<br /> ����J�J���J��►uJL'��J1f�./J .��J� ��i�l.u'J��J��J �
<br /> --,cRxr�a�a�c —_ - — -- — _--
<br />', �_------- _�_—. --
<br /> and Lote XoB.l and 2 in iracl�onal b14a�C 31 a,nd b2oot 20 in Evans AQditton to the Qi�p of
<br /> aratzd I�laad ia Hall Oounty,8��.te ot� Mebraska.The apace b�rein leased la tme bsgemeat lcnown
<br /> aa compartmeat Ito.l located uader the �a.rehouse and offic�,being ap�osimately �"j feet br
<br /> 96 teeti;also a portioa of the bae�men� uader the proaess room lcnown ao conpartrsea� No.2,
<br /> appraacimr��ely 37 Yeet by 6� feet,being the baeement uad�r tbe �wo rto=y,bric�lc buildin� sit-
<br /> uated at �0.1015 �a.st !'ourth Btree�.
<br /> It b�iag undere�ood tba� �he leaeor �hall ha,ve seceas to e�nd the use mS other portiions o!
<br /> . the premises hereta deecrib�d �ogether Rith it$ equipntent as hereinattes stipnlat�d.
<br /> AND 1lH�REAS,sa1d les�ee has been snd now ie opnduatinQ a Rarehouse busineos �1 ia oona�otioa
<br /> �hereiith issusa wearehoue� reeeip�e,and does desire 1n oonneation with suoh busi,ness to leaae
<br /> the aaid �a.rehouse� �rerise�.
<br /> �41�,TIi�/K�IRS,in coae�de=atioa ot the► pr�mise� and. o= the eovenantv aad agreenenta aoat�ined
<br /> bsreiu,the partios here�o abliga�e them�e�'�e,�,s tollows:
<br /> 1.?he lesscr hereby r�n�s,de�riOeB aad leta to the lesaee,and. the Ieesee h�rebq hissa aad
<br /> �Car�� oi aud iras the ieseor the an3d above described warahouse buildiag,roos� and premiees
<br />" oa a �eaa�aoy irore 1[ay 2t�th,192!! to Ya,�oh Is�,1929,for the e�„nn�al rental sua oi !'�ne (�1.00)
<br /> Dol2euc,p�yable �poa the e�ceraution of tbis leae�,the reeeip� at whioh �� h�sebq avYnow7s d�ed,
<br /> aad �.nnually therea�fter bq the ie+saee to e�,id lessor;provided i� is specifieallp under+s�ocd
<br /> that in case the lessee shall ha.Ye iasued and �here be outetaadia� irarehouee receipte cn
<br /> any goods etored in �ay of aaid w arehauo�a,under no ciroumetance� sha.11 tbis Iease be ter�-
<br /> ina'teda,� to any of said �rarehouees until tbers ahall be retuined aad delivered up tc le��es
<br /> for canoellation all eucb �rarehouse reaeipte,aaduntil said leeaor ahall have pa�d the eaid
<br /> lessee all vhargee dn� and owing �or etorage,labor a�nd other ��,a:�g�s� '�ad adrancements on� a�1.1
<br /> goode an8 merahandise eovered by euoh warehouse raceipts,or others tha� ha�ve bemn ioan�d.
<br /> TO HAYE AAD TQ HQLD,eaid premleea with all of tbe appurtenaneea unto the leaeee ,togetber
<br /> with the righ� in the lea�e to ha.ve at all tir�es bq their agente,eerva.nte or entployees,free
<br /> ingr��s and egrese Prom �hr�ugh or over a.ny other premie�s of the leesor,and the right �,o
<br /> plac� auola eign� or a�rk,� the�ean,a�c on the property storod therein,as ,�a,y be aeoes8ary to
<br /> _indioate the propr�+��orehip o! �a,id lee►ee,arid the paranounL right at all tiroea during �he oanr•
<br /> tinu�ncse �f this lease to �a�pl�y �ny taoilities of the leseor for reo�iTing,haadlin�,weigh-
<br /> itsg,atoring,caria� for,paoking,ahipping or delivering the said property so s�ored;asid lsesee
<br /> to hra�e the �ole dominian aad oontrol of the premises so lea+�ed a�a a publio we�rehousema,a,
<br /> a,nd to be en�itled as euch publi� warehousema.n at all time e to reoeive and atore a�erohaa'-
<br /> diee and goocl� upon said leaeed properi�y ,and issue warehouee reoeip�s thereiorm,pureua.nt
<br /> �o the provisione of the laws of �he Uni�ed B�a�es and of the 8�a�e of i�ebraska,. , " '. _
<br /> It ie �xprea�Zy underetood arid e�greed be�w�ea �he ' les�cr and the l�eoee ths� the leseor
<br /> aball not haQe a,aa�a� to �he premi�es herein dem ised �r anp past thereaf,exoept Rith tbe per-
<br /> miseton ot �he leeee� in writiag,and tne i�asor �rhall not ezerci�e at any ti�e �y oont rol
<br /> bi aay aort over a,ay oP the goode agaia0t Rhich warehovuse reoeipts have beezi,or shdll be
<br /> is$ued by leseee during the term of the lease.
<br /> 2.T'be l�esor agree,a with the le�see tha.t it will at all times keep sat3 demiae4 premis�s
<br /> in good order and repair,and at it� own coate and e�cpenee,and that tbe lsssee �hall not be
<br /> � � oallsd upoA or r�uired to rnake any repaira ot' any kind or neture,to,ia or about aaid de,ei��
<br /> i
<br /> � prer�is�e;and �aid leaeor bereby oov�nants �nd agr�ee to inde,�nity aaid leasee againot anp
<br /> loaa or da�,geFto goods tha� may be atored ia �a,id prea�iees by �he said les�ee,�,nd s�id lees• �
<br /> or hald� aaid le�asee barmlese fro� a�ay ciamsdg� or Ioas that may oo�►e to aay goods e�ored in
<br /> ssid premi,�ee,irre�pevti*e ot the nature or eaues oi raid �ge�the in�mntion ot �be partie�s
<br />