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.._.,,�.._._. . . ,� ,_.A...,�...� _ .... ....... . .. . .. �.... ..... �...._ <br /> 92�- �.o�►ss�. <br /> conJwnnation or oiher mking of nny pan ot tho Ropcny,or fnr convcynnm in Iicu of condcmnmion,arc hcrclry aal�ned nnd <br /> shall bc paid to 4endcr. <br /> � - In the ovrnt of n tmn6 mking of�hc Propetly. tha proccr,ds shall Iso nPP��cJ lo Ihc sums securcd by Ihis Secnrhy . <br /> Ins�mmenL whe�hcr or not ihcn due.�+�lih any ezttss pald to�onowar. In the cvent of a panial iaking of�h:Pm ny in <br /> which�ho fnir mnrkc�vnluo of�ho Pm�:ny Immcdlatcty G:toro�ho lakins h equal to or groa�cr�h:m ihc.moum ot 1 ic sums <br /> secural by t61s Secud�y Instmmcm immcdiately bcforo the�aking,unlcss 6nrrower and LcnAcr o�henvix agnr In wri�ing, <br /> the sums securcd Ny thts Secudty Instn�mem shall Ix rcduad hy the amnum of�he proceeds mul�iplied by the lollowing <br /> tnc�ion: (a)�ho totnl amaum of�hc snms sccured Immcdin�cly Ixfnrc tho wAing,dividcA 6y(b)�hc fnfr market valuo o(tho <br />- Propehy 6ttmedimely Ixforo ihu mkfng. Any halanco shall be paid ia dorrowcr. In ihc evcm of n panial taking of tho _ <br /> Propcey in wUlch tho fair markc�valuc of�ho Propcny immedia�cly bc(oro�hc�nktng ix Icss�han�hc an:oum of ihc snms °- <br /> secnred immedl,tely IxPorc the nking, unless Ilorcower and I.enAer o�hernise agree in wdtins or unless appl!cnble lan _. <br /> othenvise provldes,�he prattds shall be npplied�o�ho sums xecurcd Uy�iic Secudly Insuvmem whedier or nat the swns ane ��:_ <br /> then duc. ��` <br /> If ihe Propcny(z nbandoned by 6ortowcr,or If,nller notim by Lendc�to Borrox�er that the conCemr.or oRcrs w matce '-_�-- <br /> an awazd or sNtle a claim(or damages,6ortoo�er fails to responA to Lender x�ithin 30 days aRcr ehc date thc naim is giren, i',t- <br />-�cr is anhorized ro collec�and apply�he procceds,at its option,ci�her ro nsromtion or mpiir of the P�openy or ro tke - <br /> sums secured by this Seeuri�y insnumen4�ehether or not then due. µ=� <br /> Unkss Lender aad Rortower othenvlse agm in writing, any application of to�;d shall not excencF a �.- <br /> pos�pone�he Ane dare ot U�e momhly payments rcferted�o in�rrragr�,,^hs 1 and 2 or change the amoum of sede payment-. __, <br /> 70. Durro�xer Yot Released; Porbearanct �y L¢ tspt a Ra:��e Extension of the tim� for paymem ar -- <br /> nioclification of a•r.,nKa�lon of ihe sunu m�vivl by ahis$ecuriiy fns�rvmem gmmcA by Lender w any saaeessor In ia�ercsi - <br /> of Bottower.r!ufE n,c operalc to nlcase ihe �i:ibi['se o(�he original Ilorroner or Uortowert successon in intercsl. Lcndcr " <br /> xh�ll ace t�req:rire8�q commence proceedings:�aina any suaessor in imercsl or reFuv to ex�end�ime for p�ymenl or =- <br /> a�herv:ise meciit.amoniz,��ion ohl;rvums+tcumQ by�his Security Ins�mmeN hy rcason�E:+�y demand made by�he ariglnal = <br /> Dortov.rc or Ooaa��erS suceesson ia inrercsi, lay fo�bear.+nce by LenAer in exercising:my right or remedy shall nol be a _ <br /> wairer oFut prcctGCi:ctr.exercise of any righi irremnlp. _ <br /> 11. Sucee�ors��r.d Asslgns Oaund;Jolnt�md Serernl Lfablllly;Co�sirners. 77u covenan;s:md agrcemen[s o(�his __ <br /> Security Inswment s5a11 bind and b:nefit dce successors and assfgns of Lemtzr and Uarrower,subject�o the provisions of R:�: <br /> p:u�agraph 17. Oorcower�covenams and agrecmems shail be jolnt and+ever.A.Any 6orto���er who co-signs this Securi�y �:;_. <br /> Instnimm�t but docs no�execule tlx Nae: (a)is co�signing�his S.cnriiy(nswment onty�o mongage,gr.+nt nnd convey�hat =. <br /> UorcowerS Imemst in�he Propeny under�he�emu af�his Security Inztnmum; (h)fs no�personally obliga�td to pry the sums _ - <br /> securcd by this Security InsuumenC and(c)a@rees�hai lander and�my o�Fcr Fturtower may agrce to ex�end,modify,forixar -_ <br /> or mako any aceommoda�ions wi�h rcgard m uY umu uf�his Securiq Im�rumcm ar ihc Nom withom ihai 6orrowcrt E;_.� <br /> consem. ;:, <br /> �3. Loan Chargcs. If�hc lam xccurcd Fy �his Sccumy Inswirtert i.subjcct �o a la+v which uts muimum loan '-� <br /> chuges,and�hat law is finally interyreted xo ih.r,ihe imeres�or aher loan charges eollected or to be eolteaed In connection h"-- <br /> with Ihe loan execed�YC�nnilled limils,lhen: (N any such loan eharge sriall Ue rcUUCCU hy the amount necessuy�o rcduce �`-- <br /> tlie c6arge to the permiued IimtC nnd N) alrcady colletleJ from Darmwer wlilch excceded p.rmined limits will be F-=�, <br /> mGmdtd to 6orro��cc Lcnder maychaosc�o mnlr�hi.rtfund by rcducinr th:prindpal mved undcr�hc Ko�e orby making a .r- <br /> dircc�paymen��o Uo.�rower. 1(n rcfund rcducex pnncfpal.�he:cduc�ion��ill be�rcated as a panial prcpa��mem�ri�hout any �_�- <br /> pnpayment chargc undcr�hc No�a s.-,� <br />. l4. Nollces. Any no�im �o Dorto�mr proviJed fur in�hi+ticwriiy In�trmncm a6aii Ut 6i�zn by delkcring It or by ;.�.- <br /> matling II by firsl cluc mail unless appllcable law rcquircs ucc nf anmhcr mc�hod.7Le nolice shall b�dinYt.d lo�he Pmperty p:-:; <br /> AJdrcss or any other nddreca Qortmr.r design:qex by notice io Lender. Any notice�o Lender shall Ix given by fir5�chss c.�-- <br /> mail�o Lenderk adAmxs s�a�.d hercin or any o�ixr.�ddrcxs Lender dtsignaces by no�ice�o Qortower. Any noHce provided for y`�:,` <br /> in �his Securi�y Insimmem shall Ix Jcemed to ha�e Ixen given �o Oortm��cr or Lender when given m provided ta this �+••- <br /> par�praph. <br /> � 15 Corerning Lnw; Severnblllly. Tl�ia Securi�y Insuwnem shall lx govcmcd b� fcderal law a�d the law of the ;;''� <br /> judsdic�lon in whfch the Propeny is IocatcA. In ahr evem i6a�any prori�ion or dause of�his Securiiy Insuumem or the M1ote :r--- <br /> conNc�s wi�h applic+L�e law,such cun0ic�.Fnt[nm a(fec�oiher proaisions of�his Security 6isuumem or�he No.c which rnn ''" <br /> • 6e gfven effect wieF.oat ihe contlfctiag pro�i>im. Tu this end �he pmvi�ions of Ihic Securily Inqmm�nt ar,d ihe Nae :trc ���:� <br /> dcclarcd to 6c sc��r�'�fc. -"`� <br /> . 16. Rorrox'er's Copy. 13ortoaer�hall be pl.�en one con(onned copy of�he No�e anJ of d�i.Seeurily In+vumero7. �Z:: <br /> i7. 7ranshr of Ihe Properly ar n 6ene17clal lnteresl ln Iforro+cee 1(all ur.ny pah nf�he Propeny ur any imr,.:,�(n �: <br /> - it is xold M Iranvferrcd(ur if a ticneficial imemz!in Dorcoxer i.sold or Ir�ncfcrrcd and Oorrow'er is nol a naiur�l �xrsoN y;�f:� <br /> � withou�Ler.derk prior n•riticn consent.Lrn�kr m.� im option.myuire immedia�c paymenl in lull o(all sunu aecund by K_-. <br /> th(s Security Inslmmmi. flo�rever,ihis optr.•se>h�l:no�Ir exeiris.J 6y Lender i(exercise ic pmhibi�ed by ted<ral law as of �;^:� <br /> �hc d.1r of Ihix Securily InslmmcnL `�-�', <br /> - If LcndCr cxcrcises Ihis o��tien.Ltndcr>hall girc 6o�ro�ccr nmice o(aael.nlion. Thc nolicc�hall provide a period of _ <br /> nm las ihan 30 dayx from ihe einic�Cc nmict�s drlircreJ or mailcd��i0iin w�hich Bono�ecr mu.�pa�•all sums xc:crcd A��thix �.i��:; <br /> � Saurity Inslrumenl. It 6urtau�cr lails in pay �.`.cu �wro priur �o�hc czpira�inn nf�hi.�rial. LcnA:�ma��invokc any - <br /> E` <br /> rcmedies pemiiuc<tM1}=his S.curily Inammer.:«i:hmn funher nutire or Jcmar.A on Uorro���ee E,"�. <br /> . I8. Qorroeer:Righl lo Relnslnte. If I3.nrnwer mefit c.tlain rnnJilion.. 13oROner .hall h:n'r�hC righl 10 hare q �� <br /> cnforcenten�o(�hic Scturity Inslrn:r.rn1 di.rnmimi:d a�auy limc prinr In�hr eadicr uL iai t Jays�or.crh o�h.r Fxried ac <br /> Sing�ch:.l..-F�nnitVae�1'rtddlrlL�:1\I/OIIqOtiTRP11k:�T��1'r.:�.-•�lacn�.m� 9.90 qw<N..:nNi�n - <br /> . �}:- <br /> Z': <br /> ...�+�..e.- W.�. <br /> '-bc �C��QP3`k7;i-'.lilZ�F�����s�1i _ �?��r:jt6-<':i.!74.:r:- dl u,,-,_L �>-,: �.i_YY h7- 6,��(•�,t}.<'.:�i.b�t.Y:F:r::.'_iia x q '. <br /> tic� ' � <br /> _ _ _ _ • � ' �r' .'� . ..i. - _ <br /> .-..._ c,_.:_ _. ::.. . . .- . . . _ ' , ,___ <br /> ` _ _.,r, — _ _ - _ . - _ - - -_ � <br />� :.ii���f�.(-._ . "_ . ' . . . � . . . <br /> f3- \ -f -_. _ _ . _ ' _ . <br />`.-y', ..iik. ' . ' - . .. . <br /> x <br /> 1 ��lF'f ' � - - - - - - . <br /> 1 . <br /> 3 4� , <br /> � - �3 J[� ` ' . - • . - . . <br /> J-�a� t . . i... _ . _. . <br /> �( I.r�ll . .j . .f�.tf' t -4'�✓Y : <br /> 'L..Ik ' p.. v �'1.. ' ' . .. . .. (4.. _ <br /> ..i � - sl �i .. � . . - <br /> . ' � <br /> . : .. <br /> ! f � � t <br /> I <br /> tl ..-.+ . •� ��i ��.__:. •"..��... _ . _ l� 'l ".Iri.'f t Y�_ ... , •. <br />