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<br /> . . . ..A��r� ].f�f.f-fifilnd9�����l.iidt-iwlk�i+l.4 �--� �1�iWi11LY11�b47�lA�i`fi)/:ti..- - - .�.��...�
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<br /> , ,- ,
<br /> -- againat or required to be insured againeC by tho pcovisions
<br /> - p£ thie Aeed o� Trust.
<br />'-'"`—`-''-j=' (o) A31 aums payable by 8orr�wer hereunder ahall b�
<br /> ,<:,�� paid withouC notioe, demand, oounterolaim, aetoEf, deduotion
<br /> �., or defenae and wit•hout• eUatement, suspensiott, deferment, - """" -
<br /> - dimiaution or reduotion, and Che 8eoured Obii9aCions of
<br />'"_�a 8orrower hereunder shall in no wap be releaaed, dieaharged or
<br />"`=��9 oCherwiae afEeoCed by xeason oEt (1) enp damage Co or
<br /> desCruotion of or any aondemnation or similar talcing oE L•he
<br />"�s�� Mortgaqed Estate or any pact thereof� (ii) any restriation or
<br /> -;;,� pLevenL•ion of or inY.er£exenca with any uae of the Mortgaqed
<br /> F.etate or any part thereoE; (iii) any title deEect or
<br /> `��"� enoumbranae or any eviotion from the Property or the
<br /> _ ��' Improvements or. any part thereoE by title paramount or
<br /> � t,a otheLwiae; (iv) any bankruptoy, insolvenoy, raorganizaeion,
<br /> _ s� oomposition, adjustment, disaolution, liquidation or other
<br />='�:t�i��`I like prooeod�ng relating to Borrower, or any aceion taken
<br /> �.' 7� with respect to thie Deed oE Trust by any txustee or raceiver y ;
<br /> ��En o£ Borrower, or by any aourt, in any rtuch proceeding; or (v) ��', "�.
<br /> y,�fi'� any other oceurronce whatsaevor, whe�her. similax or �. �k`;
<br /> '�� disaimilar to tho foregoing; whether or not Borrowex sha.1.! �;�'�'
<br /> '�4 hflva notice or knowlodge of any oE the foregoirs�. To the �C�,�i«,.� `-
<br /> r extont permitted by law, eorrover waives all r8�;hts now or �`%��i�R � --
<br /> x�:�tr, hereafter conferrecl by statute oz otherwis�e to a�ny abatement, #t2'��'t=��"'
<br /> „�z>,_�� susgenaion, deferrnont, diminution or red�c�ion of any 8eaured +ts'"'+q�4r�
<br /> = ve Obligatian. �, � -
<br /> .:s;'+'�;� � 4'; ; :.
<br /> 9oction 1. 10. Tasces and Tm osition�. (a) s,s��e��t te ����� `
<br /> "� paragraphs (d) and (ej of th a Sect on 1.1a, Horrouer a�eses ('�if�`�"�
<br /> ;�;�i�' to pay, prior to delinquency, a11 real pzo�exty taxes anxt iG�i,,� ,,;
<br /> r?`,'�j asaesements, general and special, and all ��her tAxes anc? ��J=» sn�!�-
<br /> r5{i•1
<br /> Y,�,t., sesossmante of nn,y kind or nature whateosvmr, wh�ch are ��tig,�,�3['r�
<br /> ��rs;+.� assessod or impos�ca upon the Mortgaged EstaYe, or become due ���;5 '
<br /> �r3�� and payable, aad which create, may create os appe�r to create '�+
<br /> ��-i: a lien upon the Mortgaged Eetate, oz any pz,rt thereof, or ���S�,y�y�;
<br /> 1N �. upon any porsonal property, equipment or ¢ther EaCility used �r��i�4 �
<br /> E .�`� in tho operation ox maintenence thereof i�11 of which taxes, 4i�11�,;. ,
<br /> 'y�'� assessmenta and oth2r qovernmental And nongovernmental ��!�`'j��9>�t;v
<br /> ''�'�"`` O1tAIg6S Of 11k6 nature are hexeinaftor ref2rxed to as ?i{rs'r�;-;_:;,:--
<br /> * '`� "Impositions"); provided, however, that 3f, by law, any sitch #s '?'",; ;
<br /> r��,:.
<br /> h"t " Impositioiz is p�syable, or may at the option of the taxpaye: � ��. , �
<br /> �3'��'� be aid, in instelSr.:ents, eorcower may pay tho same to ether � t �
<br /> n ��rai 0 ty{4„ .
<br /> ,� «„ wit anp accruec3 taz2�rest on the unpaid balance of euch Fy-?�� :
<br /> ,,,�a�f�:� Imposition 3n ir,stallnents as the same becomo due and before � u#�:-•i',;:-:_
<br /> any fine, �n�lty, intorest or coet may be �dded thereto £or � �, �.
<br /> #f�� the nonpay�c:ent of any such inetallmont anc2 interest. , , ; -
<br /> �� « (b) 3f at nny time after tha date heroof �here shall bo �`�� L���+; ;
<br /> _ ___�i. assessed or imposed (i) a tax or assessment on the Mort qa qed _�i'_�1'_::
<br /> �li�� �5'��yr :
<br /> z,�,i l,t��, :
<br /> ,�,;i < �xi!�'.
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