J ••r r �is��f`7� c: , r� ��r . _ �- l . ^, i
<br /> �� - :'.• ' y" .
<br /> •' t *.� h3jj.Y� ( - � l
<br /> - {-- r :��r l . �/t l i 1 u t s ,f�;"r
<br /> � i { ��il��t --f 1 �: �"}1 � : J S� }:i�cy�.z�Wtc�...ia.�'/'�Iln!�..r�Yl��r.:a.�,:,,ra._.�s_..�.•rr.f1.'whi��?Tk}-.- . . . `
<br /> . . ��i1F,�?F`tif:.-NxA(.."..,tai�,%TL�N54�i3�:.N%CrsS4G.C.eiAa� -- - .--- -_ _-...— . .. . ' "
<br />..-t;i�I,S'f,.f��� ' V�^a` _—_...
<br /> 9.03��'!
<br /> , � 17.Tnnsfer ot 16e Proprrty or t Benctki�l Interest In Rorrox�u.lf nll or any pan of thc Propcny or nny Interesl in it ,_„ -
<br />. _______..—_. is:old or hansferrul(or if a ixneficlal interes�in iforrower is mid ar iransRrcaf anA 6orrower Is no1�notural person)wl�haul a,�;--
<br /> L.endu's pdor wdttcm m�scN, Lendcr may, at ies op�ion, re�uirc immcdia�c pxymcnt in full nt all sums savrcd by ihis '���-"�'-
<br /> Securi�y Ins�mmcnt. Howevcr.�hls opllon shall not bc cxerciscd 6y 4cnder if excrdsc Is pruhibitcd 6y falcral law as of�ho data w%,�_•."
<br /> of�his Sauriiy lnsuunxnt. �"'T"�'
<br /> + -.-s�.-
<br /> _-�se'_`�1 if Lerder exercius this op�lon,Lender shall give Iiortower naim of accelerxtlon.Tho nnilce shnll provide a pedod af nol r�,t�.t,�-.
<br /> - Ius ttun 30 days from tlic dato �hc nollcc is dclivcrtd ar mallcd wltM1ln which Ikttrowcr must pay nll sums savred by this Y%�:��:y`��`.
<br /> ,:..,,;�-�.� Saudty tnsVUmcnt. If Rorrower fails to pay thcsc sums pdor to thc exPintlon of this pcdod, I.cndcr may Invoko any remcdiu �{`��*.���:
<br /> �.�,..� �miqttd b�y�hls Sccudty•(nstrumcnt whlmut funhcr no�ta or demand on Oonowcr. 'r '_:`
<br /> 1E. Borroiecr's RIgLt lo Rclnstata If Iforcowcr mcels mna�n eondi�lons, [forrowcr shatl havc �6o right to havo ��Jy� �-�
<br /> �Y,� mforcenxm of 161s Savdty ins�runknt discontinucd at aoy Umc pdnr m thc cadlcr oL• (u) 5 days (or such o�hcr perlod u - -
<br /> oppliwbte iew nwiy spalfy tor rcinstatcmem) bcPore sal¢ of�ho Propc�ry pursuant to any powcr of sala wmaine4 In this ���4�.a��,__
<br /> F_'�`�y $DW dty Insimmcnt;or @)cnlry o(a judgnx.ns anfomtng th[s Sccarity lnsuunxnt Those wndit(ans urc that Oorto•�er.(a)paps ;,
<br /> j s � I.end:er all sums which then woutd bo dce undcr this Sec+:riry Instmmcm and�hc Note as If no xcelera.tion h+d oa.�urred;@) H ._
<br /> �%� curcs any default of any other covenartts or rgn�em:ra.r,(c1 pnys alt exp.nses l�urad io enConiny c�is���ty Instmment, T 3� ;
<br /> '` '�r G�IuAin�, '�n rt�Itmited to, reasonabte xwrr,�Bres:and(d)txkes s�:ch anioa u Lcnder m.q crx>�z�ly nquire�o nu�rse --��
<br /> ?��' that the Icn oE this Sttvrity Qnsta�mcnl,l.cadrr�righ�in thc Propcny a:d 8orroir.r's obliga�ion ropa y the svmc sm�rtd b�- '' ,
<br /> q�fy���� thts Stturlry Ir4swmc�t shal! �rominue wnfiar.ged. Upon reins�atement by Ifonon.r, Ihis Securily Tnsiru:r.eni ar.d �1.� �''�j
<br /> r�� oLtigatio�s socund hercby s!a-r�l r,nuin fully effec�i��c ac�t ru acccleration hxd cccarr�;c?.Siowever,Ihis dgM to reinsiaro E1all ����-- :
<br /> <m;,� mt sp ty in thc cau af accclxr.Yon nnder paragrnph 17. va"
<br /> tr�s.���;:' �S. Sa1n a+1*+�te;CFange ot Loan Servicer. The �ote or a panial interest in tA.e ho:e Gegcther wi�h O�is Security ���%�f� �
<br /> ,� �t� Irtwl�.�mcnt)m^.y bc sold ono or more times wi�hom prior notice to 6onouer.A sale may�sult In u change In tho entity(knm.+n �tit��f�r� :�
<br /> ',�r��if� as the'lnaa Srrvicer)�hat epllects rtron�hly paynxms Jue nndar�he Note xnd this Sxud�y intimmcm.There alm may be o.^.c ��`�?};-'
<br /> �135�',';',•�; or mom char.ges oI iho Loan Scrvittr unrclaied io n sale o!atk Note.If�hero is a change oYthe Lain Scrvicer,Iinnovrer will be _;�,�� _
<br /> �+�*� } given xii�ten notice of Ihe change in xccordance with pam6roph 14 above and appllcablc law.'Ih notirt wi11 stiae tha name ar.d �_�} -_
<br /> � r 4 ,f addmss o(�AC acw Loan Scrviccr and the address to whicA paymenis should be mad�. Thc noiim will elm comain any o�hcr -� ��'
<br /> ���i�,`��`!� informzqon raryircd by applicablc law. "�.�'�r �
<br /> n,�,'tf�� 20. Hsurdous SubsloncGS� DorroWcr xhall not cause or pemill the prescnce, use,dispnsxl,��eonge, or release of eny �k,y - -`
<br /> ' n.> Horardous Scbs�ances o� or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone clu �o do, anyihfng a(fating �he A°t �-
<br /> �y�S�ir� Propeny thai is in violatian of any G'nvirunmemel law.Tho pracding�wo sentences shall noi apply to the prexnee, use,or f rij _.�
<br /> , 4��� t� sroroge on thc Property of small quantiiics of Hvardous Subs�antts tha�arc gcnerelly rccognized m bc appropriate to nomul -r;x
<br /> �"�":+3�� �=•� nsidcmiai uscs and ro maintcnance of thc Prope`ty. �,�'� :�
<br /> �. ii54!`> -.
<br /> r t r, ;};,. Dorrower sha0 promptly givc Lcndcr wriucn notice of any invcstigation,claim,dcmand,Iawsuit or olher zaioa by any <<.� m-.
<br /> „��?.,-��y+',1 u govemnxnul or regulatory agency or privnte pany involving the Propeny and any Nazardous Subslance or Cnvironmental law i.4�_?.,.j�!;
<br /> �r�=oyu�.�t`�' of which I3orrower haz actual knowledgu. If Rorrower Ieams,or is notified by any govemmemal or rcgula.tory authodty,that ,,:?�3 �
<br /> .�,,,i�#4hqp� any removal or o�her renx:diatlon of any Hazardous Substnnce a(fec�ing Iho Propetly is necessary,Qorrower shall promptly lake z}� '
<br /> y?i � i xli ncces�ry remcdiai aciians in aaorJann:wi�h E��ri�onn���dal 4;a'. �Mrt :
<br /> �+�,'���li'�fy� As used in this parsgreph 20, 'Ha�aMous Subsinr.ccc'are those subslanca de�a:d ns toxic or ha�ardous substances b� �;k��ff, �
<br /> ^«<'�F+;<� Gnvironmemal taw and �he following subst�nca: gazol(ne, kerosene, other Oammnbte o� roxic peiro.cum producis, rox c +-pr�
<br /> ��'�.{�i'`�fSfF�,R� pes�icida and herbicides,voletile solvents,rt�n.rnals containing asbestos or fomialdeh��de,and radieactive ma�edals. As used In ,�j,;�,�rY,:'.-:
<br /> y,i5h�� this paregrzph 20, 'Cnvironnxntal Law' n�caac federal laws ond laws of ihe judsdic�lon wh:rc tha Propeny Is located ihat !. ;
<br /> �'� � rclaro io hea!th, safay or environmcntal preicnien. �'�' , -
<br /> 't��y ` NON-UNI�ORM COVCNANTS.Dorrowcr and I.cndcr furthcr covcnant and agrw as follows: �,T�'��o •�
<br /> �, 5� 't 21.Acceienlion;Remedles.Lender shali give nolice lo Borroxer prlor to acceierallon fallowing Borrower's 6rexh �i)-v�;,�� :
<br /> ?,"`ri�ta>'(�. of�ny mvrnanl or agrcement In Ihis Seeudly inslrumcnt (bul not pdor lo acceicratlon unAerpa ragroph 17 unlas ��.ra�� ��
<br /> � �� ��i�� applinble law providcs oihcrwise).9'I:e notlee shall specify: (p)the drfauih(b)�the aMion rc,r,.�ired to airc lhe defpoll� -r:
<br /> k>�t,�s s�r, � (c)a date, not Iess lhan 30 deys hom the dute lhe�wtice Is glvm to Hortower,by which the detault must be wred;and - �,i �
<br /> � ,+� L 4�; (vA th�l fallure lo wrc lhe Jetnulf on or before lhe date speci0ed In the nolice mny result In aecelenlion ot Ihe sums �: #.','
<br /> !r senved by 16is Sccud�y Listrumeni nnd salc oP thc Propetly. The notice shall furlher infom�llnrrower of ihe Nght lo >;.7, -
<br /> � i,�'1�i`*( crJnsinte afler acceierullon nnd the rlght to bdng a murt aetion to Assert the nomexistenee ot a defauit or any olher ';�kr Y,�-�_�
<br /> ���+j'��� „ dctcnse of 6ottower to accetermio�i xnd snle If the default is not eured on or beforc the date spttifled In the»olitt, - ..�� ..
<br /> ty�t}ir''�� Lender,at I�s optlon,may ra�uSm inmeedia�e payment In full ot all sums seeured 6y this Secudly Gutrumrnt willwut �:!'
<br /> i-,-s,;s luHher demand nnd may Invokc Ihc pnner of sate and any othrr remcdies pernilttcd by apFll.nbtc tow.Lendcr shall be ,�,�,.�r,�.
<br /> �t��`� �n� eMillcd lo mllecl n11 expenses tiunrreJ In pursuing the remttlles provldttl In thls paragraph 21,Inciuding,bul nd i(mfled .. 'i�..
<br /> � s� , ,;, to,reuonaUte almrneys'iecc and costs ot�ftle evldence. ; -
<br /> rr r E���y�, It Ihepo wer of sale)s invoked, Trustce shall rceord a notlee af elefnWt In eech co�mty In which any part ot�he .�i;+� +5�.
<br /> ,`z�x t� Pro{xNy 1s I�cnled nnd shnll matl coples of such notice In the monner pnscdtxd by npptiwble law to Sortow�cr and to , --+ i
<br /> �s Y���� ihe olM1er{xntanc preur{bed by appllcahle luw.ARer ihe Iimc rcyulrtd by npplicable Ixw,Trei,tee shpll give public talice � •:. ;
<br /> �.-r'• ut sale lo the persoiu and In Ihe manner qnscdbed by appilcable ta�r.Trus�ce, wf�hout de�uxncl on Borroxer,shall ull .�t,�
<br /> �.�, -r-+3��� the PropeHy at public nuc�lon lo Ihe highesi bldder et the 1(me and place and unde�•Ihe terms dcaignatcd(n lhe notice of -:r� �� .,�
<br /> --'is-:a..,_;%S: sole In one or morc p�rce.s anA(n eny order Trustec detemilnes. Truslce may ymsi}wnc snle ot all or enr parccl ot thc , ,��:;;;:�::
<br /> v�(itx? 'Y� Froperty by publle annovncemenl nt Ihe Iime nnd place of nny prevlously srhrduted snle. Lender or 3u dalgnee moy ;�'��_ �'=.
<br /> ..K�j{�°�, purehau the['roperiy at au��salr. `,�- .
<br /> _.;��+:..5>� lj4.)' _ -.
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