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<br /> ' 'I'0C3ETHER W1TH ap thc improvcments no�v on c�rcaftcr erccted on�he property, and all cASCmcnts,appurt�nances,and
<br /> ' fixu�ms now or hereafter a part of die proFerty.AU r�pl�ements and additions shall a!w be covered by�his Secnrity Instrumen� �
<br /> ,� AU af the forcguing is rcferred ui m this 5ccurity Instrumcnt as thc"Ymperty." �
<br /> BORROWBR COVENANTS tha►Borrower is lawfully scised of the cs4�te hercby conveycd and has thc right to grant end
<br /> ;,�,,;,,,:� camey the Prope�ty and that the Property is unencumbered,eacept for encurnbrances of record. Bo�ower wairants and will
<br /> . ,.�. -.� defend generelly the tide to the Property against all claims and demonds,subjoct to eny encumbrances af recard.
<br /> THIS SECURTTY INSTRUIV�NT combines uniform covenants for national u�e en�non-uniform covenanis with limited
<br /> variations by jurisdicdon to consdwte a iu►iform securiry instrument coverin�real property. '
<br /> UNI�'URM COVBNAN'I'S.Borrower and Lender covenant and�gree as followx
<br /> 1.Payment ot 1'rincipal and Interest;Prepap�ent and Late Ct�arges. Boia+c,w•u shall promptly pay when duc the '��^
<br /> principal of and incerest on the debt evidelx�by the Not�end any prepa}anent and laia charges due under tho Notc. `"
<br /> •t.
<br /> 2.Funds for Tazes and Inswance. Subject to appGcable law or to a writtem waiver by L�er►der, Boaowa sd�all pay to � ,•;;�::�
<br /> I.ender on the dny monthly payments are due under the Note.until tho Note is pnid 'n�a full.a sum("Fi�nds")for. (a)yearly�a�ces .
<br /> � q and asse�sments which�ay attnin priority over this Scxu�ity Instrument as a tien an the Property:(b)YearlY leasehold payments -
<br /> or bmoua�d rents on the Propecty.if eny;(c)yearly hazard or pmperty insurance premium3;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums,if � LL=_,
<br /> ,;,: ' anY:(e)y<:.�.�,�X anongage insurance pm.m�itsms,if aay:and(�any s�a�ns�payable by Bo�rower to I.ender.in eccordance with tde
<br /> provisions off�aragraph 8. in licv of th� payme.�t of mortgage insiu�nnce premiiuns.7tzese items are called "Fscrow Items." �:.''��
<br /> ;;?�`:;,z;� u �
<br /> ``�i��•�-� I.ender may,tu any time,collect and hoid F�nds in an amount not to exceed the maanmum amo��t a lendcr for a federaUy related
<br /> ' mortgage loan may require for aorrower's escrow aca�unt under the fede�l Real�sta�e Seulement Procedums Act of 1974 as �' �°
<br /> �• . ,.�,�; amcnde�from tuae to:ims. 12 U.S.C.SSCdon 2fi01 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless anol7:i��r la�v that applies to the Funds sets a lesscr �';;
<br /> "�,''';j amoun� ff so, I,e,�der may.at any timz,�vo]kct end hold Funds in an am�unt noi �o exceed u'��lesser arnount.Lender may =
<br /> esdmate the amount of FSmds due on tt�Uzzsis ot cw�rent data and reasonable estimates of expenci�turrs of future Escrow Items or -_
<br /> �'�'�� otherwise in accordance with appGcable law. _
<br /> � The Funds sluill be held in an insriturion whose deposits art:insured by a feder�] �geucy,inswmentality,or endry (including
<br /> Lender.if Lender is such an insdtution)or in any Federal Home Loan Banlc. Lencl�r ahall apply the Funds t��ay tlie Escrow -
<br /> Items.L,ec�d��raiay not charge Sorrower for holding and applying thz 1Funds,annvaUy analyr,ing the escrAw account,or ve,rifyir� _
<br /> the Fscrow Iscros,unless Lender pays Bor¢+nwer intemst on the Fun�.�nnd applicabte law pecmiu Lendei to make such a cnarge. _
<br />-�.,, ' However,L,ea�der may require Borrowcr to pay a nne-tima charge for an independe�t mal estat�qau reporting scrvicc usecl b� _
<br /> i�eader in connoction with dus lc�an,unless�pplicable law provides otherwise. Unless erc agrecment is made�r apgllcable lnw =
<br /> tY:���,,•.; ..;:. � c�quires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requircd to pay Borrawer any inta�st or eamings on the Funds.Bonowtr and =
<br />= :•:•:;�':;:' Lender may agroe in writinng.however,tl�at intemst sh�tl be pa�d on the Funds.Lender shall gi-re to Bomowcr.wasfiout ciuugo.an
<br /> ., �,:;,;>
<br /> :r�:"�.'�,;:;`�1';: annual accounting of the Fnnds.showir�;g credits and debits tn the Funds and the purgose fa w?iic1+each debit to the i�unds was -
<br />-�i�y�.�=';�+'�� made.'Il�e Funds are pkdged es acWitionai security for all sums secured by this Security InsWmena.
<br />� �+�'� If the Funds heid by Lender�acced the amounts pannitt�eff to be held by epplicable law.Lender shall occount tn Borro�ver for
<br />{"'.' �;r� the excess Funds in accordance with the reqaimmencs o.f applicablo law.If tlia amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any time is
<br />����`� � not sufficietit to pay the F.sexow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrowea in wri�ng,and,in such case Borrower shall pay
<br /> `�° `' � t� I.e,nder U�e amount nocessary tn makc up the deficicncy. Borr�ower shaU malce up thc d�ciency in no more tt�an twe7va
<br />-s` ;:"
<br />��_.o,,:�•.�
<br />�,_;��• . monthlY PaYmems,at Lender's sok dtscretion.
<br />:;�::��.; `� UP�a PaYme�t in full of all swns socured by this 5ecurity Instnunent, Lender shall prompdy refund w Borrower any Funds �_:q:,_::
<br /> ;;,;r-�-�,�-�-.,,�,� held by L,ender.If.under paragraph 21.I.endrr shall acquire or sell the Property,l�endtr,prior w the acquisition or sale of the -�.--..
<br /> a� �:�:r" Properiy,shall apply any Funds hcld by I.ender at the time of acquisiticsn�r sale as a crodit aga9nst the sums secured by this 9°�s-'-
<br />=`�Y:�'r,9�;:;;� Socuritylnstrumuit
<br /> ��`�'��'����;�'�� 3.Applkatbn of Pnymenta. lUnless applicable law pr�ovides o�thciwise,all payments mceivcrl by Lender undcr pazagrephs
<br />=`;��`;�'� 1 and 2 sha11 be applied:first,to anY P�payment cha�g�es due under the Note: second,to emounts payaLle under paragreph 2: --
<br />��"�F's°_= lhird,w intaes:due;fownh.w piincipal due:and last,a�any late cfinrges due undet the Note.
<br />�'��� x� 4.C6areea;Lieos. Boiro�ver shall pay ell taaes,a�sessrnents. charges,fincs and imposidons amibutab9e to 9he Prope�ty _
<br />�"�"Ig` which may attain priority over this Security Instrumcnt,and ieasehold payments or growd renis.if any.Bonawer shall pay these -
<br /> ":'!w'0:..�..J �_.
<br />-�'k��''.:��, obligations in the manner peovided in paragraph 2,or If not paid In that mannrr.Bomower shall pay them on tu�se directly to the -
<br /> ��t..`•'��'.:;... persot� �wed paymcn� Borrower shall promptly furnish eo Lcndcr all nc�t�ces of sur►ounts to be paid under t�is paragraph. ff e-__
<br /> - - . ,. , . Botrower malces thcse paymcnts dircctly.Borrower shall pmmptly furnish Uo Lenda rcaipts evidencing the payman�s. =-_
<br />--- Bolrower shaU prompdy dischazge any licn which has priority over thi�Security Instrum�c unlESS Boirower:(a)agrees in "�_'
<br />� • ''°"� •. � writing to the payment of tf�e obligatioc�st�cured by the lien in a manner�cccptable tn Lender, (b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> .�,,,�:�; ���
<br /> • ����•���,�: : by. or defends against enforceme�nt af the Gen in. legal proccxdings wt�ich in the Lender's opinion operate w prevent the - _
<br /> �,;.�•,... --
<br />- enforcement of the lie�r or(c) secures from Ihe holder of the lien an agre�ement satisfactory to I.ender suborc�inau►►g tha lien w �.',_�.
<br /> - •• this 5oc�uity Instrument If I.end�er detern�ines that any part of the Property is subju.� Qo a lia��vhich may att�i�priority avsr d►i., -�'
<br />� ' Seciuity Instrument,Let�der may giva Bnrrower a notice idenrifying the Heai.Borrocv�r sP�ll satisfy the lieai or¢a9ce ono or mo� �
<br />_� af the acdons set fortt�above within 10 day�of the giving of notice. � -.
<br /> � ' Form�028 9�90
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