a-}:v:;, x�nNi - ' . \�. .....�.n��.<; 'tlCy}1i,: � .. .
<br /> _ _'�� ' ' 1 . _ . . .
<br /> ''��'�, „ � �
<br /> ..���- ' • �%• ..-.Y.��i.:N +n��� .
<br /> ' �i�Y��a�+..a�. . � . . . � . ._..
<br /> .. ........_ �._.... ....._...... . . . . . . � '
<br /> . � 1.1::1.�•.r!_.
<br /> .. 'r�'.e��t:�-_.:
<br /> , 9�"1,0�6 � ��h;-
<br /> L�nd�r rn�y, �t nny tkn�, coNeot �nd hob�mounte tor Escrow it�mf h an�pprp�t� �mount nat to �xcwd th�m�uctrtwm ^`t`
<br /> flmount thet r���y be roqufrod lor porm+x�e etcrow�ccount undar the Fled�st4t� SsttNrnRnt PracMurel Aot ot 197�, 12 U.B.C.
<br /> �P601 ��,und knpMrn�nthy nyut�tbns, P� CFR PN 3500,ar th�y m�y me am�ndrd hom Ilm� to Ilm�t°��A•), rxcpt
<br /> Ih�l tM cu�hbn or rK�w p�mkt�d by FIfSPA tor urt�ntbipat�d dbDunsrn�nt� or dhbun�rMnto bwton the Borcqw�� ,
<br /> p�ym�ntt an lvalhbM M th�accouM rrwy not b� b�t�d on unounts dw 1or tha martpap� (ntunnc� premlum. _
<br /> � If Ih� �mumt� hNd by L�nda tor E�crow It�m� �xca�d th�amounb pxmMl�d to 1» h�ld by RESPA, L�ndar�hau acaount ,
<br /> to Bortower lor th��xc�q tundi tf nqulrW by i�&PA,If the unount�of fund�h�id by L�nda tl�ny Ilm�u�not tuflbMnt l0
<br /> p�y tR?Fccrot�� Itema rrh� dun,l e�r4rlr.,m�;+ nnttty the 8ortnwer nnd requYe Bortower ro make up the ehnrle�as p�rtnNted by ��
<br />_ � F'�&PA. . ..
<br /> . TM Escrow Frunds�n pwclq�d u�ddNlonRl aourlty (a aN aum� �eaur�d by thk 8�curky Inztrumint. if BortowK bn�Nrt
<br /> , .�,N, to L�ndM th�tuM p�ymMit oi�M tuoh tum�. Borrovrw�account shtM M cndkW wkh th�baYna r�h(np for�N InntaMrnont ;
<br /> . NMn� (�), (b),Itnd (o) �nd �ny mortp�(„ hsurana pnmk�m httdY�N�►t thst LM�d�r h�� not Wcart►� o41f�t�d to pey to the „ Y
<br /> S�crattry,u►d L�nd�r�haN prompty nlund any�occMS h,nd9 to Bor+oww.�rrrnadl�Uy prbr to a loncbaure otla o}thn Proparty � :"
<br /> � er ke eopufsKbn b�L�nds►,Borrowlyd I�COOUnI shll b�cndked wkh u►y IulinCO twnshing for aN InstANnente fot kNnt(�).(b). :''�-=
<br /> � y-.. —
<br /> �nd(0). _:s�--
<br /> 3. �(lIICa�JOt1 bt P�yitlefl�.AN pqrtlents und9r Pati�hz 1 Gn�E an�tll W appllad by Lsndor �s tolbw8: �Y
<br /> First� to tho mortpapa Insunnce pnmWm to W piW by Lurtd�ar to tta Sscretuy or to the monthy cherpo by thfl SecreUry ;.��-=_:��
<br /> hatead o}th�monthry moRp�e hsurana prwnlum; :r:-_-
<br /> ' S�!!CQltd, to �ny t�x�s, ap�afal attsstmonls, MtBeho!d paysrunts os pround nntt, and fire. Ibod �nd oth�r h�ard
<br /> J.�_—
<br /> Insunncs pnmluma,ae nquindc r<a�
<br /> Thitd,lo IhtKSSt dw untler the Nots; �,,
<br /> '•` FOiil'tPi,to unortiratton of th� pnc�ipal ol th�Not0.and �M=�
<br /> FifU1, to late charpes duo under tha Noit ;t_��;
<br /> ���
<br /> � 4. Fise, Fiood and Othe� Huard Inwnnae. Barowvr shtb hwr� a1 Mprov�n�nta on ths Prop�ty, wn.cna =_---
<br /> � r����.
<br /> , now h �xiatlnc� or auba�quenty eroatod, opni�st�ny h�rds, cnouilt(1s, as��continpencbs, inaludtny firv,4ur whbh Lertder .�..�^•_
<br /> , ., � 1�L'= -_
<br /> roqulns haumc�.This k►wr�nce sh�Y be rtyhtatNd In tha�rrta+sntt and for th� p�►iod& thRt Under nqut�s. 8orrow�r shaN
<br /> �Iso Nsun �1 improv«n�ntc on the Property,whNh�r now h sdsitnc� or subs�qwr►ty ereoted,�pahet bss by fbads to thi :��_'�
<br /> �..: exton2 eaquind by th�S�entary.All Ineunne�sh�l b�carriad wit�*eompanl�s �pprowd by L�nder. Th�haur�nee potk:tea and '
<br /> �ny�awal�ahaY bs Mld by Laula and shal includo bss payM�O clausas fn hvor af,md in 4 tortn acaptobM to,La�dsc. �����
<br /> �• In ths w�nt of bts, Borroww ahaM plw Lsnder hwsisd(ats rsotic� by maY, L.�nd�r mty mqn proof of bss R not mad� i
<br /> . ' _ �C..:,.l."; b� SOSrot�'. �h !^�.�.^.�z^m.�!�; !`^!►�!+n�! � n,.,s.�__,Y aythnf�t,.�1 �nA rlYrr_.f�ei en mal��o�ymnt tor auch bss =
<br /> }� dtecty to Undar, InatMd of to BonawK and to Undor JoMt�i. A1 or my paA o}th�inFa�rl�nCe procNds mty 6a �pp1iB�:by ��
<br /> ' Und�r, at k�optlon, NtMr(a) to ths r�duotbn ol th�hdobDednwsa und�r tM Not� md thk SecuHty InsWm�nt, flrtt to any �
<br /> dNhqu�nt amounb�ppYed in the o►der h Panpraph 3,and than ta pnpayrt�n!of princpal,or(b)to th�rrstaation or npaY of _
<br /> th� d�rtwqed Propwty. My �ppYaation of tM procaods to tRo princfpal s4�a11 not exUnd or poatpone ths dw dib of tlw --
<br /> monthy paymmts whbh �n reMrted to h Panpraph 2, or chanp� tM [mount Qf eueh p�ymente.My exc�ts hsunna �
<br /> . proc�tds owr an unount nquirod to pty nN outsLndinp hdob0edn�es undK th�Not�rnd th►s&ic�rky Nttrumeni�haN b�p�id
<br /> to ths mtky Iqaly�ntRl�d th�nto.
<br /> U tho went ot foncbsura of thb Securky InsUumont ar oth�r Vansfer of tki� to th� Prop�rty Qt�at sxHnyubhes tM
<br />� � hdebtodnsss,aM Mpht,tkto�nd Ntarost of Bortowar h �nd fo�nsunuic�po�Cks N torc��haN pass to tb purch�s�r.
<br /> " , :_;: S. Occupaney� PreservaUon, Mdantenanca and Protection oi the Property; t3orrower's Lom �
<br />�� �;�:`.�:;r," A=l�J91Cat10D; LEEBEhOIdi. BoROwor shal occupy,�;.tabEtsh, and ua�th� Prop�ty ta BoROw�s pnc�ipll ntid�nc� vrkhh
<br /> �:•��f.- '����, � e6cty c4ya aflK tha exacutbn oi thla SecurNy Instrum�►t(�w��fn sbRy daya of a i�iK Wi� or Yranti�r of th�Propwty)�nd shill
<br />�,�^•�>}�••• • •- • conthw to occupy the PropKty as Barowwe pnc�(p�l nQidmc� for at Nast on� yw artot ttN d�b of occuponay, unlKS -
<br /> ,, .,.
<br />-�' LlndYr d�t�nnYlos that riqttirotnent ww oauss ur��ue hYtdship fOr BorrOVirK,or unMsc aMnw4inp clr�unntancK �xkt whlah�n
<br /> .. beyond Borrow.rt aontrol Dorrow�r e1W no1Ny 1�nrlw of�ny aocanwthp cbrumsW�cw. Borrowor sMl not commk waste or
<br /> _::_ , � desVoy, dam�g� or substanUaMy chanp�th� Propaty or albv�th� PropMty to d�Mrbnte. nuon�bl� wnr uid har ac�pt�d.
<br /> �,k �".. Lender nxy In1p�Ct the PropKty M tM PropeAy b vacAnt or ab�ndan�d or th�b�n M h d�huR.L�ndu m�y tak� nasonebf� -
<br /> -�- .n .� eotbn to prollot and pnsMVS such vacant or�bundanHl Properly.8orrow�r sh�N�b�b� In dsfauR R Bortaw�r, durinq the loui
<br /> ,,.,--;:� � ..Y appNeulon proc�sa, pav�s rttit�ly talae or In�ccunts htortn�tbn or stat�nte to I.�ndK (or hff�d to provid�Lend�r wkh �ny
<br /> ,... �� mflt�ritl hfortn�tbn) h oonnectbn�vkh ths b�n �vkJonced by ths Note, holudhp, but not Nmkad to, npros�ntation� concwnhq �
<br /> � ��� Borcowws occupanay of th� Propmrty as a prinopsl roaldanas. If thla Securiry InaVum�nt fa on � INa�hold, BoROwer aluA -•-
<br /> ;�'. compy wkh the provisbns ot th� ieaae. If BorrowK acqukes too tkN to ths Propwty,the bnsehold �n0 fe�tkM shal eot be �:��e1
<br /> _.., merpad uniese Lenda�r aqroas to tha rtxxper 1n writin�. �
<br /> �. 6. Condemnatlon. The proce�ds of my�ward or clalm ior damepos,direct or consaquentia4 h Connectbn wkh eny -
<br /> con�eennatbn or othAr hicinp ot eny put of th� Prapwry, or for conwy�ncs h pl�c�of condmxitlbn. �n horeby asslpr►sd end -
<br /> ��-
<br /> ehall b� paYf to Undu to th� wctont o} the tuN�maunt ot th� hd�bt�dn�ss that nmahs unpefd undN►ths Wob and thls •:�s.:-_�
<br /> . Securky InsWm�nt I.�ndor ahnq appy such proce�da ro th� nduction of th� IntNbt�dn«s und�r th�Not��nd thk SoourUy ':°'-:'-"
<br /> :
<br /> Inatrument, Flrst to�ny d�ihquent amaunts appW�d In ths ord�r provtd�d In Pa��n 3, �nd then to pr�p�ym�nt o}pnc�lpU. � ' ��',�,,;
<br /> : My appNCatbn of th�procwds to tl»pnc�fpU shoN not wR�nd or postpon�tM du� dtty of the monthy ptym�nt�,wAfah eiv •
<br /> . ,�-
<br /> r�Mrr�d to in Par�praph 2, or ohanps th�amouni of euch paym�nri.Any exc�e� procMds ow►�n amount nqutnd to pay tll �
<br /> �� outstandho hd�btWn�as und�►th� Not�and this S�curRy Inatrum�nt shaN be pild to th�vntNy MptNy �nikMd th�nto. •
<br /> "-
<br /> 7. Charpea �o Bor�ower and P►otOOUon of Lender'a 6il�hte in the Prop�rty.Borrower shaN pay atl ��
<br /> _ _-- -_
<br /> povemmenui or munapai onerp�s, mes ana �mposRbns tnat are not hatuaeu Y1 PUrpftph 2. eorcowar snat pay tness - - -
<br /> obNpatbns on tim�dMoaty to tM ontMy whbh Fs ow�d th�paym�nt If lailun to p�y wau{d�dwn�y dNct Lond�a int�rest h
<br /> the Property,upon L�ndK's rpueat BortowK ehaJl promptly tumish to Lend�r recotpta evld�nclnp thsu�p�ym�nts. '
<br /> If Borrowlr f�lis to maka thQSO payrt�ts or tM p�yments nqliWd by Panpraph 2,or htis to pertorm any othor cova�ants
<br /> „ ond apnsrriaila confahed In thts 3�curRy InaWment, or Msn la a Ipal procs�dinp that may tipnificantry�H�ot l.�nda'e riphta In
<br /> - � tho Prop�ty(auch as a proce�dlnp h bankruptoy,lor condMnmtbn or to�ntoro� laars or ropuktlonu).th�n Under may do md �
<br /> pey whotsv�er b neceasary to proteat M�valw o}ths PropeRy ansl Lendc�s riyhis h tha Property, hcludinp payment ot taxea, ,
<br /> livard Insuruico�nd other Rems mentbned in PanQraph 2
<br /> � •.. � F6d19.LM0 (C1oE) P�p�Y ol b j ,
<br /> _ �
<br /> — � 4L0
<br /> .,_ � — -- ._..
<br />