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.,v,_,d ':nij;�'i���y ✓���`.tiR"` ;�i-� ' ' <br /> ;' _ . � r F' ::-. <br /> � � -7r �k��FY.fri i +Pr �1 s'� 11t i���i`,# . . . ._ ' - .�.. ..'If�,.1.�t ._ <br /> ' .� . ' ._3�.;�.�.c. .�..�'.'1.4$�JaL,.t.�.....a:w.,�'�,. - `1�,`.�:�ffYW�iliWiMWYGU.._.... ._'. __ _--__' _.___ . . <br /> t� LO�M 1: 010967614 <br /> �. � • BAY.I.UON NCf'i'� ADD�NDUM 9�°�y,C3�i�'� <br /> (CQNDITIOIVAI.RIGHT'TO I2EFINAN�CT) --- <br /> 4YN NOYEMR@R 92 � <br /> -= — <br /> 7HIS BALt004 NOTB APllENUUM b m�de�his............dry of_.................................. 19....,md is incor(wdlcd INO�nd �-:._ <br /> shill 6e aetmW m a e d nd tu le cm the D+Ilaon }�oe mnde by the usdencigncd phe •'Iforrower") in fuvor of �=u�:-,_ <br /> C.ORIApTG1E�Re�l1'il �IROfE �Q2 GOP oTet�a� <br /> ................... .................................�..................�............................................_(Uw"Lender y and da�cd�hc same dn�e n� 7�r._.. <br /> __; <br /> �hisAddrndum(Ihe"Nom").Theinteratn�ssuudantheNotelswllad�he"NoteRate."TM1edamohheNoteisulled�hc•'Noic �°- <br /> _ t�:ig`y'!' <br /> Dau.•• <br /> ___ 1 q6o Oo�tower)undentnnd�he Lender m�y uanikr the Note,U�e rel�tal Mortgoge,pecd of Trusi or DeW m Secure Do4�Qhe �;;,;;.: <br />- "Secndq InslmmeN'�and ILIs Addendam.7i:e Lender or enyone who�akes�he Note,Sccuri�y tnstremenl and this Addendum Ly ,.;;;,:.: <br /> _= uar.xftr ar.d nta ts zetitlW to rr.xi�x�5�'-nts undrr P•e Notc is eai¢d ihe"Nom Ho!der.•• �' <br /> .��v ADD17tONAaOmYtrT�tANP&. [aadditioniotiuem�enoN+andagreem,eatsintCeSccurity0astrv-ect,L�"orroceer,andLender, � ; <br />�_ = funher cnvcnant aod fd'uns p:ayite any�TW3 to ihe wr.lrary ec:txie�n Ure S.�cericy lnxtRment or the Note): ���-_:��- <br /> __ <br /> -:.�a 1.C�?.'R17ID�lALAIOFft'fOff.FkF.�IAT�C£ , <br />.,,.�� 1�the m�lud�y date ot�he Nou and S:cun�y0�i��}t 4U+s"Note r1���1}ati').1 wvl be abI^to obtsin a�a 1,xn � {i -��. <br /> . � � <br /> � 1..Kcw Loan")wlih a ner tdmm�ty Duc a£_..._.............._..............................._.(tAe"New AfawriiY Dste')an.l ai[a an 5 .. <br /> _ 9nterrst nte eqcil to tM1e"New Lan R��c'drtttr.imcd In u�cordaMe wi�h S:ction 3 6elow if il�h:ca�+:xns providnl in � <br /> �' -EZCtions t and S 6eiow are met(�he•'Condirios..t Rcfinana Option'�. If ilese mnditions orc na ma.� andasund thu the r . <br /> ,��� Noi�HolderisuodernooDlig�tlonlorzfinmce�hc:�de,ortomedifytheNotqrr•ttheNoteRnte,orextrr.G�hrNo�.eM.Nd�y s <br />�-'`-;f Dnu,ynd thu 1 will have to rep�y the No�e from cuy own raanrra or finA a lendcr wlllian to te^d me�he monoy�c icpay chr �<r�-� - <br /> tn�;' <br /> �� Nota � � -.. <br /> - ",'-, t.CO�DITIONS TD OPTION �, -- <br />`";�� If I want ro�erdse�Ae Condi�ional Refinance Option,nnaln ooaditions must M mn u of the Note Mamd�y D�ta Thae - - <br />�-J3";�" cendi�tons arr.(q I mus�still be�he owner and aecpant cf eh.:propeny subJee��o the Sm�ri�y Instmment(the•'Propeny"k """' <br />"''.��� (1)Imus�txcurrentinmymomhlyqymcrosendcamothmxieenmorethan30d�yslanartacyohhel2xhcdulcdmomhiy .�1,';.;''- <br /> '�}{- {�i7menis immediateiy prcading the Note MawAty Daro;(3)�here are no lirns,dc(�cls,or ea:r,.:branecs og�lnsl lhe Property, ;r, � <br /> v'-�� ' orahcr�dversemancnaf.alingtitlelo�heProperty(exeept(orlaxaandspecid�ssessmcntsnolyeldueandpayable)adsing <br /> r..a.,-��;j e�u�he Secud�y Imuummt wu rccordN;(4)the Tew I.can Ra�e cannot be more thm 5 pemntage potnts above the Nom =:.�_� <br /> 'i knre;�nd(5)!nnst m�ke a wrLisn«qua�lo�he Nou}3�1:ir As providcd in Section 5 bclow. c,_..; <br /> �t�� 3.CA7rC371AT1N0 THB LOAN NOTE RATE � �� <br /> �,, �{r <br /> The New La+n Rnte wfll be a fixed nle ot imcrnt:qcat io ihe Ped<rol Home I.oaa Mongage CorpotaP.on's rcGci:sd nel � � <br /> i ��� yleklfor3Q-}cacfixedratemotlg�gasubkenea3Ldaymanda�orydeliv¢foa,r..el�mem,p!usoae•hatfeQone�ruat(0.5'Yo), ��. <br />� °'��� roundtS lo�hc neeral on..�ghih of one arttnt(O.it7ifc)Bhe"New Lonn Rate').The rsquired n�l yi�M y7+ad te IF.e a;plieable -%` <br /> :'"41 n;1 rieid In e(fat on Ihe d�le and lime of day 1Aa1�he No:e}Io1Eer recefva nolia of nyekctnvi 10 ezercis:t�e Cto:�<ional � ;� <br /> .-...u3Ci R<nnana Op�lon. If�his aqulrcd nct yidd is no� avaiintle,ihc Note tiolder will dcier�ine�Ae New I.onn Raie Dy using l�.�_,� <br /> ,y �''� comparableinlotmatton. e � r• <br /> �� 4.CALCU4ATINGTHENEWPAYAfENTA�fOU!43 �� <br /> _�� Prodded IM1e New I.oan Rate as calculaled in Salion!a4o.e is not grealer than 5 perunuge po!nls above Ihe Nole Rate �, <br /> amt all olher WndlBons rryuired In Sec�ion 2 aborc etc e.i:nr,:d,1ht Nole Iloider wlll dctermine lhe�mount of ttr.ownthty )�� <br /> ���`;� Tnymant�hat wi:l be suffidmt ro«p�y in full(a)ihe unpaid pdncip�l, pius @)eocrucd but unpild intera6 plus(cJ aR other (, <br /> �-n� aums I uill ow�tunder the Note and Sccurity Instmmrnt on Ihe Note Ma�ud�y Da!e(auuming my momhly p�ymer.e lSen nre ! � <br /> v t.5+� �A ., <br /> yr� curtanl,as reqcircd ender Secllon 2 nbove).over�he mrm of�he New Loan ar.fie New Loon Rue in equal momhty D+Ymrnis. <br /> +� 7he rnuil of Ih's calculalion will be lhc amounl ot my new pdncipal and tntnat pnymcr,l evcry momh unlil Ihe Nea E.oan ic <br /> xY' Ya:L'.paid. � Yb�. <br /> � � <br /> �z . <br /> - 6. £%ERQ31IVCT1IECONDITtOYALBEFINANCEOPI'!Oti -. <br /> v�,� � =' <br /> The Noie Ilolder wiil notify me at Itast 60 calendar days in advance of Ihe Note Maluriry Da.e a,vt aAviu me of ihe �,a �- <br /> pdncfpal,attmed bm unpaid Inleraf,and all other sums i am expnlcd lo owc oo�hc Notc Malcfll>Wr:.Fhe No;e}loldtt � � <br /> --:,�� aim will advise me that I may cxercfsc Ihe Condi�ional Option if lhc mrditiom in Scclion 2 alwvt nrc mq.The Nole ia���- <br /> -�? Hoide!xill proride my paymenl nrord informaiinn,inguier Wilh Ihc name.litle and address of lhe persOn r<presrn�ing tht t � <br /> ���1} Note IIo!der Iha� I mus�noli(y in order lo ex<rcise Ihe Condnionel Refinance Op�fon.If 1 m«l 1he mndi�ions o(Stctian 2 }� <br />�-:;;�.y� above.1 mny eaercise�he Condilional Refinance Op�ion bY no:ifying the Note Hoidcr no eariier ihan 60 eaicndar days and no 1. e�t-� <br /> �:;F}j{ la�<r Ihan 43 ra!rniar dayi prior to ihe t:me]lawrily Daie.The Nofe fla:Cer will calcula�e�he fixcd New Loan Rate baud � ��•���- <br />:;;:y};J�j upon�he Pcd<nl 71ome Loan Mongagc Cerpo�a�ioni npplicable pu:fas[rd ce:�uittd nel yictd in<Rttt on ihe date and timc o! i��- <br /> "'N day nmi5calion is received by the Note flo:drr arA as<alcuimad m&:m»)a:ore.I willlhcn hme JOcalcndar dap to provide 4„•�. <br /> • � tEr Vote Holdrr�rith accq�.�{:;rmf cf in��eqvired ownvnhip.u«_a:c}aad propeny lien s�aWS.Ikfore the Note Mewri�p ��__,'. <br />�::Fi fi Detr the 4ou Ho!der xill at.i.:r..e��'.i!s r.ex im«nt rate Ohe Ke+ iaav Rak).new monthly paymenl amounl and n Jme. j�••>. <br /> �:S�Y:)Y �im<ar.d plae<a ahieh I muel arpeat:: ti.�r_�n�documenls rtqw:<d ra eempint Itu fequirad rcfinnncing.1 undtnlund�he �".. <br /> - KoteHo!deroJlcharytem<a51'O��ae..:rg:ec�adthe.mnasv�na�olxi�hthanereiuohheCondi�imiolRtfinanceOption. <br />� ir.:lud:ng but r.o:h:mled�o ih<cmt n(ul��'�:.F��<titl.ina--'xe:e(nhey. - <br /> ��-•��� �t�SIG91vG O[IOW,UORAU«"/Y 9:CC('.t]LG ejS:G 10IF.t([Itib 8OJ CO�tl�dNS tVa1011�N III IM1IS UdIL101�iCOif A�dflidllll�. � '�- <br /> �� IC� / A� �� _ <br /> � �._. <br /> � 1 c � <br /> ;: 1I':S`�. { (s�a�l <br /> _. _.. . ..... .. � <br /> � . atr.n� D I4ILTON 6oirowo� <br /> ',: � ��J y <br /> : �r��'r�r.i�,�!i�c�,frlil/� cs�:> � . <br />",'?!.(�� ..... - -- -'- SANf1RR' I KI It4FY.-MIl TO!! Dorrowor � <br /> _,..',�ty 1 <br /> � . S _._ _'__'__ ......_... ._ _..._ . _ _ ...___...____.._(Scap i <br />---i;,;��� Oorrowor � <br />.. .4h� (Sign Onginal Onlp� <br /> .s j':� <br />�-`=:i�?j i <br /> �'.tCs � <br /> r�5� ,` �Q[TtSTAltB�1.tANISCU7{:AUU1:V1�1]I�N{qtiA1(T�—S�niklam��—fnWkVaeCtillUk\II\SiY.I'SI!"\T IwmA91�lON0� <br /> l '� MULi1STATE r�caaao�r+Ewwroi� , <br /> '.,_ <br />