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�_f. '� ' ' . . � r�,'J.l�1 . .� , .:.�' - _ <br /> �i y��.� �,�a. � ��";h!�4f{�'�� �f 7 <br /> �� <br /> ..1,�. u :.t)}�' ���y''t� _ �- -tts. ^ rY:7�u2t 15i <br /> � . ��)•.:'.�,.�.it� .•n=:.�4Q�t"...,-,. <br /> . . •. , .. Q� t�.l`il''-'_ -- �-,._... <br /> .i . ` ' . �% ,. , . _ . . . . ���__ <br /> - a.. �✓�' f. • . . _ ti -. . <br /> . . . ' .;`a`�. <br /> . .4.. . ..,... ..arhv. �: . � . ., . � � . . .t,� _- <br /> ' 7 .... • .. � . _ _ ...'�... . ... . ..... '�.., � . .. <br /> � 4 k`� �.. .... . +�,+ ..y,._..; . ' i:IP�iarIC4' M-mT�.�.r. y._.i`��v_'a'�::/i�':�'�`,._,_._�.�._.__._..�. ...-- -- °� c.c.`o�v�, -- �`.. <br /> .,�.��,,,::.��,�±�►w�a„�o�.._� �..... �.-:,� �T�O'�i.95ir2 � <br /> �.. <br /> 17. TrunsPer of the 1'raperty or'f':�leneficinl Interest in Borrower. If ull or a�i�c of thc Property ar uny intcrest in it �` <br /> ' is sold or transferre�(or i�' a beneficisl intcrest in Barrower is sold or cr.insfcrrcd and Burruwcr�s not u natural penon)without <br /> • l.endcr's prior writtcn consent. Lcndcr may, ut its apti�n, requirc immediute payment in full �f ull sums sccurcd by th�s �:�. <br /> Sesurity liistrui»cnt.H��vcver, this uptiou shall not bc excrciscd by l,endcr if excrcise iti prohibitui by fecieral luw,is��f thc date � <br /> � <br /> � oft6isSecuriryinstrument. —° <br /> If L.ender exerciscs this option, Lendcr shall give Borrower notice of acceleriUion. Thc n�tice shall provide u period of not �_ <br /> " IC1ti IIIl1i1 3O llay+ (rum the date thc notice i� delivered i�r muiled within which Barmwer r.iust pay ull sums secured by this �_- <br /> ' ' ' �'�' Sccurity Instrument. lf Borrmver fxils to pay these sums prior ta the expirutii�n of this period, Lendcr may imukc uny reiucdic+ _ <br /> .�� permiited by this Securiry instrument withaut further noticc or demund on Rarrower. �� <br /> �, Ig, t3ar�mvcr's Itl�ht to Reinstnte. If Borrowcr mcets rcrtuin c�mditions, Borrower tihall havc the ribht to huve � <br /> entiirccrncnt uf this Sccurity Instrumcnt disrnntinucd ut nny timc prinr t�� thc curlicr c�f: (a) 5 day+ (��r such iuh�r peri�xl as � <br /> ' npplicahlc lu�++ may rpccify for' rcinst�Ucmcnt) hcfurc +idc ut thc Property pursuant ti� :my prnvcr uf +alc rontnined in this �,` <br /> •� Srcurity Instrumcnt:ur(b) cntry uf'ajudgmcnt enforring thiti Sccurily Inytrununt. Tiiosc runditiuns i�rc tliut Rurr��wcr:(u)pi►ys = <br /> � l.c�id�r nll tium+ which thcu titi•��uld hc duc undrr ihi. 5crurity lii+iriimrnt und tNc Notc,�s if n�,ucrrlcrutirni lu►d nccurrcd: Ib) __�.` <br /> , rurc,n��y dcl'��ull uf�my .�thcr cuvcnuntti or iigrcrmcnt+; (cl puy� ull rx�xnsry incurreJ in cnforcing thi+ Sccurity in,u•wncnt. --- <br /> � includi��g, t�ut nut limitcd to,rr+i+annblc nuurncys' frc+; �ur.l (dl lnkc� tiuch uctlun n+ lAndcr muy rriisonnbty rcNuirc tu ussurc — <br /> .. �hut ihu Ilr.n uf Ihi�tierurity Instrununt, lAndcr'ti riglds in �he Pn�{xrty und Hurn�wcr's uNligution tu piiy thc sums scrurcd hy - <br /> thia ticcurily Inrtrumcnt yh�li continuc unrhun�cd. Upi�n rcinsuacmrnl I�y Hi,rn�u+cr, tNis Scsurity Inst�ument nnd thc - <br /> ul�Ugntium ,ecured I�c�tihy ,hnll remuin fullv effcctive n, it nu ucrclenui�m h.�d uccurred. Nowever. this ribht tu reinstnte shull �; <br /> ni�t apply In Ihe ciiu uf aLCClcrution under purugruph 17. <br /> l9. Sulc �►f Notes ChunRc of 1�►un Scrvtccr. Tlic Notc ur n purtiid intcrest in thc N��tc (togcthcr with this Sccurity <br /> � Inst�ununt)mny hc sold unc ur m�n•c tinus withc�ut pricir notic�to&�rrawcr. A uilc muy result in a chun�;c in thc cntity(kn��wn - <br /> u� thc"Loun Serviccr"1 thut cullccts monthly puyments due under the N�ne and thic Secunty lnstrumcnt. Thcrc nlso muy be ane <br /> ur narc chungcti of thc L.oun Scrviccr unrclatcd to u tiulc af thc Notc.If thcrc is a changc of thc Lnun Scrviccr, Borrower will bc _ <br /> �ivcn wriucn nutice uf thc chungc in acrorduncc with paragrnph 14 abovc and npplicnblc law.Thc noticc wiU state thc namc und _ <br /> -';s� � addrcss of the new I.oan Serviccr und the uddress to which puyments should be mude. Thc notice will also contuin uny other <br /> � infonnation rcquircci by applicablc luw. _ <br /> 2Q. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit tl�e prcsencc, use, disposal, storngc, or rcle�ue of any _ <br /> Hs��rdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else ta do, anything affecting the <br /> � Propeny that is in violation of uny Environmental Law. The prececiing two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or _ <br /> storoge on the Property of small quantities of Hazardaus Substances that ure genernlly recngnized to be approprinte to normAl <br /> �;:� residential uses and to maimenance of the Property. <br /> Botrower shall promp�ly give Lender written noticc of uny investigation, claim,demand, lawsuit or other action by uny <br /> ;,_•i;:.;`�_ govemmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> +.;;:�r�'a� . of which t3orcower pas�c[uaI I:nuwlcxigc. If�arwcr�:,ar�s. a: is•"•ot:f='� bY ?"Y gnve•rnmental or reeulatory authority, that <br /> t��� •���: �' ' � anyremoval or other remediution of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessaq�, Bonower shall pro►nptly take <br />-� .:;s:,. �' all necessary remedial uctions in accordance with Environmeneal Law. <br />,�' "::;;r'•1 . � As used in tl�is pnragraph 20, "Ha�ardous Substances" are those substunces defined as toxic nr hnzardous substances by <br /> -��,';;•;:'"�, Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> "��;,�,,':�" pesiicides and herbicides, volatile solvents,materials containing as6estos ar formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in <br /> -` '.i�. this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and lav�s of the jurisdictian where the Property is located that <br /> �-�';�•;. :,�,. <br /> `�-''r '�' relate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br />-=__-�?�`� � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower and l.ender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />��'_?�•:::; �� 21.Aceeleration; Remedtes. Lender shaq give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration follow[ng Borrower's breach <br /> ,.•,.,., <br />_;,��;;�;,�;�, of any covenant or asreement in this Securlty Instrument (but not Prfor to acceleration under paragraph 17 un ess <br /> __ ,_..�; applfcable Iaw provides otlter�visc). The notice shall specify: (e)tlie defnult;(b)the uction required ta cure the defuult; <br />—'6°'��``; (c)a dnte,not I�s than 30 days from the date the nottce ls given to Borrower, by�vhlch the default must be cured; and <br /> v���._f°� (d)thut fs�llure to cure the default on or before the date specified M the nodce may result in accele��atton of the sums <br /> secnred by this Security Instivment and sale of the Property. The notice shAll further inform Borrower of tZ�e rl�ht to <br /> -=��;4?,��'�` � relnstate aiter acceleratton and the right to bring a couri action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other <br /> " • detense of Borrower to ecceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date speclfied in fhe notice, <br /> _�°���%`'�' Lender, at its optlon, mey require immediate payment in fbll of all sums secured by this Securtty Instrument wtthout <br /> __��_°�,�:i <br /> �,__;�;�� fudher demand and may Invoke the E►ower of sale and uny other remedies permitted by nppltcable Inw.Lender sha <br /> �,:��--� entlNed to cnllect ull expenses hicurred In pursuing the remedies provlded In this paragraph 21,Including,but not limited <br /> =��'�'��� ta,reasonable attorneys'fees nnd costs of tltle evldence. <br /> -''c"``'"° It the power ot sale is invaked, Trustee shuii record a notice of default in each county in wh[ch any purt of the <br /> ;,�.�•• _ <br /> �:',',�.� Property is located and shall muil rnpies of such not[ce in the munnxr prescrlbed by appltcabte Isw to Harrower an to <br />���='°� theother gersons prescrU�ed by applicalble luw.After the time requ3red by applt�cable law,9l'rustce shall give public noNce <br /> --��'```'"`� of sale to thc persons and in the manner prescribed by AppHcable law. Trustee,wlthout demand on Borrow•er,shall sell <br /> �� °�:.� the Property nt pubflc auction to the highest bidder et the t6me and place and under the terms deslgnatcd In the notice of <br /> ;�-,- .. <br /> ������:�=� sale in one or more pa�eels and in c+ny order'I'rustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of sll or any parcel o t e <br /> ;: �: properly by public announcement a4 the tlme and place of any previously scheduled sale. l.ender or its designee may <br />-_ . purchase the Propercy at Any sAle. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> . .. Pa{IO 6 ot 6 <br /> �'- ..r�w' ) . <br /> -: :.wjf�� . <br /> AY <br /> �`� . . <br /> 1 !. <br /> " .__. ,_�_._._____.�e_"] . � <br /> ..__—_.___.rt-.-v.z�a-* �1 l-. <br /> ' ' ' . =Ty-��--��._�Q-� __ _-- . .. . ` . . -_ _-_ �-�-:�- , x�)iT'^- <br /> .. 1 � • • (' . .. . .. ' . � `_. � . <br /> ., ' , '" '�'.. 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