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103�/z—WARRANTY DEED—Joint Tenaney—Vesting Entire Title In Survivor The Huffman Gene�al Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That John Cecil Seery �nd N�ry� Seery, <br /> husb�nd and wife as joint �,enan�s and <br /> each in his and her own right and as <br /> spouse of the other, <br /> in consideration of Or�e Dollar and other valuable cons ideration --------------------D(1LI..1l8.S <br /> in hand paid, do hereUy grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Ernest J. I3algas ar.d Alma Dalgas, <br /> husband �nd wife, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in con�mon; the follo���ing described real estate, situated in the County of <br /> Hall and State of Nebraska , to-��•it: <br /> Part of Lot 15 of the County Subdi�sisinn of the south half of the southeast quqrter <br /> (S2 of SE4) of Section 16, in township 11, north, range 9 west of the 6th F. "'.., mo:e <br /> particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a poir.t 16 feet southerly from <br /> the southwesterly corner of lot l� in block 1i in Wiebe�s Addition to the City of Gr�r� <br /> Island, Nebraska, and on a line with the westerly bounc�ry line of said lot, ther:ce <br /> running southe�ly along the easterly boundary line of Eddy Street, in said City, for <br /> a distance of 6!� feets thence running in an �asterly direction parallel with the r.ortherly <br /> boundary line of John Street, in said City, for a distance of 66 feet, runnin� tt.ence in <br /> a northerly direction, parallel with the easterly boundary 1 �g of Edd;� Street, for a <br /> distance of 61� feet, running thence westerly, parallel with the northerly line of John <br /> Street, for a distance of 66 feet to the place of beginning, <br /> together wrth all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all thc estatc, title, <br /> dower, right of homestead, claim or demand �vhatsoever of the said grantors , of, in or to thc same, or any part <br /> thereof; subject to <br /> � � <br /> �(. � � � I i <br /> II ^ ��� �` ` II I I I <br /> I��/ I � ' i I <br /> T _ I � J 'I' r � Pi <br /> I ' + i ' �' <br /> II- i <br /> L�- �A-— � ��� � (�J �� <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTI0:�1 OF ALL PARTI�S H�RrTO, THAT I\ TIII: �\�rNT OF "I'HL D�ATII <br /> OF EITHFR OF SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIR� F�E SIi�iPLE TITLF TO 1'H1.: REAI. 1:STATI: Dr- <br /> SCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST I�I THE SliRVIVING GRANT�L. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above descriUed premises, «-ith the appurtenances, unto the said grantecs as <br /> JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in cominon, and to tlieir assigns, or to the ir heirs and assigns of thc sur��ivor <br /> of them, forever, and they the grantors named herein for theriselves and their heirs, executors, and <br /> administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and «�ith the heirs and assigns <br /> of the survivor of them, that they are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance <br /> except as stated herein, and that they the said grantor9 have good right and la�r•ful authority to sell the <br /> same, and that they will and their heirs, executors and administrators shall n�arrant and de- <br /> fend the same unto the grantees named hcrein and unto their assigns and unto the hcirs and assigns of thc snr- <br /> vivor of them, forever, against the lawful daims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named hercin. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our ha�id s this :J� ,�.f day of <br /> December , 19 59. <br /> -� -------- ------ - - <br /> - ----------------------�---�-- -- - ��---- - <br /> , , � <br /> '' <br /> __ <br /> - -- ----- -------------- ---- -- � . . <br /> _ ........................ . <br /> - , <br /> ; <br /> In presence of ,l ' - -� <br /> 1 ; , , . _<_ <br /> ---- - :�.:.�..----__.� , . <br /> .� �..�.-:..:. �-�.--�... ..__._.-�--�--� -- <br /> ---- --�� -.....-- -- --- - ........ .. .. ... ___ ... ._..._. . - <br /> ...----�---��---�-�-�-----�-------------------��-----� �----------��------- --.... .-�-----�---- --- - - ......_. ..___._. ..... _.. . _. ._ .. __.. _- .... <br /> .......-�------------�----�-�-�-----�--------�--------------------------------------------------- ........_..-�---- ._. ._....... .... .....----� - -� - ....._. ...... - ... .. <br />