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<br /> shall not be n�cessary to make a demand on the same �a.y the reut ehall become due, -and the
<br /> said first party may at onae recover posees�ion of said premisee and all crop� therec�n and th
<br /> said second party sha11 in that even� be held and coneidered to have p2anted and anl.ti�s�ed
<br /> said crop for the benePit of said firet party and shall be paid tor suc}a service as Pollows: id ��,
<br /> fir�t party may sell eaid cr0p and the unexpired term for cash at private eale may at option,
<br /> proQUre said crops tc be further cultivated or gathered a�d aold in such marke� ae me.p see fi ,
<br /> sad in either event the proceedetherec�i ahall be �.pplied; Firet to the papme�nt of expenees
<br /> ineurred bq the sa,id party in the premise� including the time epent by in aonnection therewit
<br />� seccnd, in payment of said rent; Third, the remainder , ii any, ehall be paid to the second
<br /> partp for �erviees ia planting and tendfng eaid crops, and eeed furnished by •
<br /> It i�e f�rther agreed that the covenar�ts and agreements on the rever�e eide ot �thie inetrument
<br /> are hereby incorporated into and made a part ct thie lease. .
<br /> 3igned thie 12 daq oi �da.y p. D. ,1925
<br /> Gecrge C. Lambert (SEAL)
<br /> 3i ed and delivered in resenae ct .
<br /> 6n P
<br /> T. �. �rphp (9EAL)
<br /> Jno I t en
<br /> �
<br /> Filed for record thi� 1S day cf 9eptember 1928 at 10 c�olock A. M.
<br /> ��� ��
<br /> � egister of Dee e
<br /> ���Q�O�Q�Qi��0�Y�0�'0���0�0�'D���Y���Q�Q�.Q�D���O�V'�Q�����D��r0�0�.Q���O�V��Q���i/�i'i�Q�V�y�O�Q�Q�Q� .
<br /> RE50LUTION. � .
<br /> WHEREAS,�rilliam Stolley ,now decea�aed,late of Hall Co�nty,Nebraska,died testate ,and anong
<br /> otner things his last will and testament contained the following provisions ,to-wit;
<br /> "FOURTH,.I hereby give ,devise and set aside sixty acres,a little more or less ,of the home-
<br /> stead now and for tnepast forty-nine (�+9) years occupied by my self and family ,same being lo-
<br /> c�ted upon the West ha.lf of the N�rthwest quarter of �ection .Twenty-eight (2�) ,and the East
<br /> half of tne Northeast quarter of �ection Twenty-nine (29) ,in Township E�.even ( 11) ,North of
<br /> Range �tine (G) ,�Yest in Hal 1 County,Nebraska,the same being hereby given and devised as a
<br /> hor.ne ,and to be neld intact as such for tne sole use and occupancy �f my two beloved daughters ,
<br /> Clara Stolley and Otillre Stolley ,as long as ,and while tney or eitner •of tnem,remain unmarrie
<br />, "Tnis 3evise �nd gift �af sixx'y ( 60) acres ,a little more or less,of land,shall be measured
<br /> by a line drawn east and west entirely through said above described premises along the Row
<br /> of Box Elder Trees situa�ed Southrvest of the nouses ,barris and lots located on said pre,mises,
<br /> wtiich said line snall be the Sout� boundary line of said tract hereby set aside for said home
<br /> tne Nortn boundary line to be the Public Road running along tne North side of said preraises.
<br /> "It being my intentio�� by this cla use to give and devise to my said �augnters ,Clara .ar�d
<br /> Otillie,joint2;� and to eitner of tizem singly ,in case of m�,rria�e or death of one of them so
<br /> long as eit�er shall re;nain unmarried,a home an d 'tne free use tnereof for that purpose ,subjec
<br /> to the life estate in all said proberty nereinbefore given to ��ny said wife. «
<br /> "SEV��tTH.After the death of both of my said daughters Cla,ra Stolley and Otilli� Stolley or
<br /> after tne marria.se of botn �f the:n,should �oth be :narried at any time prior to their death,
<br /> then it is my will and I here�by give ,devise and bequea.th,subject to their life estate ,
<br /> a.s hereinbefore set forth the said home-stead,herein reserved and set aside for their use
<br /> and occupancy ,in equal snares to .�y said above n�.rned childrem,or tneir heirs a,� law,as pro-
<br /> �
<br /> vided b;� tne Iaw of descent in the State of �ebraska. �
<br /> It is my will that the City of Grand Island should purch�se said premises hereby reserved _
<br /> ,
<br /> as a ho;ne for my said daug�.ters ,a.fter t:�eir use terminates ,for .�, Public Park ,and in case the
<br /> said Ci�y of Grand Island v�i11 p� as much for said premises a.s any private individual ,i� is
<br /> my desire and I express it as my wish and direction t� rny sai�� d:=vi,sees tnat the said City
<br /> ,
<br />