,�.':; r}���rrf(r rh`J /�j��rs�j� � 1� .: ��- _, _ _ _ . . _"'_ . i», a .,1,_.� .
<br /> ' i � ..:
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<br /> �i:�. _ __ ___ . . .....
<br /> .. C •� /� /yM
<br /> V��b �OVJ4Y�{D
<br /> f
<br /> aayono having an interest in ehe MorL•gaqad P.etate by reason ------
<br /> ot• anyL•hing dono or 1BfC undone Uy Landers heeeunder.
<br /> —.
<br /> �,,s
<br /> I£ Che xen�s, revenues, groEits and inaome Ero:n the � "
<br /> _ = Moi:Cgaged tistate are noti suf£1a1onL• Co meat Cho ooetr�, 1E -
<br /> ==- any, of taking ponsossion and aonCrol oE and managing L•ho K
<br /> ___= Hnrtqaaad Ratar.e and aollantinq ehe eame, anv funds axpondad
<br /> _ by Uenders E�r such purpoeos shali boaomo indmUtodnose of �'
<br /> ' 8orrower to I,endors seoured bp thin AasignmonC. 8uah amounCS �'�"�t r
<br /> shail be payable upon notiao £rom Lendora to 8orrower 4�:;'::;1i;:
<br /> rec�;ues�inq payment tihereoE an�l shall bear inL•erest Erom the '*j{�;`�„__�'
<br /> —. ��;.__�
<br /> date o£ d3sbursa�ment at che rate provided by the Note. u"'_a;^;."t-:
<br /> '�.:.;t<_.-
<br /> A2ay ant�rinq upon and ta&ing possesaion and aontrol oE �`'R-��"��-
<br /> _ the l+.ortc�aged Bstate by Lenders or the reoeiver and any � '
<br /> _ application of renta, revenues, profits and inoo;ne ae i 31,`
<br /> _ provideei horoin �hall not oure or waivs� any de£ault hereunder E' , N€
<br /> qe invallc�lti� anss other ri ght or remed y of Londers under r
<br /> � ' applicabt� l�a ar provAded therein. (ly,-.j, ; `
<br /> SJ (�' ��P
<br /> II�cr¢bEe �:�reby reprosents and agrees that it is and �� #�� �
<br /> � will be eho soEe owner of the entire landlord's interest (or *r`�
<br /> "`'.a tenant' s interese in the case of Leaeos with respect to which '� '� �-
<br />=•::"- eorrover is tho tonant) in all existing Leasea, subject to ��_!�,4;�;
<br /> `� r,eY Pexmitted Enaumbrances (�a ae£ined !n the Deed of Truet) , �,}��
<br /> � that Boxroc+ar has not er:ecuted any prior assigament of said �i ,��k '.
<br /> M�'rf Leases or rents, r4venues, pxofita and inoomo exoept those ,'k�,,�2}z
<br /> _h;�� being subordinvtec] heceto, Lh�c e�rrower has nat performed, ��'� `
<br /> - and vill not nEa•LOrm, anv acts, anJ hes not executed, and ,}�f�F�r
<br /> �sF'� vill not execute, any instrurnent t3nat croulzi prevent Lend.�rs `�"""' °
<br /> �t� from exezcieing their xights tinc7er this Rsaignment, nn�i that ������.�
<br /> �, at the time oE exeoution of tfiis Attaig�unent there has been no ' t .
<br /> ,�_x(+S l srTl~?.�. .
<br /> antiaipation or prepryment of an.y of the rents cE the r� ��� :
<br /> ` +4,� Mortgaqed Estate for more L•han one (1) month prior to the due �,�,
<br /> �f;� dates of such rents. �'�' �k
<br /> z y :
<br /> ?�� 3. Certain A9reemonts of Horrower. HOrrower hereby �
<br /> ���t agroes as follows: '{ �
<br /> .,,.;�i`j �
<br /> (a) IE an of the L2ases rovide for n securit �''�f�°t
<br /> __�ii;i Y P tj�sSyns.:-
<br /> - doga�it paid by thc ieraant thereund.er to 6orrowor, t is � �y ,,,
<br /> ����� Asaig�uaent ahall tr�nsfer to the Lenders all oE
<br /> �i� Borrowee's right, titlo r.nci interost in anA to anch ���;}';�
<br /> �, . eeourity deyoaite; provic]ad that, 8orrower shall have �#.�"� .
<br /> �: the right to retatza such security deposies so lonq as no 't' ' �
<br /> �'hi Event of DefauiC sI1�11 heve occurred; and providect ��{r .-
<br /> �°�i�� further that Lenders aha11 have no obliqation to nn3+ !r,;.,;:y;�,,
<br /> ' a such tenant with respeat to such securiCy depoaits �,�,5f�•
<br /> ::::=a unlesa and until Lenders come inL•o actual possession and ,�:;.t?�;_:":
<br /> �r��� � tin r...
<br /> �r t s';
<br /> >
<br /> i�
<br /> 27'tl� h ,f J ..
<br /> �n� �r}
<br /> aaaat �w
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