M;nFk;� , ., . .. ;;.
<br /> �
<br /> ..,;,
<br /> .:w. . . ...---
<br /> . _.. �_-.... ._.,. .. .
<br /> , ....... _ ,
<br /> , . 97� 1��1� � �i�
<br /> ,�.-
<br /> � aonfNOt� wkh �ppNalbl� Yw. suah oonfliat�haa not atf�c:t othw pravlslona af thb Sscurky In�trumint or th�Not�whlnh cen ba • -_
<br /> pkan tMoot wRhout Ihe contHothp provbbn.To thM�►d titis provitbns of thi�S�curUy InatrumK►1�nd ths Notr an duaMuod to �.f�`
<br /> bo aGVarflbW. � �
<br /> 96. Barrowar'a Copy. Bortow�v eh�ll hs plvun one cantom»d copy ot the Note �nd of Ihb 3�ourky Inatrument
<br /> 18, H�dppa St�bit�t�1�l�, Bortow�r ehcll not c�us� or �rmlt th� pr�aenc�, ua�, dbpoial, storape, or r�zN�a�o of �,�
<br /> �ny Heurdous Subltancn on or in th� PropKty. Bortow�ehalt not do, nor elbw tnyorn elae to do, anythfnp aK�;Gnp the ,�
<br /> Property that b In vblatbn of eny EnvponRSntal Law• Tha OncsGinO two t�nt�ncei thaH not �ppry to th• pns�nr,�, ra�, or ;�c;'�
<br /> stor�po on tha Prop;;r4y of :,m1H quentRl� o} Hessrdoua Sub�tanc�s that us pene►siy recoqntzed to be approprintm tn normal •.
<br /> .c�!m:.
<br /> ' nald�ntkl us�a and to mint�n�nc�af th�Prop�ty. � ;���
<br /> r
<br /> BoROwK ehaB prompty piw lK►de w►kton notfc� of Ny Inwatlpation, okim, dM*►a�d, ywauk or oth� �ctlan by any , �:
<br /> � hvaNln tM PrapKty and any H�wtrdoua 8ubettnce or Envhonmer►tjtl law of �-"`�'��•�'"
<br /> " povammmt�t or npulatary�prnay or prkat�partY fl `.,.`
<br /> �ti;�;��•+i.;;':
<br /> whbh BorrowK hat octwl keuwMdO�• �} B°rt°WK Iw^b a►s notMbd by �ny powmm�nttl or ropulatory wthorlty, that �ny r. �n�-'
<br /> ' removal or othK r«n�dwibn ol any Hwrdous Substnnas Ul�ctlny tha Propwty b n�c�sa�ry, Bor►ow�r shall prompUy tU�o pu ? Sw�.sr_
<br /> ,w__ �-- ---
<br /> �ecp,yary raaadisl eotbne Ni eeeordsnco wkh EnvYonmantal uw- � �":::�
<br /> As uaed h thb parl�raph 1E��Hs�ardous Substanca'u� thoae substances d�fHOd as toxb or huardouB suboGVUes by � ;; -
<br /> Environmental Lsw dnd tho folbwhp subsunces: pasu►iM, kerose�e, other fl�rnnxbb or tox� petroleum prodicCS, toxic •,;Y'�
<br /> pestlald�s and herb�fdos,vaYt►IS soMents, rtut�kls conutnhp asastos or tomufdshyde, end redbaottve mat�►ial�.As ua�d h t. _
<br /> t���h �g� •�y��nu� LnW� ms�ng tedKRt tawa 1nd faw8 of th�Jurisdbtbn whore thi Property Ia bcatRd ttsnt ral�te
<br /> to tvwkh.snfaty or mvYonmontal proUnctbn.
<br /> t . :.:
<br /> � NQN•UNIFOKNA COVENMITS.Boreower�nd i..ende►tuAhlr cownant and t�nM as folbw8: ;
<br /> 17,KftI�t1111QM Oi RE11t{. Borrow�r uncondRbnay asofpns�nd UtntNrs to L�dK al th�rente and rwomras of the ,�,_
<br /> -- -
<br /> PrOperty.Borrowsr wthql�s L�nd�r or Lend�s�O�ts to Cobct lh�nnts u►d rwanuas and hlt�by diroCri NCh hNw:E Of th� •,,�,
<br /> Psaperty to piy th�rsn11 to L�nder o►Landers�L"�t�•HowM/er,prior to Lend�s not{c�ro Borrov+K of BorrourQls tr�ah af • ,:;;;;,_�,;,,,�
<br /> ' any covsnant or oqreenrn4 in ths Sscurky Instrum�n� Bor►owor ehtN colMCt and roc�Ns aN rentl and rw�nws of th�p �hrop�rtY ��„�:�-
<br /> - '�4`�`'r.t.-=
<br /> as trust�e for tl��banMt of Land�r and Borrowar. Thb nsal�nrn�nt of ronts cons2lNtes an nbsoiute nssipnmont�r.�l not an ,,t�.���.;
<br /> •s.r�.�r:
<br /> � asalpnm�►t tbr addlbnU tacurRY ony. '�;:, -- - . ,-
<br /> � �} ��plws nutl� of brsaah to Bortoww: (�) �M r�nta ��Celwd bY BortowK shaM b� hild by Bortowor as Wsbe tor
<br /> banelit of LandK ony. lo be apP�to th�eums S�cund br th�Socurky InBWm�nt;@) l.nnd�r shaY be sntRied t0 colMCt �nd . '���� . ' ��.
<br /> � raceAr� aN o!th� nnts of tM F'ropwty; end (o)each Ununt o! tM PropKty shaM p�y aN renb du��nd un�kf tm I..�ndK or , ,,�,:" --
<br /> s:�,.
<br /> Lendere opent o�Lendws wrkten deR►snd to the tenant. ,��i:t,� _
<br />_ . _ $�o�����ta� �� ����.ae�onm�nt of lha mts md has not Md wYl not perfortn ony act thnt wcutd pr�vent
<br /> Lender from�obh� k�riphts und�r this Paraqnph 17. ��
<br /> Lender shtN not bo rsquted to onter upon,t�ice control of or mainitin thY Prop�ty b91oro or aRor plvhp notbe of brKCh to t� .
<br /> ' BtNrower. How�'v�er,1-�nd1r or a �udfclaly apPoht�d roc�hpr m�y do co at�r►y ltt�thtre b a braaah. My apPNOati�x� of ronb
<br /> 0
<br /> 5,;t
<br /> ' ghaN not cun or waM u�y du9aut or hvatfd�t��ny otAr rlpht a�rtNdY of I.�ndK.T�is aes�lnma�t o}�ta a!�em d�ropwtY
<br /> � ahaA hrtninat�wh�n the d.bt sacund by tM 5�curky Insbummt b paid In/uN• i
<br /> • ; !
<br /> �� I 18. Forealo�ure Proaeduro. If Lender requkes Immedl�te peyment in fuil undor P�'+ip� ��
<br /> � Leader mry Inroke the power of ale md u�y othar �smedle� permitted bY +M�P _
<br /> � �` Lender shtll be entiqed �o collact �II sxpente� incurreaf In purwBc�p the remedtea p�ovsded In .
<br /> � ' thls pa�rayr�ph 7a, includ(ng� but not Ilmit�ed to, reu�onuble attorneys' fee� �nd co�0i� 04 titte ���
<br /> � erridence.
<br /> ��' It the power of erle Is Invoked� T�ustee rhall record s �oUce of dehult In esch county in �
<br /> * whlch sny part o}the 5�rcpertY Is {ocsted and �helt m�ll coples of auch noUce In the nuinner ��
<br />- pracribed by appllcabAe I�w to Borrower md to the other pereona p�'e�cribed by �ppull�Rale !aw• E;,---
<br /> . ' , Aiter the time requlre� by appticable law�T�uttee s�U �Ivo publlc noUce of aale to t�►�s �pzraons �-- __.
<br /> ' � and in the m�nner preacribed by�ppltcabta Nw_ Tnrstee.wtthout dem�nd on Borrower� e�tl asll _
<br /> the Property et puhllo wction to the hlphest bidd�r �t 4hs flms �nd pl�cs �rart� under the terms �-�_ __V_
<br /> da�tyneted In the r�oUce ot asle In one or mo+re p�'asls aRd fn aay ordef TPUates detKmines. �__�._,���_�
<br />^ � Trustae m�y poslpone aale of sll or �ny parcef oi the Property by publlc ennouneemsnt � the -
<br /> � � tir►�e �nd plaoe ot �n}� prevlousiy �chedulsd s�le. Lender or fte dealpnee may p�+PCha�e the �;�_ _�__
<br /> �� Property �t any sd�. 1�:���'��±}�
<br /> Upon re�elpt of pdy�nen4 of the price bid� Truatee st►ell deliver to the purahsser T�uttee'a ��
<br /> deed convey�inp th� Praperty. Ths recitals In the Truatee'� deed shalt be pr(m� hote evlaienae of ;. �' ,�� l.'.
<br /> the truth ot the �ts4ements made thevein. Truwtee �hall �pply th� proceeds of the aalo in the ��,;:.•, � � F-���:�-, ;
<br /> : �''-
<br /> � folbwin� order. (a) to a{I cost;� end expame� af exe�cisinQ tl�e power oi sete� ar�� t.ltie sa�e� �`'��,�„?�<•-��`�;- �
<br /> � � includin�the payment ot the Trustee'a taes �cbu�ily Inaurred, not 4a exaeed 3 � ;��;.°;£��c�:. �����:�. : .
<br /> of the principsl �maunt of the note s4 the Ume of the decl�reUon of det�ult� snd reasonabie : � , . � <�..
<br /> � axUorneya'fee� a�permiited by law; (b) to a�ll wms �ecured by thi�secuPity Instru�r+mnt; �nd (c) ��,t;��
<br /> eny exaes� to the Pa'eon or person�lapally entiUed to it
<br /> If the Lender'� I�terest In thir Securiry Om�Grument Is held by t1�e Secrebry �nd t�m �aremry
<br /> requi�es immediate p�yment in full unaer Prapreph 9. the Secrs�a+ry m�y fnvoke tF� r��udioMl
<br /> � �ower of Eefe provided In ths Singlo Femlly M�tSaQe Forealosure Act ot 1994 ('AcY) (1 Z U.S.C.
<br /> 3761 g= !Qq•)�Y��4Ue��� � �resbsure �omml�sianer desipnated under the Act to commence � ,
<br /> _ forecbsure end to soll the Property ss provided In the AcL Nothinn U the precedl�� sentence .
<br /> _ . .'- -'�'---'-- _.�atv.�� � �� �wdns und�l► �hlf P1r�lllf�f 18 _ -- __ -
<br />_ ----- shail deprlve the 5ecretary or�Ily r1�EdG� oltKit�arv w�o��nv w p........... ...._-' -"- - --�--r -
<br /> � or appltcable lew.
<br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon paymer►t of aN sums sec�rod by thls SecurRy InStrurtronL t�ndar shaN request Trustee to
<br /> � roconwy tha Property and shaW sumndar thb Sscurity Instrumor►t and sN not�d eviW�ctin9 atiWt socurod Dy this Sacurity ,,
<br /> InaWma�t to Trustee.Tnastos ahiN reconwy the ProNerty wRhout wamnty end wMfiout c�ar@a to th� pwson or paaons leseiy
<br /> entRled to k.�ch perao� or percens ehaN pay any record�lbn coSts. �
<br /> i �
<br /> � F6Et3.LM0(C/�) P�pe 1 of 6
<br /> � � ,.
<br /> r�. , -
<br /> 176 �
<br /> f
<br />