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.;� � , .. . . •. <br /> . w:_ <br /> •� .. '" . . . , ' '�tiil.• . <br /> . �. ��r . . , K�°ar __;_ <br /> ...F.:aWM�MAW�s..�� . , . � .. ' . ,:. ,�{;'�'� <br /> , ''�! �� . . . . . ��.n-- _�s-� <br /> . � � , . �� " � , - '�° - <br /> �� E , � _ �,. " �,. ''�t�rtt <br /> „ � <br /> � � • .. ... . .. .. .. - - ... ... ... . . <br /> .: <br /> .v,...: ._ . -- .:..:. -- ..`..-•-- .... ._..,..._.._... .. _ .... . . _ �'a4?�S, <br /> �. . � Y� � <br /> +� �0�315 �_- <br /> � paymcnts muy no longer be rcquircd,at thc opt�on qf Lcndcr,if mongaga insuran0/o�crago(in tha tunount and far tho perlod <br /> �tu►t Lcndcr requi��es)provldcd by an insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr again bocomcg uvuilablc ae�d is obtaincd,Borrow�r shnll pay�t►o <br /> • �rcmiums requlrcd to maintain mortgage insur�icc in cttcct,a w providc e loss resc+vc, until thc royufr�emcnt [or martgagc <br /> � insuranas ends in eccordancc with nny wduen agrcement�ctwecn Bortowa and Lender or npplicnblc law. � . <br /> :G 9.Inspectbn. Lender or its agent m�y makc r�sanubic enuka upon end inspocUons of thc 1'roperty.Lcnda shall grvc ; <br /> ���. Bomnwer nodce at the tlmes of or prlor W an inspoction spc�ifying reawnabk cause[or tha inspocdon. <br /> 10.Coad�mnati�n. The proceeds of ony uward or claim E'or dtunages,direct or consequentiul. in ::onnection with nny . <br /> �""'"''""� con�cmnadon or oct►er taking af eny part of Ihc Pmperty,oe for e;onveyancc�in licu of Gondcmnadon.orc hcrcby n�signcd c�d � a <br /> �u��a��a�. <br /> In thz event of a total taking of the Propecty,tho proceeds shall b� applied to the sums s�cured by this Socurity Insirument, - <br /> ; whethcr or not then duc,with any oxc�.ss paid ro Horrowcr.In Ihc evcnt of u�rartial talcing of thc Property in whkh the fu'u mgrket � <br /> • value of the P►vpe�ty immedi�tnly befora the taking is equal w or grcater than the amount of the sums secured by this Socuriry <br /> • • ;In nnless Hortnwca and l.endcr s in writing� the sums securod by tbi� � =�: <br /> I n s u u m e n t m�l i a t e l y b e f�e t h o t a S g, fi� <br /> ' Socuriry Insvumwt shall be red��cod 6y the amount af ttAC proc�s multiplicd by the follow�ng fractian:(a)the total amount of <br /> •� the sums secured immediatcly bcfore the tatiIng.divided by (b) the fair mACket valae of the Property imcxiediatefy befare the -- <br /> � taking.Aay balance shaU be paid w Harower.In tt►e event of a prsrti�takinII of the Prape�ty i.n which the fair m�rkct vatu�of the =-- <br /> � . PRtjl�ljr 1I11II!°..t�lEiE�y �'QSC 1�l8 IA�lA� LS �CSS E11PS1 IIFC ASi!OUlIE 0�1�1C SlII119 SI�CUIY.d IQ1iI1Cdt8ICIy �ODC 1bC LBIllilg. unlesg =v- <br /> � Bortoi�er and Lendcr otheiwise agrce in writing or unless appiicatsle law othenvise Exovides.tbe psaoeecls shaU be applied to the �_, <br /> sums secured by d�is Security Insinu�u►t wh�ther or not the sums are U�er�due. _ <br /> ' Tf the Ptiro�aty is abandoned by Borrowea.or if,after nodce by Lender tn Sortower that the can��unnor offers to malce an �,_.• <br /> ° �: award cx seule a claim for dar�ges.Barowei fails to tes�ond to L.t�s within 30 days aftu the dat�e she notioa is given,l,enda � <br /> �� is�uthorized to collece and appSy the pcnoee�ds,at its aption,either w restoration or re,pav of the Property or W ihe sums secured =- <br /> a �_ <br /> by dus Security Inswmenb wtrzafier or not then due. _� <br /> ?� Unless Lender aad Bomo�s�.r otherwise agree in writin8.bnY aPAlication of proc�ls w principal shall not e.�te�l or postpone = <br /> ���, . tUe due date of the monthlY PaYments cefared to in paragaphs 1 aad 2 03 change the amount of such payments. _ <br /> } il.Borm�r Not Rek�sed;For6ear�na By I.ender Not a VPdvar. £utension of the time fa paymait or modification _ <br /> ' �f anwrti�tion of the sums secured by th�s Seaurity Insuqunent p�nud by L.ender w any suoces.sor in intemsi of B�rowa sl�all =- <br /> _ nng n�.r_.rsue:tn rrlmm rf�e liahili;y of the ori¢inal Bortnwei or Bnnovrs's sucoessors i�interest.�.eadet sb�11 not kx re9uired t0 - <br /> . �� ecrrnrne�ce peocceclings ag,ainst any succrssor in inu7est or refuse to eztead time for payment or othawise modify aa�atization of <br /> ;� !ha sums securefl by t6is Security Tnshurt�t by raa9on of eny deinand mnde by the original Bomower a Barower's suooessas <br /> �r};. <br /> ,�� • ia inte�est.Any forbeapanc.e by Le�xles in exc�isinB any right or rem�dy shall not be a waives of or g�lude the eacc�ise of any <br />_;: ; • �� �� ri�.htorrcmody. <br /> ,' � � � A2.Saooessors md As�gnt�Emwd;Joint and Several Li�6ility;Ca•signns. 'I�c covenants nnd agreemants of this <br /> ���4�� '.•�''• S$cnriry Insaument st�all hind suid bencfit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to thu iprovisioas of <br />';r�:�s'�,`` QaragraPh 17. Barrower's cnvenartts and agraanents shall be joint and �varal. Any Boimwar who co-signs �is Security <br /> �`"`•'°`�": . Instrument fwt does not exocute the Note: (a) is oo-signing this Securiry Instnune,nt only tn mostgage,gzant and convey thet <br />_.-";::��:s�. Batuwes's inlerest in the Proper:y under thc tem�s of tlils Sccuri[y Insuu�nenx(b)is not persoresUy obligatod ta pay the sums <br /> c:-:• ��. socura!by t6i�Security Insuument;an�d(c)agroes that Let�der and any oiher Boimwer may agree to e�etend.modn�Y�forbear or <br /> �_�=�;��° m�7ce any accoma�odations with regard to the terms of this Sacarlry Lutrument a the Note without that Boirower's�rmsent <br /> _:o_�'-� 13.Lae C6ar�es. If tLe ban secured by thls Secucity Instruma►t is subjoct w a law which sets ma�rimu� �charges, <br />-.,�,�..n�,.;h:`' and tt�at law i��nally inu7preted so that the inte�est or other loan chargc�s call�ted or to be collecsed in catv�octinn with the loan <br /> "zT.R•"��:;�,s excad tt�e pam�tud limits.thcn:(a)any such toan charge shall be rcduced by the amount nexessasy to rcduoo the charge to the _ <br /> v�'-°'�'• tted limit;aad(b)any�urns already collected fmm Bo►rower whicfi exce�.cl ptciniued limits w311�e refund��3 to Borrower. <br />-:,.:����.. Pr�u <br />�_.-.--:"_� L�kr anay chaose W make �riis refnnd by ceducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a d'u�ca payment tn <br /> �*='-� . Bamw�.If a refund mduocs principal,the reduction will be treated us a paRial p�payment without any pre�a;�nent chargc — <br /> - ti,� <br /> - ';?�.��'� undv the Nole. <br />, „e�_'� � 14.Notfoes. My notica to Borrower providaD for in this Sxuriry Iustrumeat shalf be given by dalivering it or by maitang it = <br /> --.�-4=-.=� by Cvst class msil unless applicabk Isiw requires usc af anott�er method,'Ihe noace shall be dircctcd tfl thc Yropa�Sy Address or <br /> '�z�. = ..., - <br /> .,;�;�.•.,.K. any ott�et addnss B�xrower desibmates by ncxice to Lender.My nwice to I�ender shall bc given by first class Rna�l w Y.ender's <br /> "-'-'''' addmss s�ied hrrein or any�ther adcCmss Lender desigr+�tes by norice w Homower. Any notice provided for qm this Security <br /> e�.�=:�,. - <br />- '":;-�+�-`. Inswment sha��l 6e doemed w have bcen given w Bomower or Leader when givcn ag provided in this paragraph. r: <br /> , "�:5 . IS.Covereing Law;Severability. 'It�is Sccurity Instrument ahall be govemed by fedeaal 3aw and the law of the =` <br /> � jurisdktion in which the Pro�ty is locatc�d.In the evcnt that any provision or clause of t�is Socu::ty Insuume�t or the Note �°' <br /> , .. <br /> , . onnflkts with applicable law,such cnnflict shall not at�ect oth�r p=ovisians of this Seauity Instrument or die Note which can be <br /> �ivan effaci without tho ennflieiing provision.To this end the provisions uf this Seciuity Ins�ument and the Note are declarod to --" <br /> be sevembk. ,,� <br /> Form 302a �r90 � <br /> . �•Ofi(NE)to2��1.0� ar.z•aoie innws: _ . <br />� jx;�U'�p••_� � • '� •s.�S �� ' <br /> T <br /> -� :� �-- <br /> -=�.--� , <br />, � ._.�,.�.._._.,.� _� ------ a ..._..._.._�_ ..�- --------�----� . <br /> . ... . _, � <br /> , ,� <br /> � , • <; <br /> . �� � �,> �:. <br /> . <br /> . . <br />_ ., _ , <br />: . <br /> . . <br />