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<br /> � I� of Boaowcr's covctae.nts nnd ngttemcnL9 tmdcr this 5ccurily Inst��uriicitit Wul Ihc Notc. For thls purpnsn, IIurrawcr �
<br /> �.,�,,.;.
<br /> � icrcvocubly gran�s and convcye t��hc Trustcc,in uust, wlth powcr of��o,thc following dcscdbcd Counry Ncbraskan �
<br /> •..,,.:...,:�+r►
<br /> �• ,.•
<br /> �.�_�
<br />" � Y�"•.-�
<br /> � ` which has the address of 22 0'� w DIV�sION ST, aRAND ZsL�►ND (5ueet,ci►y), _-
<br /> NebxKSSka 68 eo3 [Z�P coa�] ("�P�nY Address"); ;.�,��
<br /> .r.__-
<br /> �GgTf�R WITH aU �e improvements now or hereaft�er erected on ths �roperry. and all easements, ;;_;:
<br /> . appiutenances a�d Cuctw'es now or herwfter a part of the properey.A11 nplacements aad addiaons shall also be covered ';r^
<br /> . by this Se�uriry Instrumen�All of thc foregoing is refesred to in this Security Instrument as the"Properay." , -
<br /> -. � SORROWER COVENAN'fS S�at Boaower�S lawfully seiud of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to �.;�
<br /> grnnt and convey the Properry �nd x4ai the Ps'opertY is unencumbered,wccegt for encumbrances of record.Roaawer w_
<br /> .. ��„ ':
<br />- __ _ ��nca end aill defend�enern119 t�e dnle to the Properry against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbranc.�s
<br />- -- - --.�.
<br /> of record. -
<br />- l � THIS SECURITY IIJSTRTIM�V'P combines uniform covenants for national use and aon-uniform covenams with
<br />� limited variations by juristicqon to consdtuu a�aniform securitY instrumer�t covaing real property.
<br /> l�`;,...
<br />- Borrowcr and I.end�x covcnant nnd agree as follows:
<br />=:;, :.�.. ,
<br /> `�'' �'� UNII�ORM COVENANfS.
<br />;,�;�.,,,.�,., ..,�
<br /> _��'' �� 1.Paymwt of Principal� Intsreat and Late Charge.Bonower shiill pay whan duo the principal of.and inurest
<br /> ` ;._
<br />- "•��' � on,the debt evidenced by the Kota�d lata charges due undu theNoto.
<br />=4 �� t� 2.Monthly!'aymmt ot Taxc�,Insurance and Other Charges.Barrowcr shA11 include in each monthly payment,
<br /> -..._:.,n,�4�� .','�.
<br /> __= '��'• toguhu wlth the principal end lntarcat as set forth in the Notc end any lau charges.a sum for(a)taxes and�c,
<br />`-_``::��:a� assessments kvied or to be Ievied uIIuinst the Properey.(b)lease.hold payments or ground rents on the Propecty.
<br /> -�;:=�-;-��� pcemiums for ins�usnce requir�d undu paragtaph 4. In eny Year in which the Lender must pay a motigage lnsurara
<br />�.L.tt ::.y..
<br />_—''""",�� pnmium to the Sxr,etac!' of Hflusing and Urban Devolopment("3ec,rctary'")�or in eny yeai in whicd such prutuum
<br />"-'Y��:'� woWd luve boein raquirod if Lend�sull hdd the Security Insaumeat,cach moathly gaymrnt shall also inclutk,oither.(i) �
<br />_"�s �,•.c.. •S
<br /> —�� '�:�,S'��'� a sum for the annwl matgage insu�nce Premium to b�1��by Lenda to the Sxretary.or(ii)a monthly charge in
<br /> —=�.'^�k.l�!Q_x: _
<br /> ��:�• of a mortgage insurana prunawre if�his Secur[ty Inswment is he1G by the Secretary.in a reasonable emount oo be
<br /> �'"�`�''� ;::'- detuminod by the Socnttuy.Exce�nt tor thG monthly chtuge by the Sxretery.�hese iums ere called"Fscrow Itenns"and _.
<br /> ,`_,�'.`.
<br /> ,_.,.�r.. .::
<br /> _ -�n.=�', the swns paid ai Lcndcr arc ca�e�l"�scrow Funds."
<br /> .,,;,�:� Lender may.at any time. co�Yect and h�.�sl amountv for F.saow Items in en eggegate emount not to exceed the ;
<br /> ��''.�`.�:-°"-• muimum am�unt thaz muy be ra�u'ued for B�rowcr's escrow account uader the R�al Estate Senlement Proccdures Act --
<br /> '"'�'' of 1974, 12 U.S.G Secaon 2601 et seq.and implemendng regulations.1A CFR Part 3500.as cfiey maY b�amended
<br /> -°�-�:T-•-
<br /> =:��,��"�'•f;; from time to dme(^RESPA"). except that the cushion or reserve pem�itted by RESPA for unandcipt►ud disburseanents �
<br /> ' � - or disburaemutts bofqre the Bcurrowet's payments are available in the account may noi ba based on amounts due for shu P -
<br /> ., :' mortgage insur�uicc pzemium, i.
<br /> . Pap�4n11 � �,
<br />- ��R(NE)IoODqAi m�tiau: .
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