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<br /> �c:.
<br /> • .:u.,'�,:�.
<br /> '7� Cw . • v - .' � ..wnnayyrr..��. _ ___�*,'
<br /> + y`�.. . . y.4_.�..e, M�� ' n.��_'
<br /> ' •. - �i...uyy5.�+! 'R+..r .a,7A , . ... --Y'=c"'� I.ti
<br /> , ...�.� . .. ... .. . . _'
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<br /> ;. .. . --,:�v-ti:. ...,
<br /> ""' .'•:
<br /> -. ..�.. (�}Ikit•t:�_.r...:... _ .. ... .. ..... . .
<br /> ..Te�''._"...�u. . .... ,_ ..._ .." "_ .. . ..
<br /> Q.�"-
<br />_� .. �� . g�" ����F; �_
<br /> �„'�l•?� _ • — _ .
<br /> �XHIBIT E ��--
<br />- . MOF�TCI4C� AD�ENDUN!
<br /> TA9 fuft�wk�a 11r� Rddlnd�to tha AAoRQap�. PMat� oheck th� �pplic�bb add�sdum. Yhe ndduidum ohvck�d ah�l b� Incorpont�d
<br /> hto,uttl rocsordW wKD, th�HlortpaQ�. Th�tsnn'Mortptp�"thaN W d�eNt�d to InoUtM1'D�sd of Trust,'M appliC�bM.
<br />- �;.
<br /> Q FMA,I�CD end Hllp ADOENDUM ONLY
<br /> -�;'s�� TMIu TJU(�tEMPT FINANCINO RIDER k mad�thb 18th d�y ol A��II , y��7 , �nd 6s hc�rpont�d
<br /> �µ+,,;,� HtQ O1d 6haA 1»dMrt�sd to ammd�nd �uppNrt�r►t the Mortp�y�, DMd of Trust a&xurOty D�d ("S�curity Inswrt�Y)of th�sart�d�t�
<br /> :��m�y„ phr�n by t��n un�wnqn�d('eorrowa')to wcun BoROw�� Hota("Not�')to URIITED NEBRASKA BANK '_
<br /> :N ��:
<br /> ('�onc4w•)of th�tun�dat��nd cawrhq Ih� propoAy descrb�d h th�3�:urity►nstrum�nt and Iocat�d at:110� E 6TH ST GRAND _
<br /> f'st.A � E 881lO1 ��,ov..,y �.,. �
<br /> t
<br /> • In a�dkicv► to th� cownante �nd �pr�rwntn rt►rd� In th� Sscurity InaUum�nt, Borrowor and Land�r furthK cov�wit �nd e�ra to artNnd
<br /> 'i� Pamyrasi� 0 ot th� ModN Mortp�f Fonn,onikbd "(irounda far Accebratbn of Mb!' n by addhp addRbnal pround�kr acc�Nntbn �s
<br /> �5_ IoHOws:
<br /> L�etide�. or auah o4 A� suec�ssors a �ssqns aa may by s�panta hstrum�nt assum�n=ponsbMicy tor asaurtrsp compflu�ca by th�
<br /> _ '. �' BarrnswK wlth th� provMloni af thie Tax-�xKnpt Fln�nofn9 �. �Y �w ����Pa9�^t h fuY of tN sums s�cund by this
<br /> &�CUriq►InstrumOnt M:
<br />- R� • (a) AM a peR ol th�Prop�ty b sota or othwwk�urnsi�rtad by Borcnwrr lo a pu.-..haccr ar oth�tr_nsfaa: -
<br /> (q Who cannot nasonaby be�xpsaUd to xaupy th�prop�ty as a prhCfpa�rss{dM�C�wkhin�rsason�bls thN aflK ths saf�or
<br /> � tronnkr,aM oa provided h Sactbn 143(o)and(Ix2)of the Int�mal R�wnw Co�;a --
<br /> , � (q) Who has had � pnsent ownerahtp hienst h a prYiotpal ns{dmc� duriny �ny put ol th�thn♦y�a pxlod mdfnp on tns -
<br /> ' � ,:w,� datn of th�sab or truisfer,aW as provlded h S�otbn 113(d)�nd(q(2)of th�IntKn�l Fie+rM�w Cod�(�c�pt IMt '100 p�rcmY�hd ba —
<br /> subatRutwf tor"95 percont ar more'where the iattet apposrs tn Sactbn td3(dx1))or
<br />•. (MI) At a► acqukkton cost whbh Ia prsatK th�n 90 p��mnt of tM Rvwp�arw Parohaa Prl� (Gn��K thm 110 pKCant lor
<br /> , uuppt�d wa raldw�ca).�N u provld�d h 6�ctfon 1�3(�)md(i)(2)of ttN IntMnal Rwinw Codr,or —
<br /> (N) Who haf�qross tamiy Incort►e h �ceas of ths epP�M P��WM of �ppicabM m�dkw� hmYy tncortN as Provid�d In
<br /> r Seetlon 143(�and (Ix2)o}lh�Intemti Fiw�n.r Cado; or
<br />=� � rof L3orro�acr hNt to ocCUpy the proparty d�scrb�d h iM 3�curky Inttrumont wRhout prbr wrkt�n conwnt of Undr or Rs
<br />� ' suceestors or�tsipm dbcrk�d a4 th� b�pinninp of thk T�x�[x�npt Ffnu�aNp Wdrr,or
<br /> � (o) BbrtOwol OmRS or m1c7�l:IiKlia ■ieoi iiisi w u�i�:i�i`wti i::�.t !0 tN.�"?L".'r�4,rax wa Santinn t�3 of tll�Int�(tul Fi�Wnw _
<br />�:t� .
<br />_�5 ., Cnde h�n�pplcw2ian for ths lo�n a�cund bY thb Sscurky Inatrummt. _
<br />�:..-
<br /> .��.y� r.,• Rek�wicas�ne to ih�Intanai Fievanue Cod�ns �rtwndod and In �M�ct on th�ddU cf bsuuxs af bonds, the procMds of wh�
<br />�''-'_�••�+:. vrW be uasd to fhana tha SacurRy tnetrument and�n dNn�d 20 7nclud�th�knpbmentkp n�u�lbna.
<br /> j��:'7L�'J�7 .
<br /> °`':�`;;:;:,ii BY�IGNINO BELOW,Bortowor aacopts �nd iproes to th�l�rms.nnd provislon3 In this T��xrxnpi FMianciny WdK-
<br /> :rn'�'.r:^t41 t •
<br />--'.r;.<+r '
<br />�.._,�"�.��� �e !/ /�r2�rv� ��IDl9 (sEN.)
<br />_��' ��! eo a.w
<br /> ��ti��
<br />-����
<br />,__-�.,,.n�
<br /> �� � /�'IFr�� �/G���l��i I�N-)
<br />-- =-J:t�
<br />--_- EO NM
<br /> _ �,.-a��
<br />--+:aliY�
<br />'"`�-�� 1'HI5 TAX�ENEMPT PINANCINQ WDER is rrud�ohta day ot . and is (ncaponbd hto �nd -
<br /> —�Q°'-'����� mhaA b�dMm�d to onNnd and suppMmint t��Mort�tp�. BMd of Tast or S�cutity DMd ('S�CUrity instrum�nt')of th�t�dat�91wn bY
<br /> � = th�und�rsl�d('Bomoww')to s�cun Homovwrt Nob("Not�')to
<br /> �����
<br />=�_...�y�,v��Y
<br /> :_�.��'T.� ("I.�►tl�r")ol th�e�rtra d�h�r►d cowrh9 the propoRy d�scrb�d in ttN Security InsWrtNnt and bcaUd�t
<br /> �-,�..-..
<br /> �=-,;y;rs,., (Ropxty AdEnu�
<br />— --.:�;.-,.i�`•.
<br />�:�. ^"� In addkfon to tM co�unts �nd �pr�esn�nts m�de h tho 3ecurity InaUum�nt, Bortower snd Undsr turther cownant�nd �prs� to �►�nd
<br /> • _ Pr.raatsph 17 ot tM UnNorm Mortp�p� Fam. onti[iad "Trinsier of th� Property as a BM�MiCYI lat�rost h Borrowor" as by addinp tddkionat �.;
<br /> _ . . � pro¢nds tor accebntbn�s(oMows: �;
<br />�- � Lendsr, or such o7 ks succs3sore or aaaqrts ms rnay bs separaN hsbument aesurr» nsponabllily far �urinp compliu�c� by tt� �`
<br />- - �ower wkh thro provisbns of this Tex�xert�pt Ftnancinp Hklw, may rsquiro tnmedi�le Peym�nt tn Nd of all sums s�cur�d by lhl� _
<br />�r� ,^�YCWiry IRShUm�ft IE �:
<br /> - Qa) AN or part ol the PropMty b saW or oth�rwia transt�rt�d by Barrow�r to�purchas�r or oth�r trnst�: _
<br /> �z��`"` ".' (� wiit�a cannot nasonabN b�a�cted to occuPY � q��b aa a P��ntid�nc�wkhin a na�onabM t!TM afier th� _.
<br /> • eay or tnnslrr,tN as pra+Wad In Saalbn 1�3(c)�nd(I)(2)o}tM intomal G�ewnw Codr,w -
<br /> -- _�_�_ �- ({� Who hu hsd a pr�nt ownersht� htenat In a princlpal nsid�nce durhq�ny Put of lh� thre►Yw PKiod mdinp on tM -
<br /> data of tha saq or tnr�afar. aN ns providad h Section 143(d) �nd (Ix2) o}tM InbrtNl F�W�nw Cod�(�oc�pt that "100 p�c,w�Y _
<br /> shaN be aubstiNtod tor•95 percent or moro'where tM I�tMr�pp�ars In S�ctbe 1�13(dK1); or
<br /> (W)At an�cquiskbn Cost which b proatar then tM rt�onhwm ItmRs �stabisF�d by th� Nsbr�sfu Inwst�►Mnt Fin�w Authortty °
<br /> (ths"Auihority')h �onnectbn w�A bts Propram. pursuant to wh�h Propnrtf thN Securily Instrummt b Bnuicsd�or
<br /> (H) Who hQS � yross hmiy Income In eacssa of ths mex6num Nmds asUbliaMd by tAa Authorfty in conn�ation wkh Rs
<br /> . Propram;or
<br /> NIFA�lYA
<br /> . .. Ot/t6720�J P�p�t of 4
<br /> .. Ff116.LMA(11/G6)
<br /> -.� �3
<br /> -�--... --�---�� -
<br /> '' i . .. �.. - - --- .�1� - _. .-'° t:
<br /> • ,,.. . .... ._ ._ .... .. . ..... . . . � �-. ...-_S:i-
<br />