- SUttV1VuRSHI1' N�tttt�iV'!'Y DEED -
<br /> xNOW tiLL i�,r.N t�Y �i'HESE YR�;S�:I�T'1'S, '1'hdt �EttNHtittll VuSS and
<br /> wILHEL1Vlll�a vOSS, husband ancl wil'e, in consideration ot' une Do11ar
<br /> (�l.uU) and other valuable consideration in nand paid, do hereby
<br /> grant, bargain, seli, convey dnd coni'ir.n unto LUtt1N H. tcuSS dnd
<br /> �ESSIE ;3. �USS, nusbanct ana wire, as joint tenants, a1d not as
<br /> tenants in common; the i'ollowing describea real estate, situated
<br /> in the County of ria11 and State oi ivebrasxa, Lo-wit : ;
<br /> �
<br /> 1'art o�� Lot une (1) oi� voss Suod�ision to the CiLy oi'
<br /> Urand isiancl, tvebraskd, eeing dll tnat parL oi tne �ast
<br /> rialz oi the Southwest �uarter �r,2SWir J and the �tlest Half
<br /> I of the Southeast G�uarter (`�i�SE�) of Section Eleven (11) I
<br /> in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , West of i
<br /> the bth P.P�1., in Hall County, Nebraska, lying south of i
<br /> the Lincoln Highway, according to the plat thereof recorded
<br /> in Book �l at Page '12 of the Deed Records in the office
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of Hall Cou�y, rlebraska, which i
<br /> part cf said Lot Cr_e (1) is m.ore particularly described
<br /> as follows: Co�mencing at an iron pin situated upon the �
<br /> � south line of said Lot Or_e (1) , which iron pin is three i
<br /> ( hundred five and one tenth feet (30;.1� ) west of the j
<br /> I southeast �orner o� sai� Lot Gne (�) , tnence running ;
<br /> � north two hur:dred ten �eet (210.0� } and parallel to the i
<br /> east line o= said Lot Cne (1) , to an i:en pin, �unnin� ;
<br /> thencevest and pa=^21Ie1 tc tne south line c� said Lct I
<br /> One (1) , a distance of sixty-six feet (66� ) to an ircn �
<br /> pin, running ther.�e sout'r. and parallel to the east line ��
<br /> oi said Lot One (1) a distance of Twc Hundred Ten Feet I
<br /> (210.0� ) to an iron pin on the soutr �ine of said Lot j
<br /> One (1) , which pin is �ocated sixty-six feet (56t ) west cn !I
<br /> the south line of said Lot Cne (1) from tne point of 'I
<br /> begir.ning, thence running east along and upon the south �I
<br /> line o�' said Lot One (1) to tne noint or oeginning, sub�ect, !!
<br /> hov�er, to one-haif cf tne roa� to the south ci said �I
<br /> prer.^.ises. �
<br /> �I
<br /> �I
<br /> to�ether with al� the ;,ene�:e:��s, �ered�ta^:ents and appur�an�es
<br /> i�
<br /> � to the saTM:e be�ongir.g, and ail �:�e es*„ate, titie, dower, ridht ��
<br /> of hor�estead, ��ai�: or de�:.anc whatsoever ci the sa�d granto^s, i�
<br /> of, in er tc the sa�:e, or ar:.� part thereo£. !�
<br /> �
<br /> It oein� the intenticn o� a�� parties hereto, tnat in the !
<br /> �
<br /> event of tne �:eath o_ ei;,'r:er or said grantees, tne entire iee si:�ple ;
<br /> title to the reai esta*e descri:�ed he:ein shall vest in the ;
<br /> surviving grantee. II
<br /> TC HA�� AI;D TO HCLD t�e a�eve descriced premises, with the
<br /> appurtenances, untc the sai� gran*ees as joint tenants, and not as
<br /> tenants in common, and to their assigns, or the heirs and assigns
<br /> oi the survivcr of tne:�, f'orever, and the grantors named herein for
<br /> themselves and their heirs, executors, and administrators, do
<br /> covenant with the grantees na�::ed herein and with their assigns and
<br /> with the heirs ar.d assigns of tne survivor of them tnat they
<br /> are lawfully seized ol saici premises; that they are f'ree i'rom
<br /> incu.^-�brar.ce except as stated herein, and that the said grantors
<br /> ! -1-
<br /> -�-_,
<br /> i
<br /> '�
<br />