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<br /> ' Vhtl '� ' � - .t.
<br /> �� .. � ' /l. . . ..t
<br /> ..�.,�. .. . .,
<br /> •�F ' .. . .. . �'A� . _.'.
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<br /> • . .. • • -a- A:��",�i� ,�'97 �Q .�i� ,,.. :`'
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<br /> . 11. Succceeore end Aeslgne liaund;Joint and 5cvcral Y.lab111ty; Casl{;r.�era. Thc covcnnnts und ngrcc►nents
<br /> 1 I�crcln containcd stmll bind, And tnc dslus hcecnndcr shall Inurc to,thc rcspcctivc cucccssors nnd assi�ns of Lendcr and
<br /> Borra�vcr,subjcet to tha provisior�s of paragrnph 1G liercof. Ail covcnnnts nnd i�gresmcnts of Honowcr sl�all bc ja9nt nnd
<br /> ecver�l. Any Borro�ti�cr�vho co-signs this Bccd of Tn�st,but does not exccutc thc Note, (n)is oo-s3gnin�tt►is Dccd of Trust
<br /> . I only to grnnt und convcy that Botta«�cr's int�rest in thC Property to Trust�undcr the tenns of this Dced of Tnist,(b)ie not
<br /> perr,on�lly liable on Qie Note or under this Dced of Teust,nnd(c)ngrccs tt�nt l.ender n�id nny other Borro�ver hereunder may
<br /> ngrc ro cxtcnd,modify,forbcar,ar mukc ony athcr aocflmmaintions aith rcgnrd to thc tcrms of this Decd of'Crust or U►c
<br /> Notc, witltou! Umt�onowcrs consent And without releasin�that Horrowcr or modifying Uds Dced of Trust as to that •
<br /> •..:.:= . Horro�vcrs intcrest in thc Properiy. �
<br /> ,
<br /> T � 12. Notice. Except for tuny notice required under applicnalc Inw to be�iven in anothcr manner,(a)any notios to
<br /> Bono�r�cr prnvidcd for in this Dced of Trust shall be givcn by dclivcring it or by mailins such nouoe by certified mail ; ••;:•i�;;Y
<br /> addressod to Horro�vcr at Uie Property Addtess or nt such othcr address as Borro�ver may designate by notice to Londer as .. .;���y�;
<br /> providcd herein,and(b)any notioe ro Lender shall be given by certificd mnU to I,cndcr's address stated horesin or to such `"'��_'�_�_
<br /> • •�±�.,�.�
<br /> � other addres9 as Lender may dcsignate by nodoc to Horrower as pro�✓idcd l�erein. Any noticc provided in this Decd of T�ust °ti•n:�.-�;.
<br /> shall bc decmai to havc bcen�iven to Horruwcr or Lcnder whcn�iven in thc munn�r designated herein. —
<br /> h,;;.,
<br /> .- --. -� 13. t�over�ing Law;Scvcrabiii�y. Thc st.ttC zutu Iuud Ia�'s a�p�t.�t:::�:.':i��.,,.�~'..cf Tr:..'".:.t:�.'!!��ha ln�vc nf _ ���-__----
<br /> the jurisdtction in whi�h the Ptoperty is loc-�tod. The foregoin�senLence shnll not limit the applicability of Feder�tl la�v to � `,���.- _
<br /> � this Ba;d oi Trust. In the event that any provision or clause of thi�Decu af Tnst or the Note conDicts�vith applicable law, -���
<br /> .. ' y., ,,�rA.._.i
<br /> � such conflict shall noi affect other provisions of thls Dced of Tnist or tlne Note which can be �iven effect without the •4.—
<br /> " • conflictia�provision,and to this end the provisions of this Decd of Trvst and the Note are declazed to be severable. As used '. °ro..'_
<br /> hercin,"oosts","expenses"and"attomeys'fees"include ull sums ta the extent not prohibitedby applicable la�v or timited —�'�"°"'
<br /> 4, -
<br /> .� f�crein. ��r�—
<br /> , •� 14. Borrower'e Copy. Borrower shall be fumished a conformed cogy of We Note and of this DEed of Tn�st at the --
<br /> time of execution or tifter racordation hereof.
<br /> 'V �'
<br /> " —� 15. Re6tbllitation Lo�n Agoceme�t. Horrower shall fulfil� al! of Hoaower's obligations under any home
<br /> , �—
<br /> rt�atsi!}i�ifa�,�,m�mv��jl� IP�;T��r��her Inan aeneement wtuch Bornflwer enters into with Lender. Yrnder,at Lender's
<br /> option,may require Borrower to execute and deliver to Leader,in a form accegt3ble to Lender,an assignrrtaEnt of ae►y rights,
<br /> claims or defenses which Borrow�er may have against parties wlio supply laL^or,materials or services in wni►ec�ion dvith
<br /> ,. improvements made to the Properiy. -
<br /> 16. Trxnstcr oi We Prope�ty ar A BeneficiAl Iatereat �n &r�vrer. If all or any part of the Propetty or any
<br /> � interest in it is sald or transfemed(or if a beneficial interest in Sacrawer is s�td or transferred and Bozrower is not a natural
<br /> � person)without Lender's prior written oonsent,Lender may,at Its ap0ian, r�eqeiire immediate payment in fitll of all sums
<br /> ' sec�ued by this Deed of TmsY. Howevcr,this optton shall not ba exercIsed by I.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law
<br />�+ � as af the date of this Deed of TYust.
<br /> . If Lender exerciscs this opaon, I.ender shall give Borrower nohce of aoccleration. T'ne notice shall provide a
<br />- - � period of not less than 30 days from the date the noHce is delivered or msWcd within which Borrower must pay all sums
<br /> � --•`. � sccured by this Dced of Trust. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration af this period,L.euder may invoke
<br /> ,'�,��,,,,; any remedies permitted by this Deed of Tnut without further norice or demsind on Borrower. —
<br /> "`'� , , NON-iJNIFORM COVENAN'fS. Horaower and Lender fiirtlier covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> '' � 17. Accelxratlon; Remediea. Exce�t ae provided in pangra.�1� 16 hereot,upon Sarroaer'e breach ot any
<br /> - - - �°%,:,, covenant or Rgrament of Borrower fn this Dced ot Trust,iaclualing Bmvnower's fsWure to pay,6y t6e cnd of tcn(10) _ _
<br /> � -: ���'`�,�:�; cxlea¢la�days after the date they u�c dae,any sume aecured by t61s Decci of Truat,Lender rrior to acceleratfon�6all
<br /> - -_; ;.,:_„ " give not7ee to Borro�ver as pcnvided 9n paragrap612 hereof apocif�In�q:(1)the breac6;(2)the actloa requircd to c��
<br /> ,ri�'•��'~;_ � suc6 brcach;(3)a date,not les�t6�n 30 days from the date We notice fs mailed to Borrowcr,6y which euc6 brcach
<br /> .� mu�t be cared; aad (a)that tailur+e to cure s��c8 brGtc6 on or Detart+e IIE�a date epecified in the aotice may result[n —
<br /> •��'F���, �� accr.lerxHon of tbe sums secur�d by t6ia Deed of Trast and sale af 4h��'roperty. The notice shall further inform
<br /> :;� ,��;;..,.,,. —
<br /> �,.;;::;;��;i:;;r' ; Borno�ver of the right to ne[natnie iftcr Acceleratfon and ti�e right ta bring a court t�cRaoe to As�ert the nan�ieYence �,
<br /> `�����'�`� ,: r � of u iletault or any other defenae of Borrower to acccleration and eale. If Rhe breacih le not cured on or befonc the --
<br /> '" � date epecif�ed in the notice,Lender,at Len�ler'e option,may declare all of the euma eecurcd by thia Decd of Trust to "=-_
<br /> � � bc immediately due wd payAble Nitbout fu�t�er dcmand and may invoke the power of aile�nd any other remedtes .-�;.;,:--.-
<br /> ' � permitted by applleable la�r. Lender ehaDl be entitled to col➢ect all costs und e�a�ee incurre�i in pursuing the �������
<br />