<br /> �
<br /> _�,:w, R `
<br /> ' � ., � � _ ��� .,.. ' .. �
<br /> _" .a. _........ .. ..... . _ �_ . . . ... .._.." ' _"'....,......_ '_ .
<br /> .aw.�.w.��.�.r......_...... . .__ . .._ ,_....
<br /> _ . ..... . . . _ .._ �.A�� /ref0� � ,� � .:. : �. _,_—
<br /> 4� '�-.5�,: �
<br /> by thie Mortg+u�e. Mort��a;chall F^y t n��h dea�14n ho eunPg tlaritJ i�10 dnye��m�aud 1s made up A ' .
<br /> mAntn�insuraaoe premiu�n�and�und B .,
<br /> Mortgagor requeeting pqyment thorool. -
<br /> s. Rep�ir.Msint�anaa�snd Ua.To prnmptl,y►repsir.reetore op:ebuild any Eruild.AnQa or lniprover.uen�ta aa�v or �
<br /> here�4ter oa the Properly;to kaep the P�operar in aood ooadition and ro�s�u.withaiit cvaeta,�nd iree isrom meot�►!o'e or "`
<br /> other lions not esprealy subordln��ed to the Uen heraof; aut to �ke,euKer or ne�rmit aqy�n�inu►o��ro�na oi 1 w �
<br /> diminieh or 1mp�ir the value of the Property by pny sut or omieoion to r�ot:ond k�anmplY , „
<br /> with re�peoi 4o tho rropesly. ., .
<br /> 7. Ooad�mnrtion.In the event the Yroyesty,or any parci ctr.nraoY. sltiolI i�u Cra��u by ominont domnin.the
<br /> Mo:tgagoe le empowered So ooIIeot and roaeive dl oompone�tiaa wbio�i.m�1r be pwid for�y pmperar talcen or for d�m�-
<br /> • agea to properiy not twk�en,aszd Mortgagee she►11�pply euob oompenrraEton. at ttn�ptioa,either to e�reduotlon of the ,.
<br /> indebLedaees eeowrod hereby or to reprdr snd re�tore�he propar�y eo dpr��gad.
<br /> 8. Perfosmauom by Mort�sQes.Mortgc+gae may,but ehall havo ao obU�utinn.to do wy sot whiah the Mort�or ,
<br /> hae a�aarl but!s►ils to do,snd Mo:tge�es mt�y Neo do nny aot it Qearrrn meaeess►r,�to proteot the l�ea hereoL Mortq�or _
<br /> ngrees to repqy.upon demand,any sums eo ezpended by the Mort;g�sgae for tli�above ynrposee,aad $n,y eum�so ,, ti{.; `
<br /> i �J�
<br /> e�pendea by the Mortgsgee ehaU be added to 4he lndebtednase seo��uad horeby and beoome eubieot to the Hen hereot. •i+�'y���.��
<br /> it aa�y do or omlt to do Geaouader. ;3�`-�--=�—
<br /> . � Mortgagee ahwil aot inour sn,y personal lisbiltty beosuee of soythi� ._
<br /> ..rl�t��}:�•i�r.�e�-
<br /> � g, Dmt�n1�AqiQament o!Reat�.ZYme ie oi the oesenoe heruot.snci up�n Mortgstigor's dofault ia aqy aoveneat : ��.+��.��'^`�°�
<br /> or ogr8ement o!fbis Mortgoge.inoluding oovane►nte to psy when due t,Fse eume eemrred by tEfs MortQage,the Mortg+r�ee :r:�
<br /> ehall be entitled,et i*_a eviw�ntlon wnd talthout nofloe,to deol�e all�auims aeotu�ci by thls M�xtga�e to the 1mmaDf�telY • _
<br /> due and payable and mqy aommeaoe forealoaure oi thin Mortgt�ge i��udioin!pt�zeeadingr�n6. pru�rlclod fu�iher.thct =---``-
<br /> upon suuh detauli tha Mostg+�ee,or s reoeiat+r e►ppointed bY a oourt,t�,y af 1Sfl opt�pn and wltawut rogard to the adequv '....�.�
<br /> , ay of the esourity.ente=upon�►nd take paaes�aion o!the Prroperar and oolloot tho x�snts,isslies aad pmtite therefrom�ad °• ''=„
<br /> �►pp�LE�em Srnt to tha ooat oi callaotlon aad opemtton oi fhe Propar3y and tlio�E�.�pau tba iadebtodnesa eaow�ed b�t this -==�h
<br /> � Mortgage;eaid renta, fesues ancl profite boing a�eigaed to the Mortgageo as t�a:�3�er eoourlty for the pqyment oi the �,'�•��--
<br /> •;.',,: indebtednesa seoured hereby. �-
<br /> , ,: ,r �
<br /> ' �. 10. �slasfer o!Propesty.Ii all or wny paii oi the Property is a�ld or h�auairirred wf3hayat the e�ress wrl�Sten oon- , ,f. #
<br /> , eent oi t�he Mort�CSg�ee.N!ort�a�ee m,y at its eole option. deolore ai�vums snouirad by thfa h�ortge8e to be immedfate�►
<br /> � duo und pYyable. ,��Y� ,�
<br /> � . � :
<br /> __ _ __ li. Y�uinse Ad�►ncns. Upon requeet oi Mortqagor,Mortgagee mt►y mnlse addifciouc�al and tuLure advanoer to :��ti.Y`��}� �
<br /> J��.���. __.�!�b.ic _�_—–._
<br /> Moitg�gar.8uoh arlvanoea,wlth intereat thereon.�hell be eeourad try t,nie ivYongago wnem oviuva�a�..,y r+....=t�:y��L�' �, ,
<br /> � stWng thst saifl aatee aro soaured hereby.At ao time ehaU the prluoip►►1�mowat oi tha indebtedne�a seaured br,q tDfl�
<br /> Mortgage.aoL inaluding sume udvunoed to proteoS tho eeourla►of thtn Mortgago,e�caeed the orl,glnal Note.
<br /> : ::u;;; "� .
<br /> X91. �i�esllsp.sotu Frovlsion�. +'
<br /> �4. i .
<br /> � (e) Any foinbeaxwnoe in ezerofeing euY riBht or remedy nball aot bo a waivor tLeraoL
<br /> .
<br /> �' (b) All remedias provided hereia sre dietlnot�nd oumuL4tive ta suy other r�ght aftarded by lan or equi�,
<br /> �� sad ma,y ba ezeroisod oonourrently,independAnt�►or euaoessivq�. _ ___ -.
<br /> (o) 'i'�e aovansuts and agreemen4s oontainad herein elur]1 bind.snd the rlgYate iniira to,the roepeotdve euo• r;�
<br /> oo�sors aad asai�s o!tha Moatgagor and the Mo rt g u�ee. -
<br /> (d) All oovenauLa a►�ad 4gieemente of tho Mortgagor sre Jnlut and affoeaul. �.W
<br /> � (e) �'t►e headings ox the pRregraphe o!thie Mortgage aro for oonvontoaoe on�y nnd shall aot be used tfl lnter ��=—
<br /> .
<br /> pret or deII�e the provlsions herao� � _—
<br /> E�,=
<br /> �.:-- —
<br /> 19.Relass. Upoa pqjrmeat o!all euma seourad by tb�Nlortgago.Moi4{tagee ehaU dieohaige thie Mor►,ga(�e aad ` __-- ---------
<br /> ah�13�aeoute�ad dsliver a�atlsfaotory relewe therefoa �'�. --
<br /> :.�..:.,
<br /> - � . •�+�--_-----
<br /> • •L.��±u��-_,,,�,_--
<br />- � ?' -
<br /> , IIV WFFNE88'WI�ItEOF,Mortg�gorhee e:eouted this Mortqago on Wo 18th d�yot AD1"11 .19�. � I ',;;, t_
<br /> / � Ii' r�:.n;.::;,.. 4. � .
<br /> /w w A �`''
<br /> • , ( �ic L. Norri s.) H°"'°'.�` 1': -;.' ,
<br /> �"rrro .:f
<br /> !S:•
<br /> el l i e Norri s) B°r`°""` �
<br /> . �3ass oi Nebreake, H 11 __C�ounty c{s: ,` . .
<br /> ��"�h
<br /> On tbis_1$�1 dqy of•_�ri 1 .19 q 7 •botore me.tbo us��leredgned.�►rlotnry Fublio � . .
<br /> � dulyoommieelonedsudqunliitedforeaidaounty,poreona,Uyoame Fric I ,,,, Norris '1nd K 11iA Nnrris_
<br /> ' .to me�nown W be fhe „
<br /> '• -- -
<br /> - _ _ _ identical Deieon(e)whoee naane(s)are sul�aoribod to tho forogoing inntrumont and aolmowlodged tho o:eoution thereoi �,
<br /> � !o be thei r volunturyaot and daod. - `
<br /> Witaeee a�y haud and notarinl eeal at 1'ran�i 1 c 1 a nri t+lnhra sk a ia.eaid ooun�r,the ,
<br /> date sforesatd.
<br /> GEMEML NOTAA6St�i1 otlNOt�t4 I1nn q�
<br /> - N�r Commiasion e�irua: DEVRAAtcEtAOY �_IN� . ,Ul �; ..
<br /> _. ��l�•6MIW�Mt6�.11N Notury Publio
<br /> NBC tosbe�ss
<br /> O NatbnY Bu�tc of Cam�r�Tnnt md Savinps Ibtx4tbe,lirw�k4 Nebr+slu
<br /> .......... _._a- - . . ..
<br />