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<br /> TOGETHER WITH all thc improvements now ar hereafter erected on the properry. ;md all rutementx, uppurtenance+, nnd =
<br /> ,. fixtures now ur hereafter n parl of the property. All replacements i+nd ndditions shull ids+� be covered by this Security _
<br /> Instrumcnt. All of thc foecgning is refcrrcd to in this Sccurity InStrumcnt us thc"Praperty." _
<br /> ., � �3URRQWER COV F:NANTS that 9orr��wer is la�vfully sciseJ of thc estutc hcreby convcycd and hu+thc right to�,rant and
<br /> canvcy the Propertp �nd tliut ihe Property is unencumbered, exeept for encumbrances of record. Borrawer warrant� and will _
<br /> defend generaUy the tiUe to the Prnpert}•aguinst ull rlaims unJ JemunJs, aubject tu any encumbrances uf recurd. -
<br /> '�'� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT crnnbines unifatm covenants for nationul use and non-unitirrm covenants with limited _
<br /> ; • .'� �
<br /> variutions by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real prapeny. _
<br />'�.�I�� UNIFORht COVENANTS. Aorrowcr and L.ender covenant and agree as follows: :�
<br /> �' ^; 1. Payment of Princlpal�nd Interest; Pre�nyment s�nd I.ate Charges. Borrowcr shall prompQy pay whcn du� the �-
<br /> • ° �� principal of and interest on�he deht evidenced by the Note and any pmpayment and late charges due under the Note. -
<br /> - 2. Fut►ds for Taxes and insurnnce. Subject to applicable law ur to a writtrn wtuver by I.ender,Borrowcr shall pay to �
<br />_ • L.cndcr on thc day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds") for:(a)yearly taxes �
<br /> .,_ and assessments which�n�y attain priority over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b)yearly leasehold payments =
<br /> ,�'�`` or ground rents on the Pruperty,if any; (c)yearly har.ard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums, :!{:.
<br />�'�.!:'�tj�, if any; (e)yeurly mortgage insurnnee premiums, if uny; and (fl any sums�,ayoble by Borrower to Lender, in accordancc with a`'
<br />::�::�e'�S:1: .;� e'
<br /> ,�;���.����, ...• the praviaians of paragraph 8,in Neu of the payment af mortgage insuranre�rcmiums. These items are called"Escmw Items."
<br /> �`:��''��'�r;' L.ender mny. at any time,collect and hald Funds in an amount not to exceed the m:�:imum amount a lencler for a frdernlly
<br /> ,.:i,�,,:. .. . � . -
<br /> related mortgage loan may reqnire fnr Borrowcr's csc►ow accaunt unde;the federal R�al Ls[atc Settlement Prucedures Act of _
<br />.°:•, �{�,. �.�„-� 1974 as amended from time to timo, 12 U.S.C. Sec:tion 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"), unless anather law that applies to thc Funds
<br /> ' sets u Iesser amount. If so, Lender n�ay, at any time, collect and hold F�mds in an amuunt not to exceed the Iesser antount. _-
<br /> ���i'-�- Lender may estimate the nmount of Funds duc an the basis of current dnta und reasanablc estimutes of expenditurcs a�f futurc
<br />;-�-�. -
<br /> � - _�' Bscrow Itcros or othcrnisc in accorclnnrc with applicablc luw. -
<br />-=`°:rt .�=�•:' Thc Funds shall bc held in an instiwtion whosc Jc�aosits urc insurui by u fcdcrul ►igcncy, instrumcntality, ar endty
<br /> `�:,,.-f;. (including I,cndcr,if landcr is such an institutioa)ar in uny Fcdceid Homc Lcr,m Biuik. I.cndcr shull apply thc Fu+�dw tu pny Ihc
<br /> '. .• � �scrow Itcros, I.endcr may no�cP►nrE;c f3orrowcr for hulding:�nA upplying thc I�unds,nnnunlly anulyrin��l�c rscruw nr�e�unt,or _
<br /> „'2'?'" � vcril'ying thc Escrc►w Itcrns,unlCti�I.Cndcr pavs murrou�cr intcres¢on thc�unds nnd nppllaiblc law permhs LAndcr tn miiko sucli _
<br /> ";J��:;.�.Y~ u churge. Howevcr,l.endcr may rcquirc Bo�rowcr to pay a cme•timc churgc i'or nn indcpcndcnt renl crtatc ti►x rep�ming scrvicc
<br /> ��;�•;'.,"t usai by L.cndcr in conncctiun witl� thiti lo.m, unlcss i�pplicahlc luw providcs othcrwisc. Unlcrs un nbrccment is madc ur
<br />,�,;,�;,�''�°: applicublc li►w rcquires intcrest ta be ptiid, I.cnder shall not bc rcquired tn puy eorrowcr uny intcrest or carnings on thc tunas.
<br /> y �
<br /> °-�„°:� ,,�,u�� Borrower und Lendcr may n�rco in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. I.ender shuU give to Borrowcr.
<br /> -����`�. withuut charge, an unnuul acwunting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds und the purp��se for which each
<br /> --__,:w�...a
<br /> -�`'- debit ta the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged us uddition�l security for all sums secured by this Security InStNment.
<br /> —"�"+� If the Funds held by Lendcr exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall account to Borrawer
<br /> `�;.�r:.,.
<br /> --�•�.�� for the excess Funds in aaordlnce with thc n;quirements of applicable Iaw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender pt any
<br /> -- �� time is not sufficient to pay tho Bsc�nw Itcros when due, l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in st�ch case Borrower
<br /> -��,4,,��.� shail pay to L.ender the amount nccessary to mlke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deticiet.cy in no more than
<br />-__,___•,,,�� twelve monthly payments,et Lendor's sole discretion.
<br /> -_- Upon payment in full of nll xums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shull promptly refund to Borcower any
<br /> - - Funds held by L.ender. I f,under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,I.endar, prior ro the acquisitiun or sale
<br /> of the Propeny, shall apply any Fu��ds held by I.cnder at the time of acquisition or snle as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> .� : this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> ' 3.Apptication of Peyments.Unless�pplicable law provides otherv�ise, all payments received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> -�?�� l and 2 shall be Applied: first,to any prepuyment charges due under the Note;second.to amounGS payable under paragrciph 2;
<br /> - third.to interest due;fourth. to principal due;and Inst,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> - "- 4. Charg�; Uens.Bonower shall pay all taxes,assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property __
<br /> = which may attai�priority over tbis Security Instrument, and Ieasehold payments or graund rents, if any. Borrower shall pay -
<br /> thesc obligutions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner, Borruwer shall pay them an time directly
<br /> � to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices ot amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> � -� [f Barrower mukes these payments directly,Bonower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing tile payments.
<br /> ___-= Borrower shall promptly discharge nny licn�vhich has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a) agrees in _
<br /> :=--= writing to the p�yrnent of the obllgation securecl by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> -�°�°��`- �y, or defcnds against cnfarccment of the licn in, le�al proceedings �vhich in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> �;����� . enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures ire�m ri,c halder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to �
<br /> '`�i��;�'� this Security Instrument. If I.endcr determines thut any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain privtity over -
<br /> r•�.�;�-�+, this Security Instrument. Lender may give Horrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or -
<br /> =''�}±�,i;:�;?�: more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> ,..
<br /> =��_;�•�:. Form3028 9180 _
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