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.._.. .._ �„ . ° .. <br />. <br />20120014G <br />�,.:��: <br />A tract of land situated in the Northeast Quarker (NE9/4} of Section Four (4}, Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Eleven {91} West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, being mare particularly descr�ed as <br />follaws: Beginning af the Nor�west Comer of the Northeast Quarter (NE1l4} of said Section Four (4); <br />thence North 88°36'37" East (an assumed bearing) on the Narth line o# said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) a <br />distance of 470.67 fee� tF�ence Soufh 00°U4'00" East a distance of 497.3(} fee� thence South 81°59'29° <br />West a distance of 183.95 fee� thence South 02°27b4° Eas# a d9stance of 1,463.50 feet to a poinf on the <br />IVorth line of the Sou#h Half of the So�ath Haif of the Northeast Quarter (S'1/2S1/2NE1/4); thence South <br />88°37'01" West on said Norttt line af the South Hatf of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />(S112S112NE1/4) a distar�ce of 309.00 feet to �tt�e Northwest Camer of the Sou� Half of the South Half of <br />ti�e Northeast Quarter (S7/2S1/2NE1l4); thence North 01 °94'03" 1Nest on the West Eine of said Nortileast <br />QuarEer (NE9i4} a distance of �I,982.57 fe�t #o the point of beginning <br />Fiie No. GI08011 <br />