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" . r v i . . -r_ r <br /> .'; cti• _i�f'f 1 ��� -1#y`1r� y _ _ �t�. , i�r . ___i.`-�3 .?.s:.:.. <br /> .,�� i%»���w��a.�`'wf.w.;3.5n;E+LwF.1 - ot. . 1.xst�y.:wlTac-i�.y��7i., . __ . _ r .. :. <br /> �..:i..}i..�..� -.p,-�/�n- _.�.__ . .. <br /> _',� � . _.__..__.___ : �7�C+...'.�,f/Na.�� <br /> 11.3Yansfa otiht Proprrly or a Bcnefld�l Intercslln 9orroxcr. if nll or any��n ar wo rm�nY o�,�y i�+z�e��m u <br /> __, • Is sotd or�mnsfcrrcd(or if a bcncfitinl in�crost in Ik�rrouer is sotd or trensfcrr�nnd Dorrowcr is not n naiural pumn)wLha�t <br /> - i.cndcr's prior wdltcn rnnunt, Lcncicr may, m hs oMian, rcq•alro imnxdioio pnynxm in full of nll sums xcurcd by dds "-���-���"- - ---- <br /> Stcudly Insirumcn�.Hnxevcr,this option shull nd iw exerciscd 6y l.cndcr If oxercise Is prohlbilM by fcderal I�w ac of�ho d��e <br />= of thls Saurity tnstrunxm. <br /> _ It Lcnder excrciscs�hls qxlon,Lcndcr s6sll gfvc Uorrowcr nmieo of oceclomilon.Thc naln shall provldc a pcdad ot nw _ _ <br /> c;^�� less�han 30 days from tha dale the notia is dcllvcrtvl m malled within �vhidi Ik�rrow�cr must pay all sums saured 6y�his <br />�-_= Seeudty instrument.lf Iforrower fails to y Ihex sums pdor m�he expirntion of this p�dod, I.ender may invoke any rcmedlu <br /> �;� prmlitcd hy�61s Sccurhy inswmcm w1�Kout funhcr noiire or dcmand nn Corcowcr. _ <br /> - 16, llorrou•cr's R!ght lo Rfliutnle. tf Bnrrowcr mceis cenain rnndilions, ISORO`NCf SM13II A�YO IIIC fIEIN 10 hava , ., ,. ..-. .. <br /> -_� <br />--- enPoruc�cenl of this SecurRy Insimmem dluoNirucd nt any tlnw pdor ro the earller oF. (a) 5 days (or such other perlod u <br />� - = annllrablo law mav cnecifv fnr rr.inalNCmen11 hrfnrn xela of Ihe Pmneny nnisuam w my nnu�er of vle mnlaincd in 1h13 - _ _-____ .. <br /> `'� S�ccudly Inswmeni;or @)cntry of a Judgmoni cnforcing�his Sesurily Insimmem.Thosc mndliinns arc�hat F3orrower.(a)pays - <br /> '+�'� Lender alI sums which then would be duc under ihls Securiry Inswment a�el�he Note as if aa acecicratlon had occumed;@) <br />`_.,� cun;s any dc(ault of any othcr covca�nts or agrxmcnis; (c) pays all cxpenscs incurrcd(n cnfareing this Sccurity Instrumanf, w�F=— <br /> -� including but rtot limtted to,m,ssuna6ie xtomeyi fccs;and(d)�akcs such action as I.ender rary reason�b[y rtt{uirc to aswro ��„__.�.,._. <br /> ^— tha!tlre Ilen of ihis Security[nstrument, I.eader's ribGts In�he Propeny:vid Borrower's obliguion a qay H�e sums secur�Ey �'�74�:-=:-_� <br /> -� N(s Sewrity fastrv�t sAall mntinuc meetanycrf. Upon rcinstatement 6y itorroxxr, �his Secunry InuNnecnt and the {� <br /> �� oGligaxions saurul tn:reby shail rem�in fuliy efiMive as if r.o accelemtion had acurred.However, diis right ro reinsta�e shall ���;_: <br /> � not�p Iy in thc casc of acccicmtion undcr paragmyh IZ �.� ._ <br /> -"•'f D9. Salc o[ NMei Chango oi G.wn Senittr. Thc Note or a panial incercxt in thc Note(rogcther with this Sauricy ., h t,,,l tt�_ = <br /> �� Instrunknq nwy Be sold one or morc tin:es witha:t prior notice to Qorrawer.A ule nuy ruult in a changc in the entiiy(l:r.unn �.+� i^-= - <br /> as Ihe'I.oan Scrviccr7lhat rnllavs monthly paymcnis duc under Ihe NMa a�d lhis S�cumy instrument 7Tierc alw may he onc r" °ls,r� ,'��.r;� `�-- <br /> �' or morc changcs of�he Loan Scrviar unrclated to a sele of�hc Note.If therc is a changc of ihc Loan Servicer,Dorrow�cr w41�bc �j ' ;r <br />�,,,��y� gfvrn wdlten notica of Ihe c6ange ia xcordana wi�h paragmph 14 above ar.J appticablc law.'i7�e no�ice will state ihe namr sad ��� ��� --. : <br /> � addrc.0 of�he new I.oan Scrviccr m3 rkv addras ro which payments should bc made.The no�icc will also mmein an?aihcr ���`Ft.� �h�=� -_ <br /> ,!„ informa�ion mryircd by applicablc Iaw. r `vs� <br /> -= 20. Ila�ardous SiiL•slanMS. �orcower sht�l aot causc or permil �hc prescn;c, usr,dispoul, sroragc, or rcicasc o!a::y t•`�� :'�( ..- <br /> � f(amNous Substance.s un or in �he Property. Rxrn•xer shall nol do, nor atlow znyone else �o do, eny�hing nffecling �F.e �i�tb, ��c� _c <br />�+;;F� Propeny�ha�Is in vioi::eioa of any Cnvlronmerit! Law.The prueding�wo semences shxll nol apply m Ihe prcsence, use,or i}:!u:.,k-t�-�-;_-. <br /> s�orage on eSe Propeny af small quami�ta of Hzu+rct,:us Substances that arc genemlly recognivcd!o be appropriale ro normal r j 7�,r_8�� s'i <br /> r� residemia[ aas and�o malNCnance o(thc Propc7y. � -.�, �;* �`� <br /> �� Iivrru.�er shall�romptly gfvc Lcnder written r.ctice of any Investige�ion,claim,dcmand, lawsui�or o�hcr ec�ion b� any st{LhgS�F� +° . <br /> ��.�j govcrnnxntal or rcgu atory agcncy or priva�c pany i:evnlving thc Propctly a�d any Ha�rclous Substancc or Environmcntal 1aw �Y� - f��rs�Y`�>,_� <br /> ��;� o(whlch Dorrower has acmal knowicdge.If liorm�.zr leams, or is notificd by any ffovemmental or regulatory oul6orily,Ihai �' .� � �i. <br />;_?,7.• any rcmoval or oiher rcmedia�lon of any tlaznrdoes Subslance a(fattng the Propeny�s necessnry,Oorrox�er shall promp�ly�ake r F��:Y��;}{y,:;,� <br /> - nil"acccs.nry remcdial acllons in accn:<h^ca wi�h Gnvironnwmel law. � ;�1� y ..r� ��.-- <br /> � 'y� d;:,.�tr this va�>g�apy 20.'�:a�a:Cccs S•vbstar.:�' are ihosc:uba:r.,N dc(r^"....:�.�or h�z::^a:::u4:!s.r.:s bi �.r�-x:,.*,=y;,:��. <br />�� ���q Environmemaf Law and �he (ollmciag substanees: amline, S:erasene, oiher il:mtnzble us roxic troleum roducts. �oxie rc�;;;�:e•�.,�:.- <br /> --�- ?�i pesticides ard herbicldec,volatfle soivems,materialx mmaining as5.�tus or tnmaidthpde,and rodioaci ve mnterlals. As used In �yf rr.��' _��r'f� -:_, <br /> _'y,�-� �hia pangraph 20, 'Cn•imnnxntal Lew' means feCeial laws and Inxs of thr jurisAlafon whcrc�6c Preperty Is lotaled �hai i�f���`� �7j1� _:_. <br /> relms�n lim9h,snfUy or cnvirannuntal protcclian. �F:t o?f s. �x�.- <br /> u% K�h�UNIfORMCOVf!NANTS. QorcowcrandLcnderPonherwrena�tanJagraaslolloxs: �y ��jh�.°� <br /> ,�: 2f.Aeceleration;RemMies.I,ender shall give nolice to Dnrroxer prlor to accelentla�folloxing Borrox�er x hr4ach , rrl�__„ <br />`-"�'yl�. ot any corenant or agrcemcnt in this Securily Instrument (bul not pdor to aaeteretion under pprsgnph 17 un�� �-;F4j,y_;jj,ii�,*;-_: <br /> -.��_ applicablt law�rovides olherwise). The nol im s hn l l spec i ty: (a)t he de fau lq (b)I he acl lon requ irc d 7cu wre t he de tau l lp ��,,�� .s F ,;::- <br /> --:;!� (c)a date,not ess lhan 30 days from the date lhe nolice Is given to Barrower,by xfilch the�efaulf mmt be eured;and _}�,�e-(t�,�.��-_ <br />�•���-��` (d) that failure to cure Ihe default on ar lxfore 7he date sNceltled in Ihe nmlce may result In accelen�lon ot the sums •+Srt:-;%l.=::'?:�;?- <br /> �'� secured by Ihls Securlly tnclmment and sale of the Property. The notla shall fnrlhu inPonu Bortower ot Ihe right to ,�,,; ;,--:'3E ';- <br /> i�-'.� relnslute aRer accclero�ion and �hr ai;:hl to 6dng»murt actinn M nssert thr, nomex�;eer.ce of a defaull or any other r t ?�$+ )` ti qH. <br /> detense of Borrox�cr to acteterelEcn nnd xaie. If the dcfaWt ts»ot cured on or be(orc r.he date specifled In ihe notice, � i�'� r yL.� <br /> Lendrr,at Ils optlon, may requlre OmmeJlnfe Qnyment In full of all sums secared by lhls Security Inslrument wllhont hl < < ,'.; - <br /> : uF fnrlher demand and may Imake Ihe power o?s�9e nnd any other rcmediec�pennilled by nppllcoble law.Lendcr shall i�c � ` +`� �-zr -�: <br /> �] rntflied to mllect nll enpences incurred In pwxuim 7he rentedles provided 9n th3s p�regraph 21,Including,but not Iimitttl p�' -; <br /> �.�,! to,reasonn6ieatlorne�s'lttsm�dcosisoftitleevldcntt. � �f -.�i . <br /> ':i If pi�e power of sale Is InvokeFl,Trustee shnll rttrord x nolim of deFault In each counly in xhlch any part �;the �f`�'- 's}s A.-- <br /> i1:,.;� Properlr is 3ocated and shali mail cnpics of such noqce In Ihe manner prescribed by eppllcable low to Bortoxrr r:ad lo � �� �- �`� - <br /> _;� the other�Feno�ss presedbed by nyp7�icable lew.After the tlme requlred by nppllca6le law,Tmstee shall glve pubile notice . . <br /> ot salc to 1hc persons nnd fn tl�e manner prc.udUcd by applicable law.T�usicc, wilhout demand on Borrowcr,shall sell S ��e y . <br /> i' the Properly al puLllc aucllon to the hlgh�t bidticr at the Ilme and piuce nnd under Ihe tem�s dcsign�ted In Ihe notice ot i`( ,n r�a,. _; <br /> r;�,:�� splc in one or more pa�tds and 1n nny arder 7Yuslcc dctcrmincs.Tnutcc may poslponc salc of all or any parcel oF Ihc ,,:,;,{��z�;s}��,;;:+�r,;__ <br /> t„� Proptrty h1 publle announcement T[ �hr t6ne and plem of xn��prcvlously scheduled sate. I.ender or tls deslgnm may � - !�'��'` <br /> �`' purchnsc 9hc Property nt any�sste. { i x1 '!-. y y'�;:. <br /> E �� �S,i <br /> �b 1i� .�}+i1 <br /> ��{t?` � <br /> `�'��� Form 3028 9'90 . 14,4t�,-t'y��� <br /> ` 1 S .. <br /> �r s�'i:t <br /> MCS019-NE/S `n. • . � ..' �t�'�. <br />. _ � <br /> �..4. <br /> i <br /> �����• , -..__ ,,.-...� _z..-.. . . . . . . .. _ . ..... , , . . . <br /> � ._ . _ ., . '.::: <br /> ♦�"�)1:1nkI�:1�.YJK��r;T....... - ' . ..� _... . . �-{..:. , :rS <br /> z:1�±'r'.: . <br />-- �...a:'.,.. - . <br />. i�;c`+p: _ <br /> : - . -�-- � �;t'` � <br /> -�«�- �;:�-,.. . <br /> :,J� .. . <br /> :�,:=F.�> �_ � <br /> ;ti. ... -- . <br /> -y.`.4�,. .. . - <br /> � ' <br /> ;� � . - . ..,...... , .. �.. <br /> ti <br /> —i' ,- , , . , . <br /> . . .� '., a - `.'- ..' . <br /> �� � <br /> 7 . .. . . , .:�.h _ ` . _. .�. ". .x . . <br />