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<br /> • . � ��....,�i�)C�`�"+ ---
<br /> bBNDBRS• POWRR$
<br /> At any timo, or from timo to timo, wl�hout liability,
<br /> therefor, Lenders without afEecting L•he peraonal liability, —
<br /> if any, o£ any porson for payraent o£ L•he SecuieA Obligationn
<br /> or tho e£Eoct o£ L•his DeeA o£ Trusk upon Ctee cemninder oE �`�i.'-
<br />' said Mortgaged. Sstate, may Erom tiimo to tf�cya xihhout notice "•�
<br /> (i) teleaso any p�rt of said Mo=tgaged 1ESt�te, (ii) consent �%c�.��__-.
<br /> in aciCing to tha meking o£ any map ox pZa� thoreof, fii�D ��=`h-4= -
<br /> join in grantfng anp easemenC @hereone Qiv) toira in sny � �, _.
<br /> extension �gcaems�nt or any 8[JYOCKaB2t� SUb3DSCY.i:7Bt�11g tl'4fl lion � ',:a;T -
<br /> or chaage P�areof, Qerp xeloaen n»y persoa ao 1labio, qvi) .� �f;:_`;;
<br /> eztenQ the maturitg or alter any oE GSsa tms�ss of e�Fr Secased '�f�%:;;';'�
<br /> OUli���zons, (v33? �;cant oxher indulgencea, fYiii) take ox - ��"-
<br /> release aa�y cs�t�¢r u�r additional security ffax any obligatien '>;�:;:';��:.
<br /> herein menifa;c��� q3a) make compositions crfi �ther - -='+`- `�:
<br /> arranqemonts wz�'n �+�tors in relation thexe�o, or (x) advance ` •
<br /> addltional 'fn.nds �o p=otect the aeourity heseoE anu� �ay or ' �
<br /> dircharge SkE Becured Oblfgations of Borxow�a horaundar, �z�d. ��a .'
<br /> all emounb� s� advancad shall be secuxod hmtteby and ehall 6e is�j,_�4a ".;
<br /> due and pa���le ugon clemand by Aenders. ,.,,`�j�,�:._.-;
<br /> 'dfih.,:p;;,;;:
<br /> ARTICGB III �:....-�.```
<br /> �.117'i'iiia�+'�_
<br /> k•KRYIA'.x••....
<br /> 41YI1i7F.:c;':.
<br /> M65I�NFffiNT OP RBHTB, IS$UES A�11� P.+E20PIT$ `r'Yf"f y,
<br /> 3��t��
<br /> }�`�
<br /> SeCtion 3.01. �lssianment oE_Rg�g. Tm furth�s secu�e t� rt'��F.°
<br /> the prompt pnyment amd per£ormanee oE eaeh o�lipatfcer.: seclarecl , .rr�w"-
<br /> }.3��...,�,t-i;:
<br /> hereby, Horrower h�e�eby asaigns, trans£ers, .convo�s <�nc? sc�ts ��',�,�:�._;
<br /> ovec @o Lenders all af Borsoxer's estate, azc,•LY, titla �n�a �y,kj��x;;��
<br /> lntacest in, to and i�nder atl leases, whetuer e�cisting on thN `;�t.?:;,��,
<br /> r�t���._,-_
<br /> ate hereo£ or her�aL�ter o^.'tered into (inclat73ng any itr.�f
<br /> ex�ensions, rcwdi£ic��fons or amendmen�s thereloj relating to t��;;;:.�•,,;,
<br /> the Property (the "I,eases"), together with all riqhts, �':�"�nD;�=
<br /> powers, praeileges, option� .amd other bene�its of Horrower as :'t'��';,."''
<br /> f.„s:,-,-,.-.
<br /> the lessoz undar the Leases regarding tho cuarent tenants and :, �;;1c<;;:.
<br /> any Euture tenants, and all tho rents, ro�ECSUes, proEits and ;�•�`f�'�
<br /> .;_i,, ... -.-.
<br /> incas:ra from the Moxtgaqed Estate, 3acluding those now due, ��(;;;�:;�..
<br /> .�,,.; :�.:,:.
<br /> past c�ue or to become due. Upon an Event o£ Da£ault, _.r,�..*�,;..;
<br /> Borrower irrevocably appoints Lenders its txue and lawful "'' i�:S"
<br /> attosnay-in»£act, at the option o£ Required Aonders at angr �(��3�'`=:'`
<br /> , .:,..
<br /> 4 '-:
<br /> time and Erom time to time aEter auch 8vent of Ae£nult, 'Yrm si�`,.; `
<br /> take possession and controi oE the Mortgaged Hstate and to i•`:`^4,?'i;'`
<br /> demand, receive and enforce payment, to give receiq�':s, ���:i-'��-`�>"
<br /> releases and satisEaction, and to sue, in t+r,a name of r;s§� �'" -
<br /> Horcower or Lenders, £or all such rents, ia:�c:es and proEi�s s:'t�{�-=��_+
<br /> and apply the sama to the Secured Obligati�cc3, 3'�',�:;:��
<br /> G%
<br /> — `;:'.;;.:;-.
<br /> i.:`r t�J.'.–
<br /> -18 ' _i!j',:.::
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