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<br /> . � . 92--- �,a3s82
<br /> Tha xeaitala in euoh deed o� any muL•Cera or faaES ahall �
<br /> bo conalusive proof o£ �he truth£ul.nese thereoE, Any
<br /> y�pxson, inoluding, without limitation, 8orrowor, Trusteo
<br /> or. I.enders, may puraliase at suoh eale.
<br /> (b) As may be permitted by law, after deduoting ` '
<br /> all costs, Eees and expenses o£ Tcuatiee and o£ thie
<br /> Trust, includ.ing costs of evidenca of C3tle in
<br /> connectiox� with sa2e, Truatea shall appiy tha proceec#s
<br /> oE sale to payment of (i) £irst, to payment of ali
<br /> costs, fe�s and expenses, includinq attorneps' feas and
<br /> axpenaes 3nourred by the Y.anders in execr,ising th� power —
<br /> of sale or Eoreolosing tAis Deed of Truse, and (ii)
<br /> s�s�ond, as direoted by Required t.r�ndern or as m3� Ao
<br /> rac�ulrod by law. _. _
<br /> ' (a) Txuetee may in the manner provided by law
<br /> postpone :sn?e o£ all or any portion of the Moxtgaged �,:,
<br /> Bstate. �°�r�=
<br /> �,.s:.•..
<br /> �r;;r: .
<br /> 8ection ffi-.c�2. Appointmecxt oi fi2c�iver. IE an s+reat of • nyi
<br /> ..�H�..
<br /> DefaulC shall ��ave 000urred, �3�uirec3 [,�ndarE, �s a m�ttES oE ,3;��___
<br /> right and without notice to Horrowar or t�nyoa� claiminc un7cr �;;*.?';s;�=.::,_
<br /> HorroaES, and vithout regaxd to the thPn value of the ,, �,�1�'�;<,� _-
<br /> Mortga.a��d Setnte or the interesL• of F7orrower therein, shall , ,,,,
<br /> have th� rlght to apply to any oourt h�vinq jurisdiction to M���;,, _
<br /> appoint a rocoiver or reaeivera of the Mortqaged Lshate, and �i'i '`t .
<br /> 8ocrowsr herot�� irrAVOCably consents to such appointment and -��Tsv.�;;.,.:=
<br /> yaivea r3ptina nf anv annlir.ghinn Yhw�@for, pnv aueh reneiver !'+n%d"'•%<='=�
<br /> or re�Eivers shal!have�all the usual powers and duties of �'A `�'Gt�y`,'� �.
<br /> dutiesaof Leni�rs in aaselof antry asdprovided inWBection �y�-����t'�tr�'
<br /> 5.02(i) and shall continue as �uch and exerclse all auch �(�. T'i��:�
<br /> �
<br /> ,��.�f4�.�
<br /> povers until t�hs dat� of conEirmation of sale of Che ;;�„���•.,�f.>��r
<br /> ":.� .
<br /> Mortgay�d Eatnto unl.ess auch receivorship is sooner ;��;':y,.'^*�c.-
<br /> tecnina�ecl. -.:;,k14 71'�'iu=:°
<br /> %� f�.t^?rr;
<br /> sestion S.nS. Remediea Nac Sxcluaive, Lenders ahall bo rj+''`%�*'�3�
<br /> entitlerZ Co enEorce payment anc] porformance of any 9ecured ''rC;'��j?`f'a'_;;;
<br /> +"4i:�tiit:.__5�._.
<br /> vnder�thiaeDeed�of Truet orXUncler�anylI,oanhDocumenteworeother +r{t�+S .
<br /> agreement or t:�m Nebraska Trust Deeds Ace or any othor lawe ,�,;��t�,;,,,,�`,
<br /> now or hereafter in force, noY:wPths�andinq some or al.l oE the ,� ��. ,� •
<br /> Secured Obligations may noa or hereafter be othexwise }��4�? .�
<br /> ��w�4��f�f�s
<br /> secured, whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledqe, lian, ,;-
<br /> assignment or othexw�se. Neither Che flcceptance of tnis Deed '°1'<f?� r -
<br /> pursuant torthe�nowwor^�ment, :ahether by court acCion or !,l}�j('.{„ �h�� :
<br />, o. ucner powers herein bilt��f;�:�,.,;,,
<br />� contained, ehall re udlce or in an manner affect T.ondexa' 4�Y'�Y1+5��?Jra<t-_.
<br /> P j Y �;'s�i'i;:?.",.'!':
<br /> righC to realize upon or enEorce any other. security now or �,.n;a�;,;+.,..;
<br /> • yf.i,
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