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<br />-�,<<„�,;� Ilon�ld J.Msrl�cb and KAr+r�re N.Ib�ari��h•huab�nd��cc�wlife,R�sch In hb wad hc�own d�ht�nd Ra opou�e of eaeh
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<br /> -='`�' received from grantees,d�xs grnmt,L*argAin,scll canvey and canflrin unto
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<br /> °— = J�son D.5ears and ErOc N�.Pypstein
<br /> -��v. - as joint tenanta with rigttfi oPsurvivo�shiA,and not as tena��ts in coirrmon,the following described real property in
<br /> _-�:-:��N� HaU Catn.ry,N��raska
<br /> ^_____ ;,�.n���t�i ip.hd�r Su�ivi�ion.iu tl�e city of Gixnd Is��ad,��U Couat�,Nebrasfcs
<br />,�r.`: To heve and to hold tfcr,abovo descdbed Premisos together with nll tenomanls,heroditnments and appurteoances tlKreto
<br /> belonging unto the grauD:es aad to thcir assigna,or to the teeirR nm9 assigns of the survivor ofthem foreves.
<br /> --""ri'� Md grantor daes hemby coventint wit4e the gmntees end with th�:ir assigns and with the i�irs ar+d essigas of the savivor of
<br /> �=? them that grantor is law�lly seiaed of said premises;thet they arG f ree from encumbraace
<br /> � that grnntor haa good rs"61it end luw�ul authority to co��vey the se�ne;snd that grantor warranta and wiU defend the t�tle ta said
<br /> = premises against d�e Iaw.EErrE clnim3 of ull persona wl�ornsoevor.
<br /> ---
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