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201200122 <br /> , <br /> � �����c��c� �lectronica.11y <br /> ���,_.._ � <br /> ��ti�� o i <br /> ��t� �t � a r T�me_.L�:``a�rt�._.. <br /> ��r�p�i�i�,+��m�na.aso.5657 <br /> WARRANTY C}��f� <br /> �toyd �. N�is�r Jr., a single pers�n, C�F�ANTC7R, wheth�r one or more, in <br /> consideration af�ne po{lar and other gaod and valuabie c�rnsic��ration reeeived <br /> from C�I;A�tTE�, BNS.F:Rail�tra;y Ct�rn��ny; a Qela�are c�rporatican, conveys <br /> to CF�ANT`EE, tihe following-described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. �tat. <br /> 76-2�}�}. <br /> A tr�c#af land Iqeated Sn the Sr�utheas#Quarter of��ctian 34,'Tawr�ship 12 <br /> Nai°kh,F.ang�1p 1P11esf r�f th�6th P.M.,H�II�r�unty, Nebraska, more <br /> particuiarly desCribed as follovvs: So...Fh�u�s� <br /> G�amrrrencing at the�roe:� orner af said Section 3�4;then�e an an <br /> assumed bearing+�f North Q0 degrees 36 minutes���ecorrds West along <br /> the East li�e c�f the�vutt�east C�uar�er of said Section 34,a distanc�of <br /> 252.66 feet to a point c+n th�N�rrtherly Right af 1Nay line af the�N�F <br /> Raiiroad al�ts b�inc�the P+a�nt af Beginning;thenc�IVcarth 74 c(egrees 59 <br /> minu�es 1q seconcis West along saicl�ailroad RigMt af Way lin�a d"rstance <br /> crf�A�.Z7 fee��o a point an ttre Wes�Right€af Way line caf Cc,unty Rc�ad 18; <br /> thence North 74 degrees 59 minutes 1(9 seconds l�lest cc�ntinuing aCc�ng <br /> said raEl��ad R9ght ofi Way a disEanca;of 2,T12,22 fe�t tts� pc�int ciri�he West <br /> Iine of 4he Soufiheast pia�rker af said Sectioi�34;therace C�carth 00 degrees <br /> 39 minutes 3Q sec�nds W�st alc?ng said�est line a disti�ncs of 82.31 feet; <br /> thence�cruth 74 degre�s 59 minut�s 1t1 secc�nds�ast a distance raf <br /> 2,712.2�feet��r a point crrt thc West Right of Way line of�aunty Road'18; <br /> fihence South 74 degress 59 m.irautes 1Q seconds�ast a dis�ance caf 3�.27 <br /> feet to a pawnt+�n the East line o�the Soutiheast Quar��r of said S��tion�4; <br /> thenc�Sts�th OC}cieyr�es 36 mirsutes 50 seconds East along said East line <br /> a ciistanc�of 82.29 feet ta the�aint of Beginnir�g. <br /> GRAI�1�t�R cnvenanfis with C�RANT��thafi CRANTUR: <br /> (t) is lawfuliy seised of such real estate and tha�it is fr��from �;ncurnbrances, except for <br /> any easements and restrictinns now of record; <br /> (2} i�as lega(pawer and IawFu!authority fio canvey the same;and <br /> (3) warrants and will defend titie to thc re�f es�Ce againsC the IawFul claims ofi aii persr�ns. <br /> Executed on this.�._. day of qc#aber,2i)11. <br /> �---- <br /> U"�,� d <br /> F.lo c1• Ceiser�Ir..�..�. � <br /> !'le.ase Reavu��cordnrl dnmunent�o: . . . . <br /> Ivuln;tska Tide Cocnpany. . <br /> � t?C3f3oxB1�.1 � <br /> G003 C)IJ C'heney(tuud,Jzd Glner � � <br /> l..incoln,Nfi 6A.5pG-OlfiS � � � . <br /> a � � <br />