.. *� zt _ tr 5 i ._:. i _
<br /> j [ Jr �JF��7- J-t � Z� }°r i. � � r������F �'e �r- -
<br /> ..cZF! f" }-'Ihs . ... .-�-....u...r �a: � .
<br /> .. 5�,....k:.'.'�._a..6.tl'h�i.�Su.L_,...�.,1..a.bf,..1z.37�Y'i1Mf �r.... . _'_'�.._._ ._.«:__ _.. _._ 1.
<br />' � 92-w. 1095��: '. -
<br /> 1OOB1731:R W17H�11 the improvonxms now or herafter erected on�he propeny,md�II caumen�s,�ppurtenurces��t
<br /> fixturts �ron or htrcaftcr a pott of tAe pro�ny. All rcpixert�r.is nnd �dittons sh�ll rJ!o bo covered by this Sxvrhy
<br /> lnsimntcm.All of t6o foragoing is rcfcrrod to in tids Scniriry tnswmem ns�ho 'Property.'
<br /> AORROWPR COVI?NAN7'S th�t I3anou•ar Is Iawfuliy uised ottho cs�ato hercLy conveycd and has thc dght ro gru�t�+Mt
<br /> convey tOe Ptopetty and thu the Propeny is unencumbercd,exa{x for encumbrenas uf rwrord.,florrowcr wtnann ond wlll
<br /> dofand gonerally tho Iliio to Ow Propcny ngainst ali clalms and dcmands,subJcct�o nny cncvmbrnnccs o(rtmrd.
<br /> TI�IS StiCURITY INSTRUMIiNT combinu unifomi eovtn�nts for nntional au and non•unitomi covenmis wl�h Ilmited
<br />- vaAa�lons by Judsdipion to wnsii�ulc a unifomi sscuri�y ins�mmtnl mvcring n:al property.
<br />- UNirORM COVGNAN7S.IInrrowcr and Lcndet to�•trant artd�grw as foliaws: ^— --�
<br />. t. A►yment M Frix��tn�i a�xi intercil� P.-e�}r.+e:tl an3 Iale CN�rRCS. Bmmwor sh�ll PrompllY 03Y whtn due tiw .. .
<br />. princ(pnl of and Intems�on iho deb�evideneed by the NWe�nd any prcpaynxnt and Iaro charga due under�he Naa ._____._. _
<br /> 7� FunAs for T�x[s and lnsur�nca.SubJcct to npplir�6lc law or io n wrlucn waivcr Uy t.cndcr, Aorrowcr shall pay to
<br /> Lendcr on the day monthly paynxnts orc due under tl�c Naa umil thc Noio is pntd in PoII,a sum('Funds')for.(n)ycndy�azcs
<br /> and asxumeats wA!ch nuy xtafn priority over Ihis Sccuri�y Ins�mmem as n licn on tM Propetly;@)yeariy Icaxl�old paynxnls
<br />� or ground rcnts on U�t Pro{xny.if any;(c)ycady haraM or property Insnrancc gn�+niums:(d)yculy ftco0[nsuar�cc prcnilums, -- - --�_� -
<br /> i£��y;(e)ytuiy motlgago Invtrar.ce premiums, it any; nnd(Q nny sums payaAte by E�rrower to B.eeder,[n xcardnnco wilh
<br /> the provlsfoas of Qangmph 8,in licu of tFa Fuyment of nwiigago insurarrx prem(ucro.�txsc items are ca�ted'F:,crow Items.' __
<br />. I.ender may, at any 8nv, mll�ct artd ho[d Funds in an nmwnt not to enmd tlK auximum amaunr a len�.'er£or a fe.�ierally _r�:,:- __
<br /> ttt�ted mongage twn may require for tiortox•er's escrow attnunt urder tke fe+terol Re.1 Pataro SeW:vnem Procedurrs Aa of Y .=
<br /> 1974 as anxnctod from timc ru tinw, 12 U.S.C. Scctlon 2601 r�seq. ('RESPAry,unicss anahcr law tlut sppttcs to thc Fucds �
<br /> xu a Iesscr artwunt.If so.L�:ndcr rtuy. at any Ifine,collai and ho:d Fuods in an anwunt no[ to cxnxd tM lesser amwct. �,<s;r?.._,_;,
<br />- Lcnder auy estFm3lc the»�ex.mt of�unds duc on Ihc basts of curctot daita and rcaconable esqmatcs of expendimrcs of futuw c.ei;i:::-----'-�-
<br />- Fscrow Iten�.c or Qhc�u•ise in xmrdancc with a licablc law. �'�''�%�;�=''
<br /> PP F:-3•,.—..
<br /> Tlm PunAs �uill bz h.1:A In an inriiNtion whosc deposi�s are c¢s�nd by a federal agcncy, inswnuntaliry, or cniit� � LYa:.-�
<br /> (io-_Iuding I.cnder,If I.endcr is�ch an insiimtion)or in srry Pedcral HonX Loan Bank.Lender shall npply the Furtds to p�y Ihe .a��t}�`�{i+'_-
<br /> Ev:row Items.Ccnder nuy ao:u`Urge Qorcowcr for hdiAi2 arM applying tl�t�umt:,:nnually malyzing the exroN�account,or „;,,�,;q� , -- .
<br /> ��erifying Ihe Escrow ftems,unless I.ender ynys Borrorrr.c ir.mmst on�he Punds und t�lirnble law pennits Lenda to make such .'��{"+�6. -.-
<br /> o tha�ge.However,Lcndcr may rrquirc dsoa.xrr to pay a onatinx charge for nn indepcndem real utate tax rcponing scrvia ;c;•:;};�?,-,=>.
<br /> t�atd by Lender In connectlon wllh Ihis Goa�, uniess applirablu law provfdes oit�ervvise. Unless an agrcenxnt is made or ;�-,�:ftiyv°�..;-_--
<br /> ap�,i irablc Iaw rcqutms interest m be paid,Lendcr shall not 6e rcquircd ro pay Aormcxr eny intcrat or camings on the Punds. 's.'<:.S�y.°--
<br /> is;��:°'-?'.';�_
<br /> � Eocxowcr and Lendcr may abrec in writing,howevcr,th�i imemst shall be paid on tt�e Punds. Lender ahall givc to Uorrowcr, �...,y},. ty.._..
<br /> wahwt eharge,an annual aecouming of the Funds,sho�.ir.g crediu ar.{debl�s�o iT.e Funds and the purpose Por which each �r��rA�.;:___
<br /> deb0 to�Ae Fesds was ntade.Tho i'unds•.xe phdgeU az utl�niona(sm.�oxy iur ali sums vxurcd by�his Sccuri"ry insirumu�i. - :y.. -,
<br /> If tho�vauh rcid by Lender exc�d ttx ncacnnts Eer.mzxd so h he13 b��applicable law,Lender shall aceount m 6orm��cr �`;*;�.r�.A`:
<br /> Por Ihe excess Funds(n aantranee wl�h the rcquirements r.'app7'r,vS�-Ixw,If�he amount of the�aMs held by F�ader et any x�� e� ,,.`-
<br />- Ilrto is not su(fidcnt m pay thc Cscrow•Itcnu�:�hen duc.LecCer may so nntiis IIatroser In wri�ing,xnd,In se�h c.�0ortower ,��Jl�L_"?"';'.
<br /> sh�ll pay m I.ender t6e am.o::ai necessary ro make up the defidency. �3�rorcer sha11 make up�he deficiency iu ao nwro�han ���`"yyr��, =-
<br /> •
<br /> �wclvc nwnthiy paymcnts,a�iandcr's soic discrc�ion. `��r';% %��'�'
<br /> Upon paynxnt in tull of all sums secund by�his Sceuriry Instrumem, L.ender shall pror.a7tip Tefurtd to IIorcower any �p+,k�slfb�� °._-
<br /> ;^<'
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If,ur.h;r paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the hropeny.Lender,pii�r ro lhe acqulsftlon or ule ,i.;3.tiP;�JS;�;;
<br /> of the Property,shall app[y xiy�unds held by Lender at the iime of acqulsition or su!�as a credit agalnst the sunu secund by '?,?y'�i'.%;�^-,ii�`r.�`
<br /> this Sccuriry tns�mmem. �:�ir�y� ! ":
<br /> 3.Appllca:l�n oT Payments.Unicss applicabte taw provides othe��•ise,all paymrnts rmeived by Lender under paragr�pLs c+�� �a .,
<br /> 1 and 2 shall trc app`:xd: firs�,m nny prepayment charges Cue under�he Nwe: xcond,to anwums gNpoblu under paragroph 2; �t` y,,,... ....
<br /> �hird,lo Interes Cuc; kuah,eo pdncipal due;and lu4 to any lale churges Cue under�he No:a � :' � '��
<br /> 4.Chuga;L1ens. �.-rower shxll pay all mxes,assscnxnts,charges,Ones and impositions anribulxt[e to rhe Ptopeny 7��r��;s S��`°:_
<br /> uhi:li nuy altain pdori�y o:t.:ihis Sccurity Instmmt�u, xai lu�uhold payments or ground rcnts, if any. Isucroulv shall pay -��'r`f -
<br />- itwsc obliga�lons in thc manazc providcd irs paragnp1 t, w tf no�paid 'na ihal manncr.Oortox�cr shall yuy�hcm oa+imc dirccUy '� .���3t`
<br /> �; ��
<br />. ro tLe pcnon owcd paymen�.Darrowcr shall promp�ly furnish to Lender all mtices of anmums to}�c gai�tm@ar Ihis paregraph. r��,r��ih�+
<br />- If liorrower makes�hese paymen�s diraily, [brrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender rcccip�s ev�acing iht paynMnls. 6 „�� ,
<br />�� Iiorrowcr shall prompil� dixhargc any lien which haz priority ovcr thts Security Insuunxnt unless Dono��er.(a)agn�s in 5E,�Jf 4�5 �-
<br /> writin ro the a menl o(�he obli ation saurcd b �he licn in a manxr acce �ablc lo Lender,(b)contests in ood failh�he Iien Y'is'�G���k✓���
<br /> 8 p Y 6 Y P B F•'{;:�i�?i<<:_=:.: �
<br /> by, or dckrtde against enforanmm of�hc lien in, legai prouxJim> uhich in 16e Lcr.Jer's upii�iun opereie to prcvent ihe i.nnr -_-
<br /> enforcemert of�f�e licn;or(c)secura from the holder of�he licn an aFrcement saiisfactory w Lender subordinaling ihe licn to ��4�t 3_� :"..
<br /> this Secum��imwmcnt. If Lendcr detcm�inu that any pan o(thc P<c.p.rty is subjcc�to a lien which may evain priori�y over j�>`E;�j•'��;;-`
<br /> ihis Sccurily Insttument. Lendcr may givc ffarrowcr a erotix ntcnlif)ing Ihc lien.@�nnwcr shall salisfy thc limn n�lake onc or ��''�%��,';.';__',.�
<br /> ..t'1.,.�,
<br /> r,:vre o(the ac�ions set fonh above wiihin 10 days of�Sr e�.ing at notice. 1;=�-•'�� J,i�;,r_,:
<br /> s.�.. ��//�li:vt'_
<br /> . Fwm 3028 9/90 ���}'�rl:}�t�.���,._.
<br />�- c.n v o�a ,�{.J,y'.ni i�!��:5';;.:
<br /> litttit'�'':_ .
<br />' MG3018-NEf2 . . '..
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