Minutes of the Meeting of the BLESSED SAC�AMENT CHURCH of
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, held June ��'; 1960
<br /> A special meeting of the officers of the Blessed Sacrament
<br /> Church, a corporation, caas held at the residence of John L. Pas-
<br /> chang, Preside..� , at 804 tti'est Division Street, Grand Tsland,
<br /> Nebraska, at which meeting all of the following officers of. said
<br /> corporation were present: John L. Paschang, Carl Hayden, William
<br /> Fagan , Anthony E . Egging and Jerome Francis.
<br /> It was announced by P.�thony E . Egging that an offer had
<br /> been maae by The Diocese oi Grand island, a corporation, for
<br /> �he pu-rchase of
<br /> The :�ortneast �;�.rt�r of tne Northeast Quarter
<br /> (�1E=�,ti'E=;;) , Section T.:en�y-iive (25) , Township
<br /> T,�elve (12) North, Range Nine (9) , ttiest of the
<br /> 6th P.M. , Hall CoUnty, Nebraska,
<br /> for the sum of 'I�ao Hundred Seventy-five Dollars an acre or the
<br /> sum oF Eleven Thousand Dollars ($I1,000.00) and that he deemed
<br /> it advisable to sell said property . It was moved by Anthony E .
<br /> Egg�ng and seconded by William Fagan that the above property
<br /> be sold for the sum of $]_1,�00.UU to the Diocese of Grand Island,
<br /> a corporation; that the of.ficers of the corporation be empowered
<br /> to execute the necessary instruments anci deed to conve}> 5aid
<br /> premises, together with an abstract oi title upon the payment
<br /> of said purchase price .
<br /> Jpon roll ca11 said mo�ion was unai:imously adopted and the
<br /> follocvin; resolution proposeci and unanimo�sly adopted anci macie
<br /> and entered in the minutes �f said corporation:
<br /> "Be it resolved that the officers of the Blessed
<br /> Sacrament Church of Grand Island, a corporation, of
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, entered into a contract to sell
<br /> to The Diocese of Grand Island, a corporation, for the
<br /> sum of $11,000.00, the exact terms and conditions of
<br /> said sale to be left to the discretion of said officers,
<br /> who are nerewith authorized to execute instruments and
<br /> a deed of c onveyance for said property and to deliver
<br /> an abstract of title to the purchaser upon payment of
<br /> the purchase price in full and to do such other and
<br /> related things as may be necessary to complete the
<br /> sale and conveyance of said described property."
<br /> � � � �
<br /> S RETARY 4
<br /> I, Anthony E , Egging, Secretary of the Blessed Sacrament
<br /> Church, a corporatian, Grand Island, Nebraska, do hereby cer-
<br /> tify that I have compared the foregoing with a unanimous resol-
<br /> ution adopted by the officers of the Blessed Sacrament Church,
<br /> ,,a...a.ca�poration, at a special .<<eeting and do hereby certify that
<br /> ;.�`'��lYt�:�,cji�'�,going is a true and correct copy of tl�= minutes of
<br /> �r',:;��:d':'r���%ing and of the resolui.ion unanimously adopted by said
<br /> - � ��; �'����-�'.��r��sn on the 29th day of February, 1960, and that said
<br /> = � ����,re�olut�.c��=�has not been rescinded and is in full force and
<br /> '' ������c�� "_: � ,� �
<br /> � T��L�;d this �2� day of cn�� 1960.
<br /> ��J��'i. .__r�„ �
<br /> `i{..
<br /> SECRETARY Blessed Sac ent hurch,
<br /> A Corporation,
<br /> 1 e d. ���,., �r��c�r� J u 1., �,, 1`�r.�0 a t �, ;11 F. ,-���^J ���r��
<br /> � RA;�t S�=r of �eeds,
<br /> �a l� Cc�.i:�ty, Nebras�i.a
<br />