> � i
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<br />