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J2-w �.os�s <br /> 1�D(3HTtIEIi 1Vt711 QI�he ImlKOVCments now a hemfur erccrcd on p�o{roPmY.and all uumon�a,np�uiu�ms, <br /> �n3 fix�wa now a fiatat�cr�p�n of the propeny. Ail rcplxtmcnis and oddi�lone sluti atso tx Catemt by thfc Sccudty - <br /> lnuromrn�. AllotthofercgoingtarofomAtoin�hls5crnd�ytnslmmrniastlw"Ropeny.' <br /> HORROWk�t COVENANT9�hnl Dorrower 1s hwfully seisai of dro csutc hertby caireqnf a�d h�s tho dgh�io gnnt <br /> �nl eonvey ihe iYoperty and that Iho Propeny Is unencumbercd,excepl for encumbnncas of remrJ. t3arower�vanmts and <br /> will dtfrn0 gmetdiy 1he�iilo ro tLo Pro{�eny og�fnst a11 clilms aod demands,subject lo any encumtxmas ot�tcord. <br /> TNIS SBCURiI'Y INS7RUA1f:N1'combines uniform mvenxnis for na�lonal use and non�nnifonn cnvenmu whh <br /> �Im(Ied vuiNions by Jurisdiction to cons�i�u�o a anifonn s�xuri�y insvument covering nil propctly. � <br /> UNIHDRM COVL�NANTS. Ilorrower and Lender covenr�nt rnd agrco as follows: <br /> L P'qment of Pdnclpal r.nd tnlcresi�Prepq�mmt�nd Lwle Ch�raes. Rormwcr shall prompily pay when duo ihc <br /> princfpil of�nd INCtcst on thc debt ovlAcnceA by tho Notc anA nny prcpaymcnt and latc char�cs Ano nndcr tl�o hotc. <br /> 2. FUnds tor 7Su:a and Insnrenca SuUJcc�to nppIicablo Imv m w a wrtnen waivcr 6y 4cndcr.Rorcowcr shall pay to <br /> Lcndcr on tho day monOdy payments arc dnc undcr t6e Notc,umil tlm Nmo is paid In fnll,o sum P[Ynds')for.(a)yr.uly <br /> �axcs nnd asussmer.0 vr6kh may atzain Prtority ovcr this Securlry Ins�rumem as n Ucn on the Prop;ny:(43 yeuly kas�:Pald — <br /> pxyrm.n�s or�avnk n�ru an�fie [+IVpstty,tf anp: (c) yearty hazarA or propeny insuronee pamturas; (d)yeuly Road ��� <br /> taneronca premi¢ms, If aay;(e)yn�ty�r.pHgaZe tasornace�emiums, If nny:nnd(p any sums�.tyaCte dy Barro',ne+eo <br /> l.ender,in accw�snce aide u"x F,covis[cns of pua3reph tieu of the paynxnt of mcrtgage inswaz:ce pmnuums. 7tScse <br /> itenu an�calicd'Ex[o•x[�zms." D.ti�:r nuy,at any tim:,mL'ect and twid S'vnds in an m�uat cot to exme+E tts mutmum _ <br /> anwunt a tender Tw a ftd:rally rcWsd nwngago for.�miy rcquim ta Bocrox�erS esnow acceunt ur.4�r t[5�t�kraE Steal _ <br /> Csl�lo&IOemenF1'rocederes Ac[of 1974 as amendad fran 6me ro time,12 U.S.C.�2601�t req.('RSSPPI"►.�,1lps azmtt:er _ <br /> law that opplies to�ho timds se�s a tesur amount. If so,Lender may,at any tin:e,cdlect ar�d Mtd Ccr:ds ia ao uaant eu.�t ro = <br />- exe�zd rta Iesser aroum. Lendu nuy uiimste�he am^�...:r.t a!'Fif.�s 3ur en the t�sis of cemnt daea ar.d rcasonabte - <br /> estimates of expaMim.ra of fumro Gscrow ficros or ahenrize in xco¢dince uith appiicable law. _ <br /> The I'unds sAal[ te hctd(n an (nstiwHon whose dcpasits are a(eckml agzncy,immv�rzntality,or enti�y _ <br /> (Including Lendw,ik�5.ender is such an inslfluflon)or in any frderal liome�.a*:.n IIank. lsndu shall:t�ply the Rmds to p�y '- <br /> @e I3scrow Items. Lendcr may not charge IWrcower Por Mldtiag yid applying the I'vn�b,annualiy nnatyzing ebe escrow �.,: <br /> vrnvn.i,or verifying �he Pscro�� Items, uniess Lender pxys E9artower im.ercs�on �Im Fscds and appitcable law�rrrmi�s - <br /> l.ea�ez 10 ma!<e such a charge. Nowever,Lender may req:�im 0orrower t�a�y a one-tinw charge for an indepen.!eai rcal �:; <br />- es�ata tax rcpond:.g o�vitt used by Lender ia�vanec�ion wIlh�his loan,unless appllcabie Iaw provides ahenvlu. Unless m �.--_ <br />� agntment is maA:�:applicabic law ra�nires ir,u;es��o be{uid.l.ender shall not 6e requfrcd to pay 6onower any imercs�or �::- <br /> eunings on the Amds. �orrowcr and Lender may agrcc in ori�ing,howcvcr,that intcresl sh:Jl bcpafd on Ihc Mnds. I.ender : <br /> shall gSve Io Bortoweq wi�houi o7vge,en annual accoumEog of ihe FLnds,showing credils and&bi�s ro ihe ILnds vmJ�he }i' <br /> purpose for which each debit[o J*a Nnds was mada 'Ihe�ands aze pledgeA as addiiional security tor ell sums savred by ��_: <br /> ihis Sccurity insmm�znt. _ <br /> !f Ihe i'unV'mc5ti Uy Lende�excecd fne uoaums pcmiiricd io be hciu by uypiicuvie iew,L:,i�= >halt a.�vrt to `_[ <br /> Qorrowcr for itr.en�ss Plmds in aaordanex v.i;}il�e requiremeNS of appiicablc law. If�he amo�nt aF�J�e 1'vnds heid by �-�� <br /> Lcr,d.z[d eny lim_7s no�sufficicN to pay�hs Gv;ro�v Items when due,I.endcr may so notify Oorso���ra wriiing,nnd,in "" <br /> se.ciz as: IIorcower shall pay ro Lcnder thc am.oun�ntm�sir} �o make up the defidertcy. Uam���er shall mate ep�he `.-'- <br />. defivarcy In no morc Ihan twclrc oramhly paymems,m Lcwk.�k solc discrction. �� -. <br /> Upon payment in PoII of all sums secareA by ihts S.r��ag lnsmimcn4 Lcnder sha!l�:ompdy rcfnnd�o GoRU+:z�-my m <br />- I�nds heid by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall ncqutro or ull the Property.Lender,pior to�he acquisi�ion or =`-' <br /> sale of�he Property, shall appty any Iimds held by Lender a�the�ime ot acquisition or sale as a eredi�agalns��he swis "_ <br /> securcd by ihts Secudly Inswmem. ¢ <br /> 3. Appllcation of Payments. Unless applicabic lan ;rovidcs othenvise, nll poymems reccived by Lender under r[ <br /> paragrephs 1 and 2 xlia116e appli�t:firs6 ro any�rcpayment chuges due under the Nae:>:cond,to amounts p�yabie under <br /> paradraph 2:�hird,to Intercs�due;founh,�o prtnc pal due;and lasi,to any{afe c6arges dne under�he Note. -- <br /> 4. Charga; Llens. Dorrower shal! pry atl roxes, assossmenw. eleasges, fines aed Imposi�ions a�tdbmable to �he = <br /> Propctly which may auain pdori�y ovcr�his Sna�riry tnsuuntcm,and Ica?amid paymcr.w o�ground retus.lf any. DorroSecr = <br /> shall pay�hese obliea:iuns in the manner proviCrd in paragrayh 2,or if no�Faid in that rnanncr,Rmrox<Y��I�nll pay�hcm on = <br /> Iimc dirx�ly to the gc.nm ou�.¢R�ayinent. Dorrower shall pranply fumfsh to Lendcr aU�no:ices of amounu to be pa'.d und.r =- <br /> �hts pamgraph. I(i3wrower a�a�es ihese payments dirceQr.uertower shall promptly furnish�o l.tnder receipts evidencing j;-. <br /> thc paymcnts. _- <br /> Oorcower shall promptly discharge nny lizn which hm priority over�his Seeurity Insuumenl un!esz£SCrrower.(a)agrces <br /> In wri�ing b�he paymenlof ihe obliga�lon a•rured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b]coatas�s in guod faith the r,. <br /> lien by,ur defends agains�enforcemem of the lien in,Icgal praceedings which in�he LenAerh opinwr.o{erete�o prcren��he <br /> entorcement of�he Ifen;or(c)securcs from�he holder of the lien an agrecmem sa�is(actacc ro Lander subordina�ing the lien = <br /> lo ihis Security Instrumem. If Lcndcr detcrtnir,es�hat any pan of�he 1'ropeny is sub;ett co a iien which may auain priori�y --_ <br /> ovcr�his Stturity InswmenL Lendcr may gice�lomow�er a noticc idemifying thc Iiei. II�m.�e�shz!!sa5sty�hc Itcn or�akc -- <br /> one or morc of Ihr aaions scl fonh abovc�ri;hta :0 days of�hc giving of nocke. ;- <br /> 5. t1eu:K!or Properly Insuranca D-,��ron•er shall keep�he impro�rm�:�s r.ow exisling or herealter crccted on�he +� <br />- ProFerty insnrec?agmnsl loss by fire,hamrds incladed wiihin ihe�emi"eatenEed coverage"and any other ha�ards,inciuding �`;: <br />. n�.,.r_.,.mm���o fnr whirh 1 endrr rmuircc incuranca Tfris insmante shall I+e me:r.�ained in�he amoums and r:�r�F.e <br />- FormlOSB 9/9D INx�:�'Ibirox�n - <br /> . 6:: <br /> �: <br /> -t 4_A'i' ,l?;V l:�:7` FJr .. -i- : . . ., i:cld/.�iL\enr•• .. ,� .- : ^-'Y>'l:i'Z)t _j._r'�. - r.:zT.'r_-atr:^.,* .y` <br /> r m�:_'e5��. .. . : L -° - '�� - � .� <br /> r�.. 2 i�� ' . - , - . - . . ' _ . <br /> �S <br /> -:C --_� . -_ _ " . _ _ _—_ . — _ _ __— _. ' <br /> �r} , _ __ . . . _ _ _. <br /> 5., . _...- . � -. . <br /> i . rr � �- - . . <br /> �.t,t�irfti: '. .e�f i{� ':.' . _. . " . <br /> §G � �S�"3�1.- . . ' <br /> .�}�>:l_`:?�_ ,- •i•-lr`'jE.: - ' � - <br /> ':{lj'!� - '�'1.-t.. _ . _ . . . <br /> `7�i,'�.'f�.,���4 . _ .Jf � . . . <br /> � t.. _ <br /> �(C` r <br /> �+ �-b .'. ! _ � � 1 1 � . . ' - . <br /> 1 �r . � . . . . . - . .. <br /> 4F _ `L{' t 'i . ' . . _ . . . . <br /> �..'r.�� � ! <br /> � 1!. _ . . .� - . . � ��. . -t tF�. . . . <br /> S - � .._ _ � _._ _.• _. <br /> . . . __ _ _ '. _..'_ ' ___ ' " , . _' . . _. .. _ . . .. . ..i.d�. . _ � _. <br /> t / �.. <br />