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<br />�_.�....�.—.: __�.__�_._v _ _.._ _::� . �-
<br /> ........., 'JW¢HB4-STATE JOURNAL COMPANV,LWCOLN.N6B .. .. . "" � °="...�.�—�"'����— y._� � '�----
<br />._�.__ . . _ .. .. �.:. . :._ .____ s_..._.n_____::.y.. � "�_..r�.____.._.�.��
<br /> ... .. .. _ .� .. .... . . - .
<br /> ,! and proportionate part of the rent is to be abated unt il the premises ha,ve been put in oga�ple �e
<br /> 'f
<br /> ' repair. jl,
<br /> , If,however ,the said building is totally destroyed by fire or by the elements at any time
<br /> ��
<br /> , prior to �Iay first 1937 ,tne rent shall be paid to the time of such des�ruction ,and the Land- j
<br /> I�
<br /> lord is im�nediately to construct a building upon the premises where said building now stands !
<br /> ��
<br /> a.nd. snall giveto the Tenant as soon as pmssible ,as much floor space and frontage therein as ij�
<br /> ,3
<br /> ; I
<br /> nowcontained in said leased building ,and upon furnishing said space to Tenant ,the rent ahall ;�
<br /> i1
<br /> co:�:nence�and�,ccrue thereafter until the termination of this lease.Providing,however ,should �
<br /> ;�
<br /> said building be completely destroyed by fire or the elements at any time after May first 193� ,
<br /> tr�e�a,this Iease shall �hereupon be terminated and thenceforth be null and void,and if any ren�
<br /> +;
<br /> has been paid in �.dvance ,the Landlord hereby agrees to refund all rent paid beyond such term-�9
<br /> � ination o�' lease. � � �'` �
<br />' �i
<br /> I� It is mutually agreed that if at any tic�e during tne terms of this lease the premises here��-
<br /> - ,�
<br /> by de,nised shall be condemned or declared unsafe or sha:ll be directed to be repaired or re- i
<br /> i '
<br /> _ ' r' ties or inspectors or other dul constituted authorities,the sai�l
<br /> 'built
<br /> b�- the builclint�� a.utn� i Y
<br /> y .� - �:
<br /> �,
<br /> Landlard will at his own expense and without delay make such changes ,alterations and repaiss i�
<br /> a ay be rqquired or directe3 by the said duly c�nstituted authorities. ��
<br /> � ��
<br /> It is mutuallyagreed that in case the sai d r�onthly rent shall be due and unpaid,and the ;j
<br /> �;
<br /> Landlord has m�.de demand therefore ,by forwarding written notice ,via registered mail ,to the :;
<br /> ;;
<br /> Tenant at its District �ffice ,and also to its Executive Office ,�Poolworth Building ,New York ,N.�. ,
<br /> s
<br /> ,,
<br /> then failure on the �a.rt of the Tenant to pay such rent withfn thirty days from the date of t�e
<br /> � �� � j,
<br /> receipt of notice of the default ,snall,at the option of the Landlord,v�ork a forfeiture of thi�
<br /> ;�
<br /> lea,BE. � �i
<br /> i� ;
<br /> It is also agreed by said Tenant tnat it will keep up rep� rs to the interior of such part�
<br /> �
<br /> ` of the bui�ding as are occupied by it. .Landlord to keep in repair the exterior parts of the ii
<br /> � i;
<br /> �� - d e t in lant. '#
<br /> es sidewalk an h a
<br /> I� buildin including roof,conductor pip , , � P �
<br /> � � ,
<br /> ;';
<br /> �;
<br />� �` It is mutuall understood and agreed that the Tenant has the right to sublet the demised i
<br /> Y �
<br /> i�
<br /> premises or any part tnereof ,but sha.11 not assi�n this lease wit:�out the written consent of t e
<br /> � E;
<br /> ;', Landlord,wnicn consent ,however ,shall not be unreasonably withheld. ;�
<br /> i; ��
<br /> La.ndlord lzereby coven�,nts that h8 has full autnority to execute this lease;a.nd furtner �
<br /> �, ��
<br /> �� agrees tnat 2enant upon paying said rent ,and perfor:ning the covenants of this lease ,shall ��
<br /> quietly have ,hold and enjoy the de:nised premises during the term hereof. �
<br /> i�
<br /> Tenant is hereby given the privilege when it shall vacate the store ,or at an�t �ime during ;
<br /> _ ,�
<br /> �
<br /> the continuance of this lease ,to remove any or all store fixtures ,counters ,shelving ,show case�� ,
<br /> mirrors ,elevator,slid� ,furn�ce ,radiators or any moi�ab]s fixtures 2enant may have put in the �j
<br /> ��
<br /> �i
<br /> premises at its own expense. ,�
<br /> The Tenant shall have the rignt to make such alterations �.nd changes in auch parts of the ;
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> ;, building as is occupiPd by it �.nd as its finds necessary for its purpose,a,t ite own expense , ;;
<br /> prawiding that such alterations will not injure the building ,and are done in a first-elass
<br /> workmanlike manner;and when necessary Tenant shall have access to the second floor with
<br /> rnechanics� tools and materials to make such alterations and changes.
<br /> ;�
<br /> Tilis Zea.se shall bind,and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective ;
<br /> heirs ,executors ,ad�ninistrators ,successors and assigns. ;�i
<br /> i
<br /> Ii� 't'�ITNESS `NHEREOF,the Landlord and Tenant have signed,sealed and acknowled�ed tnese pre- ;1
<br /> � �j
<br /> sents on tne day and yeax first above written. '�
<br /> '��
<br /> ?�itness; A.G.Abbott corp� LANDLORD i;
<br /> ?! �Sea/) T�iomas Connor (SEAL) p� �
<br /> '� �tt�st H.�N.Deyo Secret�ry F.�G.'�oolworth Co. ;i
<br /> �� J . F.Nutting Vice-President. ��
<br /> ---_---,_--- - ..---,- . _ _ -------. ---- -_.—___.__. _--_- --- _--- _______. ______,-___ __._�_..-�____---__ _.______._____
<br />—��..__�- _ _ __yi.
<br /> ,; ��
<br /> ;
<br />, �i i�
<br />