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<br /> "Proc�ods")In connoctlon wlth condomnatlon or pthor taking of the Property or part thereof,or for conveyance In Ileu of c;andemnAtlon. , _��
<br /> Londor shell bo ontitlad nt ite option to c�mmonce,enpanr In end prosecute In Ite own namo any Actlon or procoodings,and shoil also -
<br /> � be entitled to maka arsy compromise or aettlBmont in connectlon with such taking or damaga.In the ovont any portion of tho Property Is
<br /> so taken or damaged, Lender shall have the option In It�sole a�d absolute discrotlon, to apply all such proceods, atter deducling
<br /> therefrom all costs end exponses Incurred by It In cannectlon with such Procoeds,upon any indobtedness securrd hereby and in such ,
<br /> � order as Lender may determine,or to epply all such Proceeds,after such deducttons,to the restoratlon of tho Property upon such con-
<br /> •- ditions as Lender may datermine.Any eppliccitlon o/Procoeds to IndebtAdnesa shall not extend or postpone Ih��uo date oi any pay-
<br /> ments under 4he Noto,or cure any default theraursder ar hereunder.Any unapplted funds shail ba paid to Trustor.
<br /> ,.�• 8.Pe�rorniunce by l.ondor.Upon the occurrence af en Event oi Detault hereunder,or I(any act Is taken or leyal proceoding •
<br /> .� commenced whlch matarially eHects Lenders interest In the Rroparty,Lender may in its own discretlon,but without oblipetion to do so, .`�4.
<br /> ��,�,� : and without notice to or demand upon Truator end without releasing Tnastor from any obtigation,do any act whfch Trustor hes agreed .
<br /> ;,,,,�W�,�,�,.i but failed to do and may etso do eny other act it doems necesaary to protect the security hereoi. Trustor shall, immedletely upon .��.
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell costs and expensas Incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectlon with the exer• _ ti:..�.��"
<br /> ,,, cise by Lender of 4he foregoing riqhts,togather with intereot thereon at tha default rate provided U tho Note,which shali be added to . .;�¢
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby.Lendor shall not Incur eny Iiabiiity because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. . ;�,:.
<br /> `,�, !��`'.' • 9. Hazardoua Nlatariats. Trustor shali keap the Property in compliance with all appliceble lews, ordinances and regulations �,f_:
<br /> .r. .;,,;: �:-_---
<br /> "�'��` ` ��• ralating to Industrial hyglene or environmental protrjction(collectively referred to herein en"Environmental Lews').Trustor shall keop _ _
<br /> .<•... �;; .
<br /> ''s''� � the Property free from all substancas deemed tu tp hazardous or toxte under eny Environment�l Lews(coi►ectivety refetred to horein ,-.,_
<br /> � �',;� �t as"Ha�ardous Materials').Trustor hereby warrants and reprossnts to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materiats on or under the ,;,;,7;,__
<br /> ,�._=w,.�
<br /> .i:�.��.• Y 9 P Y 9 Y ;,,�.:,.
<br /> �r,; PropeYry.Trustor hereb a rees to indemnlfy and hold harmless l.ender,Ita dlrectors,officers,em lo ees end e ents,and an surr�es• k
<br /> '��;°-` �,�t sors to Lender's interest,from and a elnst en and ell clalms,damages,losses and IlabillUas arlsing In connectlon with tha presence, ,,,.
<br /> 9 y
<br /> �•.•,..�.
<br /> use,disposel or fransport of any Hazerdous Materials on,under, irom or about the Property. 7HE FOREGOING'NARRANTIES AN ��., :`
<br /> «. � EC�:�--___
<br /> •::';;,, , 10.Asslpnment oi Rents.7rusbr hereby essigns to Lender, end grants Lender a security fnterest in,elt presertt,future end �F:�-:.-,-.
<br /> after arising�ents,Issues and profits of the Property;provided that Trustor shall,until the occurcence of en Ev�ent oi Dafeult,her+eunder. `',;,�VA
<br /> ,:?;!:<.::°_
<br /> � ;,� . have the right to collect and reteln such rents,Issues and profits as they become due and payabie.Upon the occurrence of an Event of ;�, __-
<br /> Qefault,Lender may,efther in person or by agent,with or wfthout bringing any action or proceeding,or by e receiver appolnted by a v-
<br /> court end without regard to the adequacy ot its security,enter upon and take pos�esslon of the Property,or 9ny part thereoi,in its own �,;�,�_�___
<br /> ; name or in the name of the Trustoe,end do any acts which it deems necessary or desirabte to preserve the value, maricetabiliry or ____-
<br /> rentabllity of the Properly,or eny part thereof or interest therein,or to increase the income therefrom or protect the security hereof and, -.__
<br /> with or without taking p�nssession ai the Properiy,sue for or ot ho rv v ise co l le c t t h e r e nts,Issues and proflts thereof,Including those past r,:"-'""—
<br /> y rents, issues and profits,less costs and expens- ��'"�::
<br /> -J � � due and unpaid,by notitying tenants to make payments to Lender,Lender ms apply �:.
<br /> es of opera;fon and collecNon including attomoy's fees,to eny indebtedn�ss s$CUred hereby,etl in such order ss Lender mayi�iion
<br /> minA.The entednp upon and taking possession oi the Property.the collectlon of such rents,issues and profits,and the app
<br /> ,�;_ � thereoi as aforesald shall not cure orwafve any tletautt or noiice oi ddiaui�i�a�ou��dar ar�n;sa!!d�!e�n;a=t�!^n?�^rASOOns�to such
<br /> �`'�;i defauit or pursuant to such notico ot dAfeult and, noiwithstanding the continuanco in possesslon of the property or the coftection,
<br /> � . receipt and appltcaUon of rents,issuos or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exardse every rfght provlded for In any of the �:4`�`
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon or.currence of eny Event of Defauit, including without Iimitatlon the right to exercise the power oi sale.
<br /> Further,Lenders dgfits end remediss under this paragraph shall be cLmuletive with,end in no way a Ilmitation on,Lender's rights and
<br /> - • �- remadies under any assignment of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender, 7rustee ar.d the rece!vor shall be lieble to
<br /> �� account ony►tor those rents actuaily received.
<br /> ,°"``•"""'�'• 1�.Events of Q�huit.The fallowing shall consUtute an Event ot Detauit under this Doed of Trust:
<br /> � '�'�� (a)Failure to pay any insteliment of principal or interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> '` � (b)A breach of or default under any prov(sbn contelned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,eny of the Loan Inst�uman�,,or any _
<br /> ���= other Ilen or oncumbrance upon tho Property:
<br /> `�`'` �'��` (c)A wdt oi executlon or attechment or eny similar process shall be entered eyainst Tivstor whlch shall become a Ilen on
<br /> �.,r....._
<br /> '��..��` the Property or eny portion thereof or interest therein;
<br />'�M ���=� � (d)Thero shnll be filad by or agafnst Trustor or Borrower an ection under eny pre�sent or future federel,stete or other statute.
<br /> ����j�-- ' lew or reguletlon relaUng to bankruptcy,insolvency or othar reliei for debtors;or there sheli bo appoinled any truatee,recefver o�
<br /> '�'�''�n° . Iiquidator oi Trustor or Borrower or ot all or eny p�rt of the Property,or the rdntr,issues or profits thereof,or Tnrstor or Borrower -
<br /> _-.:.:�Si
<br /> �•: � shall make any general osstgnment fQr the benefit of credltors;
<br /> - ""�"=• (e)The eale,trenster, tease,essignment, conveyance or fuRher encumbrance of ell or eny part of or any Interest In thH
<br />'":;�•:«k:,�
<br /> _-�+�r^`=� ' property,eilher voluntarily or Involuntadiy,wlthout the express+vritten corosent o9 Lender,provid�d that Trustor shall be permit-
<br /> =w-��i Y;` ted to execute e lease ot the Property that does not contefn an opUon to purchase and tho term ot which does not exceed one
<br />-- _�',-,...'��
<br /> •.»:r,� year.
<br /> —:��_:_ (�Abandonment of the Property,or
<br /> •-.�.,,:�.�•� (g)If Trustor fs not an indlvidual,the issuance,sale,trensfer, assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than pf a
<br />-�,r��s�:� corporetlan)e totol of percent of its issiied and outstsnding stock,or(H e partnership)a total of Pe�
<br /> cent of partnership interests,or(If a Ilmited Ileblllty company)a total oi ,percant of the Ilmited liablfity compa-
<br /> � ''' ny interests or votdny rights during the perlod this Deed of Trust remelns a lien on tha property. �
<br /> 12.Remedles;Accekratlon Upon D�fauiG In the event of any Event ut Detauit Lender may,without noUce excopt es requlrod �;�'�.
<br /> � by law,declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the sartie sha�i thereupon become due and payable with- _ _-
<br />_ � , out any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any kind.Thereafter Lender may: =`"•v
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grented t�erein,end Trustee shall tfiereafter cause Trustor's inter- K-.`
<br /> � i est B►the F�roperty to bo sold end the proceeds to be disttlbuted,ail In the manner provfded In the Nobrpske Tn�st Deeds Act; ;;, __
<br /> � (b)Exerclse any and all dghts provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of ;:.1-�tiR-:
<br /> � .. ,� Defau�;and ;;�'�`�
<br /> • �;�• (c)Commenco an actfon to foreclass thls Doed nf Trust as a mortgegQ,appolnt e recoiver,or specifloaily eniorce any oi tho �;_�^�
<br /> �'��� ��� <<� covenanto hereof. '�
<br /> .. �'„li?��4�����_
<br /> No remedy herein confornsd upon or reserved to truutee or Lender Is Intandod to bo exdusive of any othor remedy horein,in the Loan ������:,
<br /> ;.';;ur-� Inntruments or by law proutded or permftted,but coch�hni1 be cumuletfve,sheu ho In additlon to every other remedy g(ven hereunder, ti �,..��,_
<br /> (� in the Loan Instrumenta or now or hsreafter existing at law or in equity or by statuto,and may be exercised concurrentty,indopendentty
<br />� _..___.__-._.__-_--
<br /> .?- �L.�M. .
<br /> ..'__'._ "_"'"__..�-s--•-- . .
<br /> - Ot 0U44IIano�). . _
<br /> 13.Tnastos.The Trustee mey roslgn at any dme without cause,and Lender may at any ttme ana witnoui cause appv�n�a o��-
<br /> cossor or suGstitute Tnistee.Trustee sheli not bo Ilab;e to any perty,Including without Ilmitatlon Lender,Bomower,Trusfor or any puM1
<br /> � chaser of the Property,for any loss or damago untess due ta reckless or willful misconduct,end shall not be required to teke any actlon
<br /> In connection with the enforcement of this Deeci of 7rust unless Indemnifisd,In writlng,tor ail costs,compensation or expenses which
<br /> may tre essaciated therowith. In additfon,Trustoo may tfecoma a purchaser at any sate of the Properiy Qudiciat or under the power of
<br /> sale grnnted herein);postpone the sele oi ell or any portion Af the Property,as provided by law;or soll the Property as a whole,or in
<br /> , separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion. ,
<br /> 14.Fees snd Expenses.In the event Tnistee sells the Property by exerafs�oi power of sale,Trustee shall be entitfed to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst to payment of eli costs end expenses of exercising power oi 3ale,Includfng all Trusteo's fees,end Lender's end
<br /> Trustoe's attomey's fees, ectually IncurreU to extont permitted by applicab;o law.In tho event Borrowor or Trustor exen:ises any dght
<br /> = e re utt ofTrustors deta t Ucluding wi�hout mitetlon all�stteo's a d att mey s foes,to�the ext nt pertnitt°d by eppitcalble 18w�d as
<br /> - ' �� 15.Futuro Advence�.Upon request of Borrower,Lender may, al fts optlon, make additlonal and future edvances and read-
<br /> � vanCes to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,wlth Interest thsreon,shall be secured by this I�et�d of Trust.At no time shall the
<br /> -�1 � , .
<br />