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�� �j(n ��� ^ <br /> �.�!�����J��l1�l�IV�L�J `�JN� ��j'�j��� � , <br /> � —� <br /> �_ _��_ <br /> � �IS�$B�-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB tl � � �~--�-`` - .. ._ . <br /> Said party of the second part hereby agxees that it will annually list with the proper <br /> authorities of Hall County ,Nebraska,for taxation,such property as is owned by it and sit- <br /> uated upon said leaeed premises ,and pay any taxee assessed againat it thereon before the <br /> same become delinquent ,and in the event any of the property owned by eaid party of the second <br /> part ,and situated upon said leased premises,is assessed and taxed against the real estate <br /> hereby leased,said party of the second part will,upon demand,pay such taxes to the party <br /> of the f3 rst part. <br /> $aid party of the second par� hereby further expressly agrees the}t in the conduct of its <br /> business for which said premises are hereby leased,it will operate the same in euch a roa.nner <br /> as to pxevent any sand or gravel from flowing into the north channel of the P1atte River, <br /> comrnoniy called '�ood River ,or fxom flowing on to or upon any lands ad�oinin� the lands <br /> hereby leased. <br /> Said party of the second part shall ,and hereby does,assume alI riska and responsibilities <br /> of every l�ind and nature,growing out of or resulting from or in any way aonnected with the <br /> bui3ding,existence ,or operating of its said sand and gravel plant ,and will hold and eave <br /> harmless the parties of the first part from any and all damagea cauaed by its said building, <br /> exietence ,and operation of eaid sand and gravel business ,either to the employees of the party <br /> of the second par� ,its customers ,or the publie. <br /> Said par�y of the second part hereby further covenants and a greea that it will pay and <br /> deliver to the par.ties of the first part �.he renta,ls herein reserved .when the same are herein <br /> mad� payable and deliverable ; that it will not com:nit or suffer to be committed any waste upon <br /> said leased premises other than such waste as is necessary in the building ,maintenance and <br /> operation of the buainess for which said premises are hereby 1eas�d,and tha.t i� will perform <br /> a�l and singular the covenants and agreements herein contained and by it to be kept and per- <br /> formed,and,at the expiration of t he term herein granted,or at any earlier termination of <br /> this leaae ,i� will surrender peaceable possession of said premises unto the pa.rty of the <br /> first pa.rt ,their heirs,executors ,administrators ,or assigna. <br /> �aid party of the second part further covenanta and agrees that in the operation of its <br />� said plant it willuse all proper care and diligenc� consietent with its due operation,not <br /> to damage or injure said Zeased premises,and is to maintain said twenty-foot right-o€-��:y to <br /> the publie road east vf said leased premises in a proper condition for travel and at ite owa <br /> proper cost and sxpenae,. � <br /> It is further expressly agreed and underetood by and between the parties hereto that in <br /> �he event the party of the second part fails ,neglects,or refuses to pay a,nd deliver the rent- <br /> ala herein xeserved when the eame are herein made payable and deliversble ,or in the event <br /> the party of the second part fails ,ne�Ieots ,or refus�s to keep and perform all and singul- <br /> ar �he covenants and agreements herein contained and by it to be kept and performed,then <br /> and in either of such �nents the parties of the first part shall have �he ri�ht ,at their <br /> option,to deelare this lease and the rights and provileges hereby granted �o the p arty of <br /> the aecond part ,terminated,and c� xemove ox e�eot said party of the aecond part from said <br /> leased premises,or they can sue and distrain for their rentals,loas and dama,geq,as they may <br /> eleot ,it being hereby expressly agreed tha,t the rights and privile�es hereby granted to the <br /> party of the second pa.rt shall not �e construed to prevent the parties of the firet pa,rt fro <br /> exercising any right to which they are entitled under the law. <br /> It is fur�her understood and a�;reed that �his contraot is not assignable by the party of <br /> the second part without the written consent of the parties of the first part endore�d hereon, <br /> and any attempt to assi�;n the same ,or sub-Tet the rights and privileges herein granted ahall <br />