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<br /> THIS QBED OF TfiU3T,is msda es o!the day o! � ,18 � ,by end emong
<br /> , , . . .. . .. � . �r, � ,�.• ., . � .�
<br /> the Trustor,_ � ' __
<br /> ,.�,,,, .. , • , o'
<br /> ,. � whose malling address is (hereln'Trustor",whether one or more), Qi�
<br /> . d the TNStee � � '
<br /> �. , , , , . , , _ . . ,, ,.,
<br /> whose maliing address Is (herein"Trustee�,and
<br /> the BoneflClsnr, �t":> r��1„t� n��-�
<br /> ' - .a�' .. "{_..�_,,.,;�.11 f . -„i ( - I.'r.(i� M( L.l:�li1... „'J i
<br /> � whose mailinp address la (hereln"Lende�.
<br />_ r�...�r.':� .�era
<br /> " FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,tncluding Lenders eMension of credit Identified herein to
<br /> (hereln"Borrower,"whethor one or more)and the trust herein areated,the receipt
<br /> � o}which Is herebv acknowledgad, Trustor hereby Irrevocably granta,transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> � -� ' FOWE�R OF SALE,for the benotit and secudty of Lender,undar and eubJect to the tem�s snd contlttwns nereinafter sei iorfi,ihe reai °
<br /> •�: ? • pfORB("7���a��°.�QW��IOr'N, 7�•!C' ;') �'.1.. �.'JI!ll I"�,7�11'G5 lGl�:-1 ��L1R��lUi`'ifl't l:7Y (1F rr�Up
<br />-' . . .. , lii•�.� . ''� , ''� 1�! �•.
<br />�r•�'��;"�H'r
<br />��T� � Topether w(th ail bufldings,Improvement�,fixtures,streete,alleys,passageways,easements,►ights,pr(vlleges and e,pEwrtenances
<br /> �������• ""r located thereon or In anywise pertaining thereto, and the rente, issues and proflts,reversiona and rema(ndere thereaf,and such per-
<br />"''"'`'a� sonal property that Is sttached to the improvemenYs so as to constitute a fixture,(nciuding,but not Iimtted to,heating and cooling equip�
<br /> �°�` ""''�' ment;and together wlth the homestead or maritai interests.If any,whlCh Intereots are hereby released and walved;all of wh�h,Inctud-
<br /> _�.��. ,.. „-
<br />-;��:�, ing replacementa and addltions thereto,is her�by declared to be a part of the real estate secured by the iten oi thls Deed of Trust end
<br /> ��"��� ''�:� ali of the foregoing betng reterred to heretn as the°Property".
<br /> v_�.. ..
<br />��,�;:�:;:.-�:.w This Deed of Trust ahaU eecure(e)the payment of the pdncipal sum encl interest evldenced by a promissory note or cradit agree�
<br /> ��'�t�'�f:71 mentdated. p;�•, i > >+, �aq-L ,havingamaturitydateof ^.i,+��i 7+n �.� ,
<br /> x-�!�4nre�
<br /> °-�"�� in the orig�nal principal amount of $ ' • '� ,and any and ali moditications,extensio�s and renewals
<br />"'�''-�'��� theraof or thereto and an end aJi tuture advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them tf mare than one)horeuntfer pursuent
<br />��J'"`��� to one or more prom(ssory notes or credit agreements(herein calted"Note�;(b)the payment of other sums advancod by Lender to
<br /> ':�"'YL r;l..
<br /> s.::�� profect tha secudty of the Note;(c)the performanc9 of all covenants and agreemonts of Trustor set torlh herein;and(d)all prosent end
<br />__�t�,�� tuture Indebtedness and oblfgations of Iiorrower(or any of them if more than ono)to Lender whether dinect,indirect,ebsolute or contln�
<br /> _,�.��.€,;;.�«a'� gent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overtfraft or othenvise.The Note,this Deed of Trust end any and ail other documenta that
<br /> -��� '�' secure the Note or otherwise executed in connectlon therewith,Including without Iimitation guerantees, security agreements and
<br /> asslgnments of leases ond renta,shall ba reterred to herein as the'Loan Instrumonts".
<br />;:�:.:L:.::.:,� Trustor coversants and agrees with Lendor as followe:
<br /> __„�.,�, .
<br /> — �.�::.:-.� '�I 1. R�ymsnt of Indebtednass.Ail indebtedr�ess secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> =_��;�� �u,,r 2. TiW.Trustor is the ownar of the Proporty,has the right and euthodty to convoy th8 Property,and warrante that the Ilen creat-
<br />-' � ��""�' • ed hereby is e first end prior Ilen un ihe Property,except ior liens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor In writing and delivered to
<br /> "t_ .• - .. .
<br />-?" "'.'• ".. Lerldef bef0�e 6XeCUtIOD Of th18 D86d o9 TIUSt,and the execution and delivery of thls Deed ot T►ust does no!violato any contract or
<br />�?' other obligatlon to which Trustor Is aubJect.
<br /> - 3.Taxes,Assen:ments.To pay betore delinquency all taxes,special assessments and all othor charges agai�st the Pro�orty
<br /> i ��� now or hereafter levted.
<br />;r ��� h.Inwnnc�.To keep the P�nperty Insured against damage by 8re,hazards fncluded withi�the term"extendad coveraya",and
<br /> - such hszarda ae Lender may roqulre,in amounts and with compantos acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additlonal named
<br /> '� � � , � Insured,with loss payabte to 9ho Lender. In case ot loss untler such policies,the Lender Is authorized to adJust,collect and oompro-
<br /> '�� mise,all claims thereunder and shall have the optlon of apPlying all or part of the Insurance prxeeds(I)to any fndebtedness secured
<br />-� ` horoby and In such ordar as Lender may detertnine,(il)to the Trustor to be used for ths ropair or restorat(on of the Propert�r or(Uil for
<br /> ' ' "`�'I� arty other purpose or object saUstactory to Lender without s(fecting the Ilen ot this Deed of Trust tor the fult amount secured hereby
<br /> '�`�� __� before such pavment ever took place.Any applications of proceeda to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date oi any
<br /> ; paymente undor the Note,or cure any dAfauit thereunder or herounder.
<br /> � 5.Eaorow.Upcm written demand by Lender,Trustee shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designate,suHlclent
<br /> sums ta enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the totlowing:(f)aIi texes,asses�mente and other charges aganst -
<br /> , the Propnrly,(Ii)the premiums on the property Insurence required hereur►sler,(iii)the premiums on any mortgage Insurance required bq
<br /> Lendar.
<br /> - 6. IVlalntenance,Repalro and Complianco with Lawa. Truator shail keep the PropeRy in good conditton and repair; shall
<br /> - � promptty repafr,or replace any Improvemont which may be damaged or destroyed;shall no2 commit or pertnit eny waste or dateriora-
<br /> tion ot the Property;shail not remove,demolish or substantially aiter any of the improvomento on the Property;shall not commit,suNer
<br /> - or pertnit any act to be dono In or upon the Property In violation of any law,ordinance,or regulation;and shall pay and promptly dis-
<br /> - charge at Trustor's cost and expense all Iinns,oncumbrances and chargos levted,Imposed or accessed aflalnst the Pr�peRy or any
<br /> pa�t there�f.
<br /> - � 7. Eminent Qortuln.Lender fs heroby essigned all campensatlon,ewards,damages and other payments or reliei(horefnaiter
<br /> �ec�er a+o�ro�•r nwm rw s�
<br /> 1 o�ae�wua+u aw a commwrnr�w 6„ti,peM�ocnr,R ucoh x�Or.w . .
<br /> • I
<br /> " �
<br />