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<br /> ,v�,�;,::.�x� , • ASSIGNMEN7 �F R�NTS AIk7�i�J g7��'� `'r� _-
<br /> �
<br /> „ ,� THI`J I18SIQNIIAENY OF ii�N18 FtID�R N medi fUtO Yx�tlutod IhH�1�.,.��1�4�.....___---�.����- --�--�-+�-��-���-+ And li
<br /> �srtorporat�d into �nd �haM b� M�r+Nd to Irrts+�d w�d wppismMl tM Ma9�Rp� or I]sW o1 Tivtl, honhaRM nlMnsd to �A MU '8�au�tY
<br /> , �. innrums�l', of tha � ails p►�n by IM undMalpn�f. h�lhr rMwrmd to o th� "tfnrcowK', to ��aur� Bortowod� Inrl�bE�dr►�s,
<br /> her�ImR«n�r�d ro�r th�•tdot+•. to�blT� ���F��KA B�PI'!►►. --
<br /> , : �. �hM�11rt�Rbt ninrtsd 10 �I IItA"I.ondW°, Of IhY um� dfi� �ncf COV+1thQ lha -
<br /> propMty dna�N»d h Ih�B�cuNty In�t�um�nl and bc�Md tt:
<br /> �
<br /> .. �v1.5�.' � �.-
<br /> . - (tOnpwW AAdtHe) �
<br /> �� �•..
<br /> L_'_
<br /> _�'p,�pw�•'���� WtTNE&SETH: --
<br /> � WHEf�A3,Bortov�and Und�r h�w�Qr«d th�t anp mnro��F+'olltd attrbuteblr lo ll�e propwty should constltutv addklCnal�aueky
<br /> ;,.7 to the Lender for tho paymait of tho Noto; -
<br /> � NOW,THEREFOF�, It b��Nd that th�S�CUrlty InRtrument shnll ba ur.aid�d hKOby ruvd dwm�d to inolud�th�tolbwln4 pro+ri�bni: -
<br /> � —
<br /> " 1. A�s nmwit o1 ii�nt� �nd Land��y,!Sa����� �hlo. Barrow�r hornby at�soluMry end uncondkbnaMy asalpns �II ronri, fsaua
<br /> . �� � and protit�o!ths prop�rty to 8�n�tioiuy. L�dK ahun hitve the rt�ht,pow��nd �uthorRy durMsg ths continwne�of th�S�owiey Inabummt
<br /> �` ' to coNsct the rents,Isaws u�d proflte of tM propwtY�ncD af enY Porsonol propKty locaib tlioroon wkh or wkhout takMp possnasbn of M�
<br /> � prop�ty alf�ted htre4y. Lenckr,howsvir,hanby canuonto to Bmrrow�s coN�ctbn and rotontion of auoh rmts,IssuN�nd pcofks�s th�y
<br /> ` � acaw �nd b�oortw payabk, so bny as Borrower I�nat. at euah tNne, h dkauR wqli respnct to p�Y�t of �ny k►d�bNdnas o�cund
<br /> `�"+ � hereby. ar h th�p�rfarmtnce of my ipr��t hwnund�r.
<br /> `,.`I_ .
<br /> .:;r:;:..�:•;, t � 2. A000intmmt ot R�Iver. It�ny went ot detuuft In reepact to tM 3ocurky Instrumint 6haA hwe occumrd u►d bs aonf�Jrtulnp,L�ncMe,
<br /> ::,.,: a
<br />�• �: •�>�:�� as a matlK nf ripht and wRhout notku tn Borroxw� cr anpann ckimhp undK Bonowar. antl w1M�au!nptrd to th�valu�of thm Q�st Kta a
<br /> .....;;,���,
<br /> ,•�j;;`„`_:� th�Intw'wsl of th�Bertow�r lh�nin. ahaN hevr tM riQht to opply�o sny cauR hnvinp Ju►hdbtion to appoht a nc�Ms+o}tho pr�qparty.
<br /> � 3. g�ht to Poasesabn. In caa�of dNauA h tha payrtwnt ot the wfd pdnclp�l NoN or Nhrost, or any ptui thKwl, aa R ahaM matun.
<br /> � I� ' or b 4h�ctis of fatlure to k�p or�rto�m�nY ot tm aanwnNta or�pr�nK+ta oontehad In th�Sacurity Instrommt,th�n tM l.,�ndK,Ita
<br /> �;�.�».�;=
<br /> ,..,, ,:: fyY -�, suc�ssaro or atslpns. �haM b� and ia hfnby auMort�d �nd �►owand to Wc� Ynnwdkb potaatsbn of lho eald A�romba th�nh
<br /> „,,-. d�scrb�d u►d to oolNat th�ronh therefrom,nnd to Mpply thu procMda th�naf to the ptprt►ant ot th�Not�.
<br />_�:;�.'`'.;1�-�,% . 4. Moiication o4 i�,� iaayua rdtu Fiu■,yst. A3f i6si:. cCl��D; l�t��T!h�! !!�►vx e�NaB b�anpNsd fYst to GtYrtIM1t O}tlt�Coftb
<br /> ;;�:�:;:'� ' o'r m�rYap�na►t oi the prope�ty anE CoMottan ot ronta, fnaiudhfl. but not IYnflnB to,rocalvwa t�os, p�vmk�ms on natv�s bonds �nd
<br /> ropopeabN�ttCmey'a fMS,and lhsn to th�sumf�s�curod by th�SocurNY insbumant. tander and ths nahnr eh�l b�W�bN¢0 1�acount on►�
<br /> �'���' � tor thos�rmb�otuaNy roceM�d.
<br />�[.•.�.a,'_:'i:..�� •
<br />==�`�r.::' "' 6. Construatbn of Provisbn�. Euoh e1 tl�� Rmvl�ktne cantateHd In thN Assbnm�nl ot limte RkfK �nd tM Sacurity Instrurtwnt tha�.
<br />-<_._• tn�.
<br /> ,�.;'�'. uniKS oth�wka tpeaMlc�N� n4u�l� C�aanetrt�od In sacord�►o� wlth Nsbnsk� itw�end b th� went any provMbn hWnh of
<br /> -----_�;�:��.� cont�twd th�N b� dN�mlr�d by � couft of comPNmt Ju�isdktinn to W un�nlorc�+UM. th� wn� �haN b� oonaW W as thouyA wcA
<br /> �n;;:,ho��p■Ri uMntor�bM P�'�bn w�n not paR hwwt or th�eaf.
<br /> .,_�.�-n:�ec�
<br /> -_._��� 6. EM�ot of_Rid�[. E�a.ypt as �p�cNCaqy madMMd by on c�ontkUnt wkh thN /1�tipnmw►t of Rmri Wd�r or by �ny c�tMr�pP1abM
<br /> �-- ridrr,a01 of th�tKmt�rtd prwrkbns aont�h�d h the S�cu�itlr �n�trummt thaN conthuo B fuM forc��nd�fNot.
<br /> =_,_��
<br /> '_ .���— IN WRNE93 WHEf�OF. Barow�r lu�eoaa�to�tlitn /4esfpnmant of FMnri RIdK on Ih� d�ta Mt not�d�bow.
<br /> F
<br /> __-_---- 6orro � �
<br /> -_� / �
<br /> --r:�,�� Eortee�► �
<br /> _.—�- v!)z��
<br /> �-"��. STATE OF NEBRASKA
<br /> -•�.wi::. �ae:
<br /> ' �'',. COUNTY OF HALL
<br /> ���.�' �:.:
<br /> "'�:��: � On Ihfs 11th dty ot_ Ap�Pll . 19O'7 . hMon m�,th� unat�alpr►W,a Nottry Pu6tio duN oommRslor►�d�nd _
<br /> - - quawted ror saw oounry,pxsont�y came BRIAM m Wfe�Cf�AND IIIlAURCCN A Vi/��ER HUSBAND AND WIFE. - _
<br /> ' .�to -
<br /> - 6e ths ItAntical pKeon(s)whos� a►�m�(�)is/ero auUuCrmsd to lho fonpolt�hthum�nf,�nd MJsh�ftMy acknowMdp�th��oaCUtion th�wf -
<br /> -_;";�.:�;:t to br hkllwrRMk voiuntuU�t md dNd, -.
<br /> __''�:.,-`,: � -
<br /> WltMSS my hand end NohrtQl S«tt�t CiAA�1 R`"�L.AND .NEBRASKA „ u.id county�Mw
<br /> �` � ' dat�ator�safd. 1 � -
<br /> ;;,�'�~'��`. GENER�IlflOT11RT•StNeo�Neb�ask� Ll� , Q i d ' 'l�L, ) _
<br /> ....rt�`.'?� _� � SHERRI L t'CALIAG� -
<br /> ;-,;_.-:-.-, Hour�r wono Sl1CIt111 N'VALLAt7i7l+w� _
<br /> '1`.1.�;�,:�:�� �� MyCom�.E�p.SefA.20.1999 � -
<br /> '. .
<br /> �
<br /> '�2 My Commissbn a�lres: SE�EMBgR 28,9B0'�
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