���:Ll.:�.'FNH�MMMMVi1:NN�M4MwY�N:w.urs.:»ur.wr.v.v�wi�+.�n.�.w...,..�—. _ ._
<br /> pedatls tl�nt l.cndcr raryircs. '(ho insumnw carricr providing�ho Insuranca sLall l»choscn K 13oiro�ver�su6jFci'io'T.f3der�
<br /> upprovnl�vhicl�shall not bo unrcasana6ly wf�6hctd. If 6orconxr fails to maimnfn covcmgo dcscril�:d nlwvo,Ltnder may,al
<br /> 4endcrk optlon,ob�ain covemge to protut l.cnderk d6his in tho Propcny in nccardnnco wtlh pnmgmph 7.
<br /> hll inxumnco polictes and ttnmvels shall be accepmbto�o I.enAer and ehall include n xmndard mongego clnuse. Lender
<br /> eh1116avo t6o dght to hold�ho pollcios end rcnewnls. lf I_cnder requires,Rorcowcr shall prompily givc to Lcndcr nll rccelpts
<br /> of paid prcmiums nnd rcnewal notices. In�he event of loss,Oorco�ver shall give promp�noitce�o�he Insurnnco cnrtier r.nd
<br /> I.cndcr. I.cndcr may meko proof of loss If nol madc promp�ly by Rortowcr.
<br /> Unlcss[.cndcr and➢orrowcr nthcnviso agrca In wri�ing,tnsuranw procecds chnll bc npplfcd io res�ontion or rcpair of
<br />� the Pro�cny damaged, If ihe restora�lon or rcpair is ttnnomicnlly fensible nnA Lender'.s securiiy is not Iessened. If t6e ,_ .
<br /> rcstormlon or rcpair Is not economtenily kuiblo or LenderY u.curity would Iw Iessened, tlio insunnco procecds shall be
<br /> npplted m the sunu secur..d by thls Securi�y Insimment, whtther or not �hen due, wi�h nny excess paid to Oonawer. if
<br /> Ilorrower.bs:dons the PYVpeny,or de.s not unsrver wi�hin JO days n notice from Lender�hat the Insur,nce cartier M1as __
<br /> offercA to utde a ciaim,then Lender may mliect�he(nsumrne procecds. Lender may use the y+aeeds to rcpair or mstorc --
<br />- �ho Property or to pay sunu securtd by this Sxurily Insuumcn6 whetheror na tt.rn duc. 7T.c 3C-dny period wl l I begin when _�
<br /> itK no�ice is given. • —�
<br />- -� Unleu Lem:tr.c�}.BorrauY���hcrnisc ngrcc in�:iiling,anp applicuioo of p:etctcis tv�rintipal shall eei extend or --
<br />� - poslpo're ihe due datC ai�he moa:hly"}i�ymenis rcfarn'v°�o In plragaxphs I nnd 2 or chmge�4c amuuN of thc pvyntenls. (f
<br /> undor pazae:a;k 21 d!�Properly is a.quired 6y Lender, Dorroweri rigM to eny(nsunnce{�>iir.i:s and prceeeds n:sultiag —
<br /> Gwn dar�ga 7o the 3Ynyrrry prior t�iha acquisitian shall pass to Lend:r to the exient of ihe smm securcd by�his Securicy =
<br />- fnslrumcunmmedia•r.lySrior�a�henn7eisi�lon. n�°
<br /> 6. Or.cupanc�, 6'reserwtlou, 1Vtalntenunrn und Prolection oi Ihc Property; 13nrrower's Loan Applicalion= _
<br /> I.ensehoids. Borrower shall acupy,es�ebllsM1,and use the Propeny as Aorto�ver's princiyal residenm wi�hin sixty days after --_
<br /> the examion of this Sen�riry fnswment and shall cominue to occupy�he I'ropeny as DortmcerY pdnctpal residence for at _
<br /> I.ast one year aRer the dnto oP nceupancy, unless Lender mhenvise agrces in wmiv, which conseN shall not Ue =
<br /> unrcasonably withhald,or unleu es�amniing cinumstance.s exist which ere beyond➢orto���er's control. Dorzower shall no� -
<br /> desiroy,damage or impair�he Propeny,allow!he Propeny�o detzdorate,or commn�.�c�e on�he Propeny. Oorrower shall �
<br /> be in default If any(odet�ure ae0on or proceeding,���hnher civll or criminal,is 6.�cun�hn�in Lender�goad taith judgmem �-i:
<br /> could rault in forfeimre o( �he Propeny or od�erwise materially Impatr �F.e iien arcmed by�hfs Seeuriry Inswment or 4S.-.:
<br /> f.enderS seturi�y inkmse ➢onm��rr may curc such a defoult end rcinstate,as�.�eid.d in paragraph 18,by causing the aetlon
<br />- or proceeding to 6z dismissed uiih a mling iha6 tn Lenderr good faich daicrmin,�ion,prccludcs forfcimrc of the Oorrower�s _
<br />- intercst (n the Poopeny or o�her ma�crial impairtnem of the lien rrc:ned by�his Security Ins�mmem or Lenderk security -
<br /> intcros�. Dorcower shall also be in default If Uortower, dudng ehe loan xnplieation Proccu, aavc matcdally fatse or --
<br />� inaceurate Infomiation orstatememx to Lcnder(or faiicd�o provide Lcrder��i[h any matcnal infonna�ion)in wnnatton wi�h =---
<br /> iho loan evidenced by Ihe Na:e, iceL�ding, but not lim(ted lo, rcpresemacioas :uMeming OoROwer� acupaney ot the _�,
<br /> - Prop.rty as e principal ruldence. If ihis Security Instmment Is on a kaahold,Donower shall compfy with all d�e provlslons [�_;
<br /> � ef!M!^�re. !f 9ortnw�r e�yuire�fn•vue m�hc Propeny.�he leasc6old and�hc fec iitle shall no�nxrgc unlcss Lendcr agrces -
<br /> lo thc mergcr in wri�ing. -
<br /> 7. Proleclion of I.endcr`s Riphts in ihe Properly. If Dorrowcr fails to perfomi d:e :ovenams and agmcmeNS _
<br /> rnnmined in �his Scenri�y Inswmen6 or iherc Is e Iegal proceeding ihat may significumly aYlecl Lenders flghis In the -
<br /> Propeny(au.h ns a p:e.eeAing in bankrup�cy,probate,for condemna�ion or forfei�urc or�o enforce Imv:or reguladons),then �:.-�
<br /> Lender may d�and piy For whatever is neceuary to pro�ect�he va�ue of We Propr.ny und Lenderk righ�s in die Propetty.
<br /> Lcndcrk rM1eians may includc paying nny sums sccumd by a li.n:+iiich hu p�iori�y ovcr this Seeurity Insuumcm,appcarin� _-
<br /> In eoun,payine�rasonable mtomeys'fecs and entedng on�he F'ro;�ny�o make rcpairs. Al�hough Lender may take ac�iou =
<br /> under thls paragreph 7,Lcndor does not havc�o do so.
<br /> Any nmoums disbursed by Lender under�his Fn�agmph 7 shall 6ecome nt�ticiunal debt of Oorrower securcA by ihis .
<br />- Securi�y Insttumcm. Unless Qortowcr und Lender u_.xt�o other rerms of paymem.thcu amounts shall bear inrercst from�he -
<br /> date of dfsbursement at�M1e hote rate ard shall lx:p.ryable.�vi�h imercs�,upon r.olice Gom Ixnder to Uorcower rcquesting -
<br /> payment. ���.:
<br />-- S. Mortgage lnsurance. If L.nLer rcquircd mongagc inxnrance ay a condiiion of mnking�he loan xwrcd by�his -_�
<br /> Se:c:!!•; !.^.sL•um=nt,Qottower shall pay�he premiunu requfrcJ �o malmatn�he mongage tnsnrance in effec�. If, for viy !`�-
<br /> rcason, �he mongage insurantt coverage rcyutred by l.ende lapses or aases ro 6e in ef(ect. Oovower s6all pay ihe =
<br />= premlums requircd ro obtnin coverage subsiantlalty equivolem io the monpnge insurance previously in effec4 at a cosl �4-�,_
<br /> subs�amially equivalem a�he cost�o Dorrmrer of the mongage insumna preciously in effec6 from:m al�emate mongnga :�
<br /> Insurcr appmved by Lender. If subsmmially cyuivalem mongage insumnce cov¢mge(s na available.6ortower shall pay m l;:-:
<br />� Lender cach ntonth a sum equal�o one•nvelfth of ihe yeady mongage insumnce prcmium being paid by Dortower when ihe j_`
<br />� Insurnnce coverage lapsed or eeased w he in effec6 Ler.Jer will aecep�.use anA re�atn�bexe paymenic aa n loa rcurve in Iieu =,.
<br /> of mongnge insurance. l.oss reserve paymems ma� no longer bc reyuired,at�hr option of Lender,if mongage insurence -
<br />�` eoverage(in�he amo�m�:md for the periad 16x�Lendrr requtrcs)provided hy an in:urer approved by Lender again hecomes =
<br /> available und is ohtained.Oortower.hall pay�he premiums rcyuircd to maintain n:ongage insntt�ce in e(Rct,or to provide n =
<br />�- loss rcscrve,umil�ha requiremem for mongage insumnce ende in nccurdance wiih nny ariuen:w_rcemem be�ween Oorro�rer ':
<br />_ and Lcndcr or app!irablc lau�. i'-
<br />- 9. Inspectlon. LenAer or i�s agem msy makc rcaconaA;e enrties u�wn and inxpecliunc uf Ihc Ropetiy. I.endcr shall ��
<br />= give 6ovower nolice:a Ihr�ime o(or priur to an inspeclion specifcing rcscon.+Mr aame for�he inspeclion. �.`
<br /> (0. Condemnatiun. Thc procecds of:+ny a�r:�rJ nr claim fnt damages,direcl or mnxyuenlial,in conneclion wilh any
<br />" SmFlelamd��-FanNrNae,FreJdle�lacl�4'+��\INSTRP)1F.tif-l�nilonnCmcmnn 9.W �ryrrt.Jnry�rr.. ?
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