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<br /> • � 17. 7'ransfer of the PropciKy ar a aenc`iclul Inter�st In Durruwcr. If all or any part of thc Peoperty or any interest in it i �
<br /> � � � is sald or transferred(or if a bcncficill intemst in Borrower is sald or transferrcd :uid Borrowcr is iw�a na[ural person) without
<br /> Lcnder's prlor written consent, Lender mny, at its option, rcquire immediate payment in full of all sums sccurcd by this
<br /> �-� Securiry lnstrument. Nawever,this option shall nut bc excrcised by I.cndcr if exercisc�s prohibitcd by fcder�l law as of thc datc
<br /> of this Security Instnimcnt. �
<br /> � If L,ender exercisos this option,Lender shall give Horrawer notice of acceleration.The notice shaU provide a period of not ,
<br /> less than 3Q days from tha date Ilte nodoa is delivcred or mailed within which Uorrower must pay all sums secured by this � ,.
<br /> Security Instrument. If Borro�ver faits to ps►y thesG sums prior to the expirntion of this period,L.cndcr may invoke any remcdics ..�„.._
<br /> permitted by this Securit�+Instn�ment withcrttt furthet notice or demand on Borrower. � �!�
<br /> .�.�,...._.
<br /> " . 18. Born►w�r's Itl�ht to Relnstntc:. If Borcower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have ehe right to have ;'!'"�"y��-
<br /> .,_f,�;�
<br /> enforcement of this Security instrument di:scontinucd at any dmc prior to the earlier oF: (a) 5 days(or such o�her period as •_ra=
<br /> applicable law may sp�cify for reinstatcmenq before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this ��.=�'�
<br /> Security Instn�ment;or(b)entry of a judament enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions aze that Horrower: (a)pays •-r::=
<br /> �,:.,--
<br /> Leader all sums which then would be dua under this Securiry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occ�rred;(b) ;,_{----
<br /> cures any default af any other covenants c�r agreements; (c)pays all eap�:nses incurred in enforcing this Security lnstrument. �;-��.._
<br /> includin�,but not Ilmitext to,ceasonable attomeys' fees;and(d)�akes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure ,--;___
<br /> . :,} thAt thc lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by � •_♦�::
<br /> this Securiry lnstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer. this Security Instrument and the __ ^•
<br /> • obligations secund hereby shall remain fiilly effective as if no acceleration had occuned. However, this right to reinstate shall �`�,�,nY �__
<br /> not apply in the cas�of acceleration under paragraph 17. _W��=�--
<br /> 19. Sale of Alote; Cl�an�e of Lann Serviccr. The Note or a partial interest in the Noce (together with this Securiry —_
<br /> Instrumeny may b�sold one or more times without prior notice co Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entiry (known ,, ���':
<br /> as the"Loan Servicor")that collects monthly payments due under che Note and this Security InstNment. There also may be one �."
<br /> � or more changes of the Loan Servicer wuelatod to a sale of the Note. If there is a shange of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be f" �_ -
<br /> given written notica of the chan�e in aa:ordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law•.The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of the ne�v Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The nntice will also con[ain any other ,�
<br />- ' informauon requircd by applica'ble law. _°
<br /> � Z0. Hazardoi� Substnnc2s. Bo�TOwer shall uot cause or permit the presence, use, disposal. storage, or release of any `t
<br /> � - - ;;aaa;��as Sah�.a:.w� or. �r :� :�e PregP*?;. R^t*^�!er �hall no� do; nor allow anyone else to do. anyttting affecting the _ _ _
<br /> � Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law.Tiie preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use,or �•�� _
<br /> � storage on the Pcop:rry of s�all qua��cities of Hazardouc Substances that are generally recogcsized to be appropriate to normal
<br />-�'� • nesidential uses and to maintenance of the Property. -
<br />'�`;• : ' Bonower shall romptly glve Lender written notice of any investigation, claim,demand,lawsuit or other accion by any ;�`:
<br /> ., govemmental or m�atory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental I.aw �_'
<br /> ,,; '., of which Borro�v.�n•has actual kno�vledge. If Borrower learns, or is nutlfi�d by aay governmental or regulatory authoriry.that
<br /> ' " any removal or olher remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting t�e Property is necessary,Borrower shail prompdy take �'.
<br />"�; � � - all necessary remedial actions in�ccordance with Environmental Law. t�
<br />=5;;�: ' As used in thls paragraph 20, "Hnzardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or hazardovs substances by
<br />~`°� ��� `� Environmental Law and the follo�ving substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammable or toaic peuoleum products, toxic ����,_
<br /> � ' � pesticides and hcrbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and rndioactive materials.As used in �•-
<br />_ • this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whece the Property is located that �.;� �s.-
<br /> ='"••.r•`�•�'•� relate to health,safory or onvironmental protection. "--
<br /> "' ' `'"`` '� � ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as follo��s: "y
<br />�""�"�'"" �� 21.Ac�elerAUou;Re�n�dles.Lender shall give noi�ce to Borrower prior to accelerattan[ollowing 13orrower's breac4� �`
<br />"' """�, �� I � af any coveuaut or agccez�ePat [n this Secur[ty Instsvznent (but not pr(ur to ecceleratfon umder paragraph 17 unle.ss ���-=
<br /> - a pp l[c a b l e t a w p ro v i d e s o f 6 x r w i s e). T h e n o t i ce s d a l l s p e c l f y: (a)t h e d e f e u t t;(b)t h e a c U o a r e quired to cure IIhe default; �,,;
<br /> �� ' (c) a date,not loss t�au 30 d�ys[roro the date the aotice is given ao h3orrower,by whlch the detault mart 6e cured;and =.
<br />-=e " �, , � � (d) ths�t tAilure to cw�o tlie defoult on or befarc the date spectCr.�1n the notite may result ip acceleratlon of the s�aes
<br /> �:f`. '' � secured by thls 3ocurity Yustrument mnd sale of the Property. The notice shall further intorm Borrower of the r�ght 4�0 �:`° _
<br /> v�'"" � �? reias�te stiter acoelet�►tbn and the rfght to bring a covrt uction to essert the non-existence of a deiault or any oth�r �_�
<br />_��- = �'�
<br />�,. ;;_: :.r defense of Bomower to ncceleration and sale. I[the detault ts not cured on or before the date spectfled in the notice, _ _
<br /> = I.ender, et its optlon, mny require immediute payment In fuil of all sums secured by this Securfity Instrument without :�;.:.
<br /> � « �� turther demend and may lnvoke the po�ver o!sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shell be
<br /> � � ' entitled to collei4 a!1 expeuses incurred 6n puesuing the remedies provfded in this pae�agraph 21,including,but aot Ilm�tes� -__ _—
<br />�� r� Ro,reasoneble u3e�rneys'fees and cosis of Ntle evidence. y-
<br /> .. '�,,.y:•�:
<br />- It the power of snle ts invoked, Trunee shell record a not[ce of default in each county in wWc6 any part ot the ,;:;,.;:_- _
<br /> ' property Is locatod nnd shall matl copies of such notice in the manner prescdbed by applicable!aw to B�rrower und to �.�;�,_,---=_
<br /> • t@e other pe�so�presci�lbed by appllcable law.Afler the time requtred by applicable lew,Trustee shall give Q�ublte notice .; �����
<br />- � . of sale to the persons Aud In the manner prescr(bed by applicable lew.Tnutee, without demand on Borrower. shafl s�e�� ,,.�-=�.��-:�
<br /> the Praperty a2 publle uuction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated tn the notice of ��'�'���'°'°=
<br /> �. •,,�'�_ '_ .
<br /> f, sale in ane or moro surcls und[n Aa order Tr�see determtnes.Tnistee may postp�ne sale of all or any parcel ot the �, .•.>w�; :
<br />- Froperty by public a�io�nsement at the time and p]ACe of uny previously sc3�ss�nled sale. Lender or its designee may -':�,;`� :_#
<br /> , p�rchnse the Property ut rmy salc. . . : �;� ::,i� .
<br /> •,. .;�,�.
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