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<br /> :,qw�►w`�, (i)All or part of the Propeccy,or a beneficial interest in u trust ownina all or part of the Rropeny, is suld
<br /> ;4w�� or otherwise transferred to�er than by devise or descent), and
<br /> � { (ii)The Property Is not occupied by the purGhaser or grantec as his or her principal r�sidence, or tt�c+ •+"
<br /> „ purchaser or gra�►t� does so occupy she Propeny but his or her credit has not br.�:n approvcd in ._
<br /> accordance wlth the re4uirements of the Secretary• s
<br /> ' (c)No Waiver. If circumstances occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment in full,but �,_�_�
<br /> Lender dces not require such payments,Lender does nat waive its rights with respect ro sub�equent events. �.,�
<br /> (d)Regulations of HUD Secre:ary. In many circumstances regulations issued by the Ser.retary wlll Iimlt �.a_
<br /> . F�_
<br /> ' ; Lender's rights, in the case of payment defaults,to require immediate payment in full and forc:close if not �_
<br /> paid.This Securiry lnstmment does not authorize ac�;eleration or foreclosure if not pecmitted by regul�tionr = -
<br /> ° •�, of the Sec�etary.
<br /> . �. � (e)Mortgage 1Vot Insured•Borrower agrees that if this Securiry Ynstruinent and the Notc arr not determinnd
<br /> � �� I.o be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 60 dayc from the date hereof, Lendt:r
<br /> �ay, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all suu9s secured by this Secudty Instrornent. A _
<br /> • ; .� writtsn�s��t of any autliorized agent of the 3ecretary dated subsequent to 60 days from tha dato hemvf, —
<br /> � �eciie+�;; c�3 insure this Security Instrument and the Note, shall be deEmed concluslve proof of such �
<br /> ,.� ine};�}�L�ry, IdotwithscandiaB tt►e fongoing, this option may uot be exercised by L.ender when tlte �
<br /> :.,� ?tr : unavailabiliz�� of insurance is solely due to Lender's failu*e to remit a mortgage insurance pr�mlum to the
<br /> SccrelFUy- —
<br /> ! �y
<br /> ' 10. Reinstatement. Burrawer has a right to be reinstated if I.ender has required immedlate psyment in u
<br /> ,;;;,, t because of Borrower's failure to pay an amounc due under the Note or ttils Securiry Instrument.Thls right applies —
<br /> ' ',�:�,;::'•.., even after foreclosure proceedings ace instituted. To reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrower shall tender iu a
<br />='�r• � lump sum all atnounts tequired to bring Boiiow����a:.ccuns c�E�'- �_r.l���line; to the extent chey are obligatlans of
<br />'�":" Inscrument.foreclosure wsts and reasonable and customary attorneys' fees and expe:�ses
<br /> . ,4;- Borrower under tYus Security
<br /> � this Security lustcument amd
<br /> ;�;:,;i;;;,:�_ properiy associated witli the foreclosure procceding. Upon reinstatemeat by Borrower,
<br /> ��9?�'�. .�.•�,- the obligarions that it secures shall remaln in effect as if Lender haci not required immcdiate payrnrait in fuU.
<br /> ="`k ��"' However, �..ender is not req u ir e d to p e r m i t r e i n s t atemcnt if: (i) Lendcr has accepted reinstatemsnt after the
<br /> '�•,�.. �,,..�
<br />-_,w.,`�.�;.j, �ommencer�ent of foreclosure proceedinBg�'lthin tW°Ye�s ic�mediately precedins the wmmenccment o a cucrent
<br /> ;;;;�v S� foreclosure pmceeciulS, (ii) reinsta►ement will preelude foreciosure on different grounds in the future. or (iii)
<br />_- --'.-•Tr•�7 reinstatement will adversely affect the priority of tho lien created by this Security lnsm►ment.
<br />_'-,.•:;_.-;L.- xi.Borrower Not Relrased;Forbearence Ily I.ender Not a Wa9vor. Exteasion of the tirne of paymswst or
<br /> __.-.�,.,,.,
<br />�-°•=:,�.�,ri� modificadon of amortizatioa of the sums secured by this 5ecurity Insmiment granted by I.ender to any saocessur n
<br /> ``r';=''` interost of Borrower shall not operate ro release the liability of the original Bonowtr ar Borcower's suocesrt+�r in
<br /> ,�°��� interest.Lender shall uot be required to commence proceedings agains[ any successor in intenst or refuse ta extend
<br /> -=__�,;:-.
<br /> ,,��:,,,.�� time for payment or otherwise modity amort[zation of the sums secured by thia Securiry Instrunxnt by ccason o any
<br /> _�i_,-�� dcmaud made by the original Borrower or Borrower's sucoessors in interest.Any fo r b e araace b Y L.endes in exen;ising
<br /> �--�}• aay ri�ht ar nmedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the eaei�cise of any right or remedy. �ents
<br /> �-���� D2.Success+oes and AsslBns Bound;Joint nn�l Seveml Llal�ility; Co-Slgners.The covenants and a�ror.
<br /> �-�����,�"�i r� o�t h i s S e e u r i ty l n n s c r u m e n t s h a l l b i n d a nd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and B�rrower. subjoct to the
<br />='=;.�Mr;�,��� provisions of gazagraph 9(b). Bonower's covenants and agreemente sh�ll be joint an d scveca l. Any B o m o»�c r w h o _
<br /> _ �_g;gn,g thiy Security Iustn�menc but dces not execute the Note: (a�de�rthe�terais o�f this Securirytln�st��txn yN� -
<br /> � �'�'�=�°=� mortgage.gtant and convey that Borrower's tnterest in the Pruperty
<br /> -::,��,.:;:. r,
<br /> --•��`�",�,': . is not pecsonally ab�igated to pay the sums secured by thi�Securtty Insnument;and(c)agrees dnat I.cndez and anY
<br /> �:����'�! other Borrower muy agree to eA¢end, madify,forbezr or make any accommociations with ceSurd ia the ter�ns of this
<br />_•_�i ��:+ gecurity Insuument or tlie Note wit6out that Borrower's consent. _
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