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<br /> '-���'�1J�J�.1��Jl��IV.ILJJ '�Y'J�� ��i�1����J Z.51, .
<br /> ^�I4HB4-STAT6 JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEH . ' ` ' � � -� � �� -
<br /> BI�II�'� ALL MEN B� THESE PF�ESENTS: That we,the undersigned John Blake and Myrtle Blake ,
<br /> IHusba,n.d a,nd wife,of Denir�eer County of D.enver State of Colorado for and in con$i�deration of
<br /> StAte
<br /> Twelve Hundred Dollars,to us as a loan in hand paid by the N�BRASKA�BUILDING AND LOAN A�SOCI-
<br /> ATIO1V,of the Oity of Fremont ,Dodge County,State of Nebraska,and other good and valuable con-
<br /> sideration,the receip� whereaf is hereby acknowledged,do hereby assign,transfer,and set
<br /> over to the NEBRASKA STATE BUILDIN(� AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,as collateral,��said loan,the
<br /> rents and revenue accruin for the ��
<br /> g period of the duratiorY,�hereof,upon the following property
<br /> situated in Grand Island,0ounty of Ha.11,State of Nebraska,to-wit; Lo't one (1} ,block seventy
<br /> (74) ,�Yheeler and Benn�tt� s Second Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska
<br /> And v�e.,hereb�;authorize and empower the NEBRASKA STAT� BUILDING A�iD LOAN ASSOCIATION,its
<br /> authorized agent� and attoxneys to act for us,and rent the above described premises,and in
<br /> our place collect and receipt for said rent ,either monthly,quarterly or yearly as they map
<br /> see fit.
<br /> This a�sign���f rent being made for the e xpress purpose of being applied to payments of
<br /> monthly dues on my ahares,Certificate No.17170,and interest and fine s on a loan of Twelve
<br /> Hundred and nn/1�0 (�120�.00) ,Dollars, made �o us on the above described property by the
<br /> Said Association map,in its discretion,�cse the rents so far as ne�essary forthe purpose
<br /> of making such repairs upon the premises as,in its judgment,may be proper and may use said
<br /> rents so far as neceesary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upo{} said premises,
<br /> the balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly duss,interest and fines on Bai.d cert-
<br /> ificate and loan.
<br /> . This assignment and transfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the
<br /> mon�h�y dues,interest and finee a,n said loan until the time when said loan shall be fully
<br /> paid or this instrument canceled by the Association,
<br /> Dated this lst day of �Iay A.D. ,1926.
<br /> 1�itnesses: John B3ake (Seal)
<br /> Bdyrtle Blake (8ea1� �
<br /> State of Colorado
<br /> County of Denver
<br /> On this llth day of Bday A.D.1926 befoxe me,the subscriber,a Notary
<br /> Public ,duly eommissioned and qua�,ified for and residing in said County of Denver,personally
<br /> appeared John B1:ake and Myrtle B1ake,Husband and �Yife,to rne known to be the identical per-
<br /> i
<br /> sons described in and who exeeuted the foregoing instrument as grantor and they severally ac-
<br /> knowled�ed the said inetrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> � IN WITP�ESS �HEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and �fotarial Seal at Denver,Colorado ,in sai
<br /> County ,the da.y and year last abovs written.
<br /> (SEAL) Mildred L.Schroeder
<br /> Rotary Publia �
<br /> My Commission Expires August 31,19�9
<br /> Filed for reeord �his 1�+ day of May 1926,at 10 otclock A.M.
<br /> �.�-�� ��
<br /> egister of eeds
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