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3��� <br /> ��������������� ���'��� � <br /> _ �- _' <br />-..- .. . .. ... .. . . �S$��-S7A'I'�JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN,NEB - -. . . , .� . __.. ..._____._. ..... <br /> firs'� part �25.04 per month �rent for building,(now on farm) and for the lots & ysrds <br /> consisting of between 7 � � acres,Party of second part to furnish the power to pump water <br /> to irrigate the corn when needed <br /> ANA IT IS FURTH� EXPRESSLY AGREED betweent he parties hereto that the said party of the <br /> first part should First Part.y deem it neceesary may,at th� oost and expense of the �axty of <br /> the second nart ,e:.�?�oy �en and teams to go upon said premises and cultivate the c�rops and <br /> harvest them or to do anything that is neceBSary to promote th+�ir �Srowth or save them at <br /> any time before they are in the granaries ,the whole expense of the same to be a lien upon <br /> said second party� s share of said crops. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHII� EXPfiESSLY AGREED by the party of the second pa,rt that he will ca�efully <br /> � <br /> protect all buildings ,fences and improveroente of �ttery kind tha.t are now on said premises or <br /> that may be erected thereon during the continuance of this lease;that he will promptly ,at <br /> the expiration of the term herein granted yield up posseasion of said premises ,without not- <br />�_ <br /> ice ,unto the party of the first part ,in as good repair as they now are �r may be at any <br /> time during the continua,nce of this lease ,ordinary wear and loss by fire excepted.Said secar�d <br /> party also expressl.y agrees to haul and scatter upon said lan3 regularly in the months of <br /> Jan ,Feb �darch and April all m anure accumulated thereon and he will keep the cultivated <br /> Ia�ds of said premises free from weeds and destroy all weeds along the fences �,nd about <br /> aIl the buildings ,on the highway adjoining the land and along the boxders of the fields <br /> before they ripen their seeds;that He will keep the well , pump and windmill on said premises <br /> in good repair ,ex:;eptional Ioss by heavy wind or fire excepted. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED by the party of the seeond part ,that He will not sub-let nor in <br /> any manner release any part of the d escribed premises without the consent of party of the <br /> first �art. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGRE�'D that the party of the first part and his agente may go upon said <br /> premises at any ti�r.e to inspect the same or to make improvements thereon and to plow for <br /> future crops and to sow amall grain in corn a,nd stubble ground in the fall before the ex- <br /> piration of this lease. <br /> The covenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs,executors and admin- <br /> istrators of the parties to this lease. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED that the seco nd party shall secure the performance of <br /> the terms and conditions of this lease on his part by giving t�o the first party on demand <br /> a chattel mortga�e upon allor any part of the crops gro�ing or gathered on said premises <br /> during said term. And if the said second party shall neglect or r efuse to give such chattel <br /> i mortgage upon demand,or if he shall at any time give or attempt to �ive to any person or <br /> � <br /> persons a lien upon said� crops or any part thereof,or violate any of the conditiona in this <br /> contraet , then this lease shall thereby terminate and in order to enforce a forefeiture for <br /> I <br /> � non-payment of rent it shall not be necessary to make a demand on the same day the rent shall <br /> , .. be`�ome due ,and the said first party may at once recover possesaion of said premises and a,ll <br /> ���� ` cro s thereon and the said secmnd <br /> p party shall in that event be held and considered to have <br /> planted a.nd cultivated said c rop for the benefit of said first pa.rty and shall be paid for <br /> such servioe aa follows; �aid first party may sell said crop and the unexpired term for cas}� <br /> at private sale or he may at his option,procure said crope to be further cultivated or <br /> �athered and sold in such market as he may see:fit ;�.ndin either event the proceeds thereof <br /> sha11 be applied: First to the payment of e�penses incurred by the said party �.ri the premis- <br /> es including the time �pent by him in connection therewith; 3econd,in payment of said rent: <br /> � Thia3c�;the remainder,if any,shall �be to the second party for services in planting and <br /> �:. <br />