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<br /> Horrowez ahall givo advanoo notioe in writing to Londecs
<br /> oE any proponed ahango iu llorrower'a name, idenY,iL•y, or
<br />_ bueinese £orm or struoCUro as permitted under tho Loan
<br /> AgreemenC and will exeouL•e and deliver to Lenders, prior to
<br /> or aonaurrontly wi,Cli tho ocaurrenae of any auah ohange, all
<br />- additional financing statements ehat Lenders may require to �
<br /> establiah a�d maintain tha validity and pciority o£ I,end�trs'
<br /> seauriCy inL•eeest with respeot to any o£ tho MorL•gagod �stato �°"="-—
<br /> desaribed or. reEerred co herein.
<br /> 5i:'_
<br /> t�.
<br /> I£ any items of the Mortgaged Eatate desnribad her�in �_--:.
<br /> are goods that as� or are to beaome fixCUres re2ated to the =—'`" `
<br /> Property, it is lntgnd4d that as to thase goodso �his De�d o£ i�?^*� �
<br /> �rust 5haI1 �e effff�ti�cQ as a finanoing �tntemenL filec3. es a
<br /> fixeuie fi2ing £rom the date of ite fi2ing Eor reaord in the � f1`,�,;, ,,_
<br /> r�al ostM�e recozc�s of the cowity in wh8ch ehe �IOrtgAged ���}�*
<br /> E�tate is situate�. Information ooncer�inq the security ���,,..,_.,,::
<br /> 3nterest created by thie inetrtunent may �F obtained Eroa� ���;;`�
<br /> Lenders, as seaured party, at the addro�s of Lenders atate� �;�,� -
<br /> in 8eotioi� 6.05 of this Deod of Truat. The mailinq ad�5r2ss rsf�,�;:,
<br /> oE Borcover, xs c��btor, is as stated in Sectio:x e.05 of thie '+'••i�'�': :
<br /> Deed of Trust. ;t,�;,�`�_,
<br /> '::3�y>yi}
<br /> 11R'1'ICGE V "`'i}��:";' "-
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<br /> EVh'NT8 OF DEF'AUL1' }���� •a�`
<br /> ;'}�i�,'�:.-.
<br /> AND RfiM6UIE8 UPt3N DSFAULT ,s t,;�!
<br /> %�},�r� - .
<br /> Sg[et;ifn 5,A7 , $yanac n n nz� �:'1X_�'-;x;l`:`:
<br /> f L�„fEUlt. „y OAn vc mo"re ot :��zss
<br /> the fallowing eventrt sTi�all be deemed an �uent of Default � r��
<br /> hereundox: �-;��n
<br /> 5f 1�` r
<br /> (a) fai]uro by Borrower to pay wiihin fiva d�ys o£ st-""
<br /> the date such payrr.�nt is due and pa�rable, ti) any ` ;^;
<br /> pay^Ent of principal oE or interest un the Notes or (11) ��'�:#t��:i
<br /> �ny other sum secured hereby or due haremider or undor �'�`h,�;;_
<br /> �ny other I,oatt Document; �a,,; � .
<br /> ,�,
<br /> (b) fai.lure b Dorrower to ``"' '
<br /> Y pierc�ctuaily perform or �pti;�'
<br /> obaorve any aovenant or aqreement contained in thia Aeed L•;��n,,rr
<br /> of Trust (other th�n the monetary ob3igations desaribed ""r;`i��i_`.::
<br />- in paraqraph �a) a3�ove) and auch Eailure stx�ll not have �'':'h�'"
<br /> F,i�.tn;
<br /> been oured �rit�in 10 days after written noL•ice £rom a wys,�r�i+f;
<br /> Lender of. sur.s� failuce; �
<br /> 1S:e1 '.
<br /> {c) the occurrence o£ An even� of default undar EN -
<br /> the Chief Ethanol Deed o£ Trust, the Chie£ Ethanol �
<br /> {,��
<br /> Ass3gnm.ent o£ Aents and Leases or any Loan Document "N,$:. "
<br /> (�tMc+r *han rhie non.� ..c m..�.,,..� . �;.'S;',_^,;,;;.
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