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;r.: ,� .'��t� � .� , � .� . ..1�,_;y�-S;. , r� .� . <br /> �� , ...oiYJ.:.'� <br /> ��v . <br /> ., . .,'>- <br /> h" . � .. „ ^ n .i� -. <br /> ., r, ..ti'_,' . . , .. w....-.w •,.. � .� h(1 �i._'�F.. — —_ <br /> � � �'�I!�t/'�"'b.Y�'ii�'�.���r'"�.��3lsM�lec!lSi�AtfrluaYS�li_�=�.�- . <br /> ._....__'.'� ���!!3Y!lM2L`!nt!+ir' ." _. <br />. —��` _ <br /> � -�,;-_:-,- 970 � <br /> .,i ,� <br /> N W��-'. .r 4 principal smount of the Indobtedness secured by tltle Doed of TrUat.not Includlnp suma advanced to protect the;O ry of¢h�DQed of <br /> .a Trust,oxcead the oripinal princlpal amount stutod her�ln,or S •'� ,whlchavar is greater. <br /> � te.Mlscrtiwnaous Pmvt�lono. <br /> • - �," (ay Borrowar Not R�ato�ced.Extonalan o1 tho tim�for paymant or moditicatlon ot amoitlzatlon at tho sums secured by thi3 - <br /> ; ; Deed oi Trust flrented by lendar to any auccossor In Interest ot Borrower ehall not operate to reloase,In any manner,tto Ilablll- _ <br /> � „r ty oi the Aripinel Borrower aRd Borrowars successore In IntereAt. Len�er shall not be requlred to commence proceed!nga <br /> � agalnat such successor or retuse to exterd time lor payment or otherwlse modity amortizatlon af the eums securad by thla <br /> ' z Dee�d of Trust by reasan ol any domnndv made by thv orlgln4l Bnrrower ertd Borrower'e successors in Intorest. <br /> � , > � (b)L�ncN►'�Pavr�n.Without aNectin0 the Ilabtlfty o1 eny other pereon Ilable tor the payment oi any obllpation hereln men• <br /> tloned,and wlthout nflectlnp tho Ilon or ch�arge of this Deed of 7rust upon any portlan of the Properlyr not then or theretotore _ <br /> released as securiiy(or f5e iull arnaunt ol all unpald obllgallona, Lond�r rnay,irom tlmo to Umo and tilithout noticr� (I)retease , <br /> .,��;;��,,� dny person sn Ilable,(II) ezlend the mahtriry or alter eny of the tsrma o}eny such obllpatlone,(Ilq grant other I�dulpcincee,(iv) _ <br /> =���l retease or convay, or cause io be rei�raaed or reconvayad at nny tlme et Lender's optlon any parcal, portion or all oi lhe <br /> ���� Proporty,(v)teko or releaso any oth4r or e.dditional sacurity or reconveyed at any time at Lendor's optlon any parcel,portlon or <br /> all of the Property,(vi)take or retaase any other or additional security for any oblfgailon herein mentloned,or(vii)make compo- <br /> � sitlona o}other arrangernentc with dobtara in relatian thereto. <br /> ,t .� (c)Forb�uencs by L�nde►Not�WM��rar.Any to�boarance by Lender in exerclsing any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- <br /> ;� onviso aftordad by appllcable Inw,shall not be a waiver of or prectude the exerclss o}any such dght or remedy.The procure- <br /> ' � ment oi fnsurence or the payment of ttuces o►other Ilens or charges by Lender ehall not be a walvar or Lenders�ight to acceler- <br /> ato the maturity of tha indebtednoss secunod by this�eed of TNSt <br /> (d)Suece�wrs�nd A�slyns Bourodl;Jotnt and S�veral Llabliity;C�ptiona.Tt�e covenan;s and agreements herein con- <br /> " tained shall btnd, and the dghte horeurtd�r shall Inure to, the respecUve successora and assigns of Lender and Trustor.All <br /> covenante and apreoments ai Trustor shnll be Joint And several.The capt�ons and headings of the paragraphs oi this Deed of _ <br />°e�;y . Trust are for convenlence only and aro rt�t to ba used to interpret or define the provisfons hereof. <br /> (e)Rpwst tor Nottco�.The parties hnreby request that a copy oi any notice of default horeunder and a copy of any notice <br /> ' -- �- — oi setff nereunnar aa mai�ed .c v�cn�+�r,?:v ::::::v�a�i af Trust at the address set forth above in the manner prescd�ad by <br /> � ., � appticable law.Except tor eny other noUco required under applicable law to be given In another manner,any noUce providad tor <br /> ° t in this Deed oi Trust shall be given by n�tciling such notice by ceriifled mail addressed to the othar partlos,at the addresa set <br /> � , torth abovo.Any notice provided tor In t(Us Deod oi Trust shall be oNectivo upon malling in the manner designated herein. If <br /> • Trustor is more than one person,notice sont to tha address sat toAh above shail be notice to a11 such pePSOns. <br /> , �`,,. . (�In�p�ctlon. Lender may make or ceuse to ba made reASOnabte entries upon and ins��dons of the Property,p�ovlded <br /> . ,,;:a: � that Lender shall give Trustor notice pdor to any such inspecdon specitying reasonable cAUSe Ynsrefor�oteted to t.ender's inter- <br />_ � •w,,� est In the Property. <br />',� . (g)Reconveya�ce.Upon paymc;nt ot ali sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shait request Trustee to reGOnvAy the <br /> � ' Property and shall surrender thla Deed oi Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtednesa secured by thla Deed ot Trust to v <br /> �•..�::�,.;:�. Trusteo.Tnastee shall reconvey the Pi�orty,withuut warranty and without chargo to the person legally enUUed thereto.T�uator <br /> w;�,x.� .,:;� � shall pay all costs or recardation,if any. <br />- ��• (h)Persoml Property; Secudty Apr�nement. As add(tional securlty for the payment of the Note. Tn�stor horeby grents <br />='.'��_' �:��, Lender under the Nebreske Unlform Cammercial Code a security Interest tn all fixtures,equipment,and other pereonal property <br />_ ;-°:;s M�xt� � used in connection with the�eal estato or Improvements iocateci tnereon,and not oiherwise daciarod or duni�ien;iv:,a a�rt a: - <br />�;fi;;:my,,,;�,., the real estate secured hereby.Thia lns�•ument shall he construed as a Security Agreement under ea{d Code.end the Lender _ <br />�-�:: � shull have all the hghts end remedies of a sec�red parly under seid Code in addiNon to the righte and remedles under this <br />-'��;;�:�'�=� paragraph shsll be cumula0ve wiih,and f�i no way a Iimitatfon on,Lender's dghts and remedies under any other security agras- <br /> '"`'°'`�-` ment signed by Borrower or Trustor. <br /> -__<�'�b��'� (q Llens and Eacumbrances.TNator horeby warranta and represen�9 that there Is no defauit under tfie provisiona of any <br /> "�� mortgage,deed ot tnrst. lease or purcFut�se contract descri�tng all or any part of the Property,or other conVact,instrument or <br /> - °�'�� egreemant constituting a Ilen or encumh�rance agatnst all or any pert of the Property(collecUvely,'Uens',exlstlng as of the <br /> --°-='_=""°� date of this Deed of Trust,and that any end a0 existing Liens remafn unmodlfied excepl as dfsclosed to Lender in Trustore wrft- <br /> --,.�,;°��� ten disclosure ot ilenc and encumbrances provided for hereln.Truator shaU timety pertorm all of T�ustor's obUgations, <br /> �--^•.r��:���e covenants,representations and war�antias under any and all exisNng and tuture Uans,shail promptly forvraM to Lender coples <br /> -��� o}a!I notices ot detault sent In connacUrn wlth any and ali existUg or future Uons,and shail not without Lenders prbr wdtton <br /> N:_;��� consent in any manner modity the provinions ot or a�low any future advances under any exisUn�or tuture Ilecis. <br /> __._—_ Q)Applicatlons of P�ym�nts.Unless othenN(se requi�ed by law,sums pa{d to Lender hereunder. induding without imita- <br /> .,�--�� tlon paymonte o}pdnclpal and Interest, lnsurance procoeds,condemnaUon proceeds snd rents end proNts,stoaq be eppNed by <br /> --- - Londer ta the emounis due and owinfl from Trustor end borrower in such order as Lender in its sole discretion deems desi� <br /> able. <br /> � (k)SsvKabllity.If any provisfcn of thls Deed of Trust conflicts with appl{cable Iaw or is declared invalid or otherwlse ta�en- <br /> toroeable,such contl�t or Invalfdiry alu�tl not aitect the od�er provistons of thts Deed af Trust or the Note wh6ch can be 9iven <br /> -_--- effect witttout the conH�tinp provlslon,and to this end tfie prov(sfons ot tfi(s Deed oi Trust and the N,�te are dedared to be sav- <br /> - -— orablo. <br /> — - (Q Term�.The terms"Trustof snd"�7orrowe�'shall include both singuiar and plurel,and when the Trustor and @o►mwer are <br /> - -- the same persort(s),thoseterms as used In this Oeed of Trust shall be interchangeable. <br /> — (m)Oov�miR�law.This Deod ot Tiust shall be govemed�by the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br /> .u.���� <br /> .�;:�„��� <br /> --�:y�9� <br /> _Z_;�.Y`l?"�.Y,�� <br /> ' -::�'Y•'s�_. <br /> .. 'c'�Ev.� r <br /> �Y:,��f•:: y{ �....Y�un� M'�.�.-.�...r�� :� rt•� . <br /> r. ''r)t,,., ..i t <br /> --t}�,.,=".i>;;,.-,�'� 'I Trusto�has executed lhls Qeed ol Tausi�s ot tl18 d929 wfltten above. <br /> �� �';v:,Y�r: <br /> Y .. `"'�� Tiusior Trustor <br /> �Y :�: :�,y , ..���'l� � <br /> .� �l <br /> _ _:_:. --:Y":�I �\_�C��l� ,��-.��� � _ <br />_., „ , , _�" .., � �'Z� . ..� � Trustor Trustor <br /> • � <br /> - . <br /> _ .. <br /> . <br /> - l . . ... ___..--- . ...__ .._. _ � - - : . <br /> , .. ... . .....__---- .. _ _- - __ _,. . . --.. - --- - <br />