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<br /> � ,,.,"�4��} STA7E.JOURNAL_COMPANY.LINCOLN NEB ��» � �� �
<br /> y�.. _..____ _._._�.__......._._._.-..._�._..........__..�._._....
<br /> Nebraska, said building to be of Spsnish design, briak and stucco, 132 feet x 132 feet, one
<br /> story high, with ceiling not lees than t�relve feet high, with basement for heating plant and
<br /> �
<br /> � plaoe to store at least fiYty tons of coal, with suitable heating plant of aufficient eapaoit
<br /> to heat �he entire building, aaid building to be constructed in aecordance wfth the plane,
<br /> designe and dra�in�s heretofore submitted to eecond party and to be approved by him, the rcbme
<br /> � �
<br /> I and partitioas to be arranged as therein speoified. It is understood that the measuremer�ts and
<br /> II
<br /> !l dimeneiona i� 8aid drawings, plane are estiragtee and alight vhanges may be made,but no ohanges
<br /> !�
<br /> f� s�r alteratione shall be made therein that 1►ould ineonvenience or interfere with th� pl�e or �
<br /> ' operations of the tenant. WITNESSETH further that the party of the first part dcea herebq �
<br /> �
<br /> � lease to said tenant the said Lots 3even (7) and Eight (�� i� Bloek 9ixtq (60) in the �riginal
<br /> �
<br /> � Town, now Cib� of Grand I�land, Nebra$ka, o►i.th the aforeeaid gara.ge building thereon, Por a �
<br /> k� ,
<br /> perlod of ten yeara, commencing on the date eaid tenant takes poasession thereof.
<br /> -1-
<br /> � �t is further agreed that said buitding shall be occupied by the Everhart l�otor Companq, a,
<br /> � corporatic►n, or the seQC►nd par� hrerein named, for a general garage busineas amd Iawful purpose ,
<br /> 1 �
<br /> and that said tenan� �ha11 pay a� rental therefor the sum of Five HunBred and Fifty Dollare
<br /> ( �550. 00) per month, said rental to be pald in advanoe, by mail directed to the first part�,
<br /> { or at sa:id building, or sueh other place as firat party may in rriting designate, that eaid
<br /> � rental ehall become due on the date �he tenant takes poases�icn and on the eame da,te of eaeh
<br /> month thereffter, during the term of this lease.
<br /> It is furth�r agreed that second pa.rty shall advance to the party ot the first part, onthis
<br /> w� � date, the sum of Two Thousand (�2000. 00) Dollars, receipt whereof is hereby aaknowledged by
<br /> � party of the first part, which party cf the firet part ie to uae in the construction of said
<br /> � building and purchase of said lots, and it ie fur-ther agreed that said sum of �2000. 00 ehall
<br /> I
<br /> be applied upon the rentals for the first four montha th� tenant occupiee said premiae�s, and
<br /> the balanoe, or the sum of �200. 00, shall be paid at the beginning of the fourti� month the
<br /> tenarit oecupies said premise$, a.nd the said �2200. 00 shall constitute the entire rental for '
<br /> the first four monthe the tenant occupies eaid premises.
<br /> ' I t ie further agreed that if the tenant makee default in the payment of the rent or in the
<br /> � -'' �performance of any avvenant hereir� contair�ed, it shall be law�'ul for the •party of the firat
<br /> �i
<br /> ;�part tc re-enter eaid premi�ees and the tenant , or its euceeseors or assigns, agrees to vacate
<br /> Isaid premieee �vithout further notiee, excepting hoRever, that if the premiees have beCn st�-le
<br /> �
<br /> .:,. � ; and are ocscupied bp some other peraon, firm or Qorporation, then the partp of the firet part
<br /> i,
<br /> `� sha11 give the second party ter� (10) days� noticre, in writing, of anp default in the perPormsn
<br /> ;jof the terme and canditione of thie leass, in ordex that $eoond party may protect himself frcm `
<br /> ;} �
<br /> '';�loas or damage or cancellation of this lease. ';
<br /> I
<br /> �It ie further agreed bet�►een the parties hereto that '�he tenant will occupy said premieee for
<br /> � .
<br />' I,�a general garage bustnese, warehouee and atore-building a,nd all lawful purpoaea iA oonnection t �e-
<br /> ,
<br /> 4�with, and e�pecia�llp will no� let or use said premises for anq unlawful purpo�es whateoever; �j
<br /> �
<br /> Ithat eaid tenant u].11 not sell, as�ign or transfer this leaae or aub-let th$ said premiees with��
<br /> ,�
<br /> �out the �rritten oonsent of the firet partp, but the eaid consent ehall not be arbitrarily with-`j
<br /> �� I
<br /> 'held from gub-letting or re..leasing said premisee to a reeponsible and respecta.ble person, ��
<br /> �
<br /> I�gecond party not to be relieved from the obligation of the payme�t of the re�t specified herein�
<br /> :�
<br /> ��It is sxpre$slp unaerstood that in the eqe�nt the eecond party does not perfect the reorganizati�n
<br /> .� ,
<br /> �of the corporation, by ohanging the name cf the Glasa-�vane Auto Co. to the �verhart Motor Com-�4
<br /> �
<br /> � eay, by the time eaid premises aare readp for occupaney, that nothing shall prevent either the �
<br /> ; �
<br /> ��lass-'�vans Auto Co. a corporation, the Everhart Motor Companp, a- corporation, or the $aid V,R. �
<br /> „ �
<br /> �� i
<br /> verhart, from taking po�session of and oacup2in� �aid building when ready for oceupanap. ; I
<br /> _ ----- _--_---- __-----_- --- -
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