.r . . TV� � � � �� . � � � � sK xF � 'S Tx �K. � TK '4"., �F, z:F � � � �'�FC � � �F � .�C, rF �. �. '� �
<br /> . . . ,�,
<br /> __ .._______'_._—..--_. _________'__._–. .__'._ -
<br /> _ _.._---_— .___... '___'___.__...._
<br /> i�
<br /> � � I
<br /> 'I I�'. '
<br /> �'�'L � �i ,r.�. .
<br /> � �� :: •'
<br /> �Y -� �larrant� Cemetery Deed ��.
<br /> :�ly_�.� .____."_.-_�1 '�+'
<br /> �i+r� ':J��.��
<br /> �i —I N— ;�. :
<br /> }, �
<br /> �� WESTLA�IVN MEMORIIaiL PA�K �'�..
<br /> r!�,
<br /> �tS-�"r; i'
<br /> �M� i
<br /> �`;y of Grand Island Nebraska �-
<br /> �:��u � � �
<br /> -i�, a cemetery association :��:
<br /> ��:' incorporated under the �r�+;
<br /> ,� cemetery laws of the �
<br /> �''�,..��`� State of Nebraska ��
<br /> ?�- �
<br /> �>� + ��
<br /> � + it�.:.
<br /> THIS INDENTL'RE: DZade this---�t��__day of--------Q�y�2Qr-------- ---------A. D., 19�---
<br /> �'�*�r between �i'ESTLAWN 1VIErIORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GKAND ISLAND, NEBRASfiA, First Party, �t�
<br /> ��`•�''�i- i
<br /> ����r ana ----- Crarles_J._August�-n_��nd_J�hanna_�,�_n���yn----------------------------- ��'>��
<br /> ,. ,
<br /> y'� husband and wife, as joint tenants and nnt as tenants in com;non 2 ���
<br /> -- - - - ---- --- _.-- ----- --- - ---
<br /> �i svith rights of survlvorship __ _, se�ona Part}•.
<br /> °��
<br /> .�t�,rt{. ----------- ------ -�---- - -- ---- - - ---- ---- �z'�..:.
<br /> *� ��.
<br /> �.�F,t� �'��r.
<br /> . _ R"ITIESSETH: That First Part}• for and in co�:sideration of t}:e �ur.; o;
<br /> :,�;� E-�.��
<br /> �,� __________ One_doll_�r and other valuabl� cons�3erati�:is noLr.���s "-��
<br /> � ---- ---- ----- - _ _ __ _ _ ,
<br /> a�j-i-� the receipt t+-hereof is hereby ackno�cledged. h� sold �r.d br thr�e pr:�:c..,s dcc� �rar.t �or.��c}• and cor.fi*m tl�r
<br /> �.
<br /> �. ;";� .'��;
<br /> � �nto the Second Part}� and to Secon� Part}�'� hrirs a::� a yi _J:__`v9 16.i..:S S:iG 38S � �""�`
<br /> � �r.s . '
<br /> � �.. 10�-- -- '��,
<br /> � .
<br /> �;��� of the survivor o° tne� fo_„ve. '
<br /> -----_ �_ "° �, :,ot 31� sp�c � � „ s ction u�n i��
<br /> ---- -
<br /> z: : _ - - _ _ _ ___ �,
<br /> �,� "Calvary �ections
<br /> n ri.
<br /> ---- ---- ---- uf R F.:TLAR'\ \SE\fGP,L1L PARIi T-"�rj
<br /> �}�� of Grand Island, \ebraska, situated in Hall Count}•, \ebraska, a cemetcr�� to be used :or ir.t�-rr..ent *��
<br /> �`' p,,• '
<br /> ' ` oses onl g ,,
<br /> Z�;, p }�, bein so dedicated and declared, the Plat of said cemete�• bc�n�; rrcorded i^ the o:ii�e cf t..e .�.,��,
<br /> ���j Rzgister of Deeds of Hall Count��, Nebraska. =a�;,
<br /> �, � :
<br /> .��"`� This deed is subject to all la�rs of the State of \ebraska, and to a]] bc-]a�.ts, rules ar.d regulations
<br /> +?.'`'� of R'ESTLAI�'N b1EbiORIAL PARK CE`lETEP,Y �f Gran�l Isla^d, \ebraska. ar.d to tu�y changes in saicl ��r
<br /> ',�'�i a7?a'
<br /> ,�,., la�cs, by-la�vs, rules and regulations. ���;
<br /> i���.
<br /> �i Any transfer of title of any part of the abo��e described propert}� shal] not be va]id until the same i��
<br /> �I has been recorded upon the boolcs of the First Part}•. ��
<br /> ''�' i'�'�J
<br /> =�'�� �'ESTLA�V� .�iIE�iGP,IAL PARK CEMETERF OF GRAND ISLA\D, AEBRASKA, hcreby co�•c- ..����
<br /> j��' nants and agrees to and w�th the Second Party and with the heirs and assigns of the Second Party, that �
<br /> ;:j� at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents it is la��•fully seized of said premises; tha[ it has jF'�„F�
<br /> � good right and law�ful authority to concey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and First Party �e�f;
<br /> �� does hereby covenant to w�arrant and defend the pre:nises against the ]a�ti-ful claims of all persons �ti•ho;nso- � ��
<br /> �y��� ever. j�
<br /> �-^`� ';;a. '
<br /> �r� VdESTLA�t'N ME�IORIAL PARK CEIIETERI OF GP,A\D ISLA:�D, \EBY.ASKA, agrees to fur- !���
<br /> ��`t nish perpetual care, administration and maintenance of the abo��e described prem.ises as proti•ided by� its b}�- �`�
<br /> 1a�i�s. ��.�:
<br /> g '-��,
<br /> v �� '�� �
<br /> '��{, ISLAND, NEBRASKA, has hereunto caused its cur,ora:: seal to be affiaed and these presents to be signed '�� '
<br /> �� . b��S,Q:�7resident the day and year first aboce u•rittcn. �.��
<br /> r! �t�"� ,
<br /> ��` ' � I��
<br /> �/ �'� � i..' �i'E.5'TI.A��'N �S10RI�L Y.�11tli ('E�fETEKI OF GR.�\D ISL_�\I), \EBR:1SIi:1 ��F ,
<br /> ��, �;. •: .,. -S�, `. '
<br /> n� �•'. i ,.. � � l
<br /> BY--t`�=��- �-�=-�_�'�t�-�l'�.---- ���. ��
<br /> � �� -- --� - ----- -----
<br /> _. - -----
<br /> ,��(�r , - =-�,=�nt, , �
<br /> I . i�,,�,�.
<br /> i .:,�aATE,D�,NEB�tASKA, � :"�N
<br /> ss. (�
<br /> "' ,'• CO�,T�1TY' OF HALL � ( �
<br /> � , ��
<br /> ���y,ti r ` •� � �ri��tnss __yth__ady or ----�ctober ---. is�9---• �:.
<br /> ----------
<br /> ,. , ------
<br /> ��,. , --------
<br /> . .,... .-
<br /> ;t _ _ ��
<br /> before me the undersigned, a notary public, in and for said county and state, personally came ____________
<br /> ,''�.r
<br /> �.
<br /> -------------- R.c1 �/i�_Hl 1113----- r
<br /> ----------�-- �-- --------------------------------- ,�,
<br /> ,��'- President of Westlawn Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand Island, �;ebraska, to me ersonall known to be i
<br /> � I P Y i,� .
<br /> ;'•-�f„; the President and the identical person whose name is affixed to the aboce conveyance, and ackno�vledged i��
<br /> �: � the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of the i-i�
<br /> y said Westlawn Memorial Yark Cemetery of Grand Zsland, Nebraska, and that the corporate seal of the,s�lut�.,"- �. ,r
<br /> �+�I �'Vestlawn Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand Island, IQebraska, was thereto affixed by its author�ty:,�','_;; '. ' � ��
<br /> .� ,t ,- ".;�
<br /> �"r'' WITIVESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above ���ritten. -,y V� G! "�
<br /> _� � � � � ,.
<br /> � ' ��
<br /> ,��,� � �
<br /> !(�1��<4�/-�4L�___1�-'_� Y-il���dF l� .4.�Y J � I• � . .
<br /> �'i�, / I��otary Public ��-3. zO a� �,, "
<br /> t/��•�` , Q � .' � �.
<br /> ���Y;I �•-� •� � � J •
<br /> � �; Filed for record Uctober 1l�, 1959 at 3:10 P;t�L ,�..�r,•!��.� � . �''
<br /> � ,J/n �.�'.
<br /> "� ��I E;dna Bohn� :egister of Deeds, Hall Count;�, Nebr. � . u , � ;� f .
<br /> i
<br /> ;''� i By� 'i�ti��.�,�i` .Deputy � � t ;, ; �
<br /> .,. ,
<br /> , �� �.._
<br /> , ?;.�+..
<br /> • i�` '� � i� ✓ '.� i�^ ., �E . '� ' i� �" i� '� �- i� -'�F i� �F � �� � � � � � �F . •
<br /> ,
<br /> �GOE5115 _ ^^ . ^ ^^ .~v� �f,v'�� �rMi��. . v ^'v� LITMOINU.S.A.
<br />