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<br /> TQ(38THBR WITH ull the impravcmcnts now on c�tcaftcr crcctcd on U�n propcny, ond n cn.scmcn ,appu n nce.v,and �
<br /> Qxtures now on c�rcuitcr a part of tho pra�arty.AI!rcpluccmcrits and acldidonA shall Also be covcred hy thls Scsurity Instrumcnt. . .�,�;`;;.��
<br /> All of tho farc�oing is rGfcncd to in this Securiry Inswmenlas tho"Property." • ���.•:•�•
<br /> BORROWBR COVBNAN'TS Ihat Borrawcr i9 IawfuUr seLscd of tho csu►tc hcreby convcycA und hmg thc dght to grant and . � 4-'t'�'
<br /> ' convey the Propeny ond�hm tho Propeny is unencumiser�l. except for encumbranc;c.c ot record. Borrower wcurants and will � :�;;,��,';'•°
<br /> • � defend genereAy tho ddo to the Propeny agalnst oll clnims er�d demunds.sub}ect to uny encumbrances of record. �"-� •:c=
<br /> �-� THIS SECURITY INS'iRUMBNT wmbincs unif�rm covc�nnts for nndonal u^�ond non-uniform covcnant9 with limitcd ° , `���"���pp�
<br /> ' . �4i�.�_�.:�rY.�.
<br /> . .. 'A(.. _k.w��..�
<br /> •�- i vuriations by jurisdiction ta constituto a unlfoni�socurity i:�sw:ncnC cavcdng e�nl p;ope��y. ;;,,,,
<br /> •,r '.�w_mz
<br /> � � . '� UNIFORM COVENAN'TS.BoROwer and Lcndcr cc�vcnant end agroo as followa: . • •. ��;�:����?�
<br /> 1.1'Ayment of Prtnclpal And Interesti Prcpayc�ent And Lpte ChArgcs. Bonowcr ahall prampily pay when duc the �,;
<br /> � pr[nclpal of and intcccst on thc debt evidcnccd by tho Note md any prepaymcnt end late charges due undcr thc Noto. �,�:�,;c� _
<br /> 2.Fur.ds tor Taxes and Insurance. Sub t w u plkablo lgw or to a wriuen waiver b L.ender.Borrower shall a to �«°'�'
<br /> 1a F Y P Y +�,,.�.,�.(.�s,,.. .
<br /> Lendcr on tho day mo�thly payments cue duo under the Noto. untll the Note is paid in fuU,e sum( Funds")for:(A)yGl[ly INCC9 �,;;:;;r: .,,-.
<br /> anG assessments which may attain pdorlty over this Socudty Inswment as a lien on the Property;(b)yeacly Icasehold payments ;.;�'��'':�_-
<br /> �, or ground rents an the Property,if any;(c)yeariy ha7nrd orprope�ty insurunce prcmiums; (d)yctuly floocl insurnnco prcmiums.if . �:���"''
<br /> . r �. S.`,:'
<br /> , .�r IS,::
<br /> any;(c) yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any;nnd(� any sums payable by Bomower to Lendcr,in occordance with the �;_�1e.�._
<br /> . •� provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mong�ge insurance pnmiums.Th;se items are called "Escrow Items." '.�� ��=�-=°°-
<br /> �� Lcndcr m3y,at any tlttie,cnlloct end hold Funds in an Amount not w eaceed the maximun�amount a lender for a fedcratly relnted .�'�'��__ .
<br /> . ,, _ ,.�:,�
<br /> . ._.-._
<br /> � mortgage loan mAy mquire for Barrower's escrow account un�er the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 19T4 as .;.�;���:.._
<br /> amended from time to tlme, 12 TJ.S.C.Se�tion 2601 et seq.("RfiSPA"),unless snother law that applies to the Funds seta a lesser y,-::
<br /> � amoun� If so, Lender may, et eny ti.�ne,coAoct and holdFunds in an emount not to�xa�d the lesser amow�G Lenc�er may :�,�''-,�,��::_'
<br />- ' estimau the amount of fl�nds due on the basls of cumnt daia and reasonable esWnatas of expendItures of fuwre P.scrow Items or ----
<br /> . ` otheiwise in sccordance wtth applicable law. ,"�f«�.
<br /> '': .;;��=..���
<br /> � • The H1u�ds ahnll be held in an insdtudon whose deposi�aro lnsured by a federal age��cy,inswmentality�or entity(including ..�
<br /> Lender.if T.ender is such an instiwdon)or in eny Federal Hame Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the FSu�ds w pay the Escrow --�-
<br /> • , Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding end applying the Funds,ennusUy enalyzinng the escrow account,or verifying °J.�`
<br /> , `�, the Bscrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pamits Lender to make such a charge.
<br /> � Howevcr,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time�eharge for an independent real estate tsix reporting service used by '�� '—
<br />� • .:�-- 1`. �,,,.a.r�.��nrrtinn with thic losn,unless appUcable law p=nvides otherwIse.Unless an aRreement is made or applicable law :'�
<br /> � roqu�r�es intcrost to be paid,Lender shall not be requlred to pay Boirowcr any interest or tamings on the Funds.B�1row�r and `�
<br /> • Lenda may agreo in wddn8�however.that interest shall bepaid an the Funds.Lender shall give to Ba�rower,withont charge,an ��
<br /> � ' annual accountin8 of the F�nds,showing credits and debi�ta Ihe Funds and the purpose for which each deblt to the ll�nda was �
<br /> .. � made,'ll►e Funds are pledgod as addidonel securiry for all sums secured by thLs Security Inst�uumen� ` !�''
<br /> � di t�he Funds held by Lendcr exceed the amounts permiped ta be held by appllcable law,Lendu shall a000unt to B9rrawer for .'"
<br /> : ��
<br />":�';�.� �he ea�ct�,y F�1mds in accordance with the requiremente of epplicnble law.If the amount of she Funds held by Lender at any dme is -
<br /> not sut�icient to pny the Escrow It�ems when due,Lender rnay so nadfy Borrowec In wridng,and,in sucta case Borrowu shall pay •-
<br /> to Leader the amaimt nocessary to msike up the de�CCienry_ Bormwer shall make up tlie deficlency in no more than twelve
<br />_�.� ' manthly paymenc�,at I�endes's sole discrotion. e�
<br /> iJpon payment in full of all sume secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall pzompdy refund w Borrower eny Funds `
<br />_'���� . held by I.endu.If.under pawgraph 21,Lender shall acquirc cr seU tha Property,I.end�,prior to t�e acquisidon or sale of the ��
<br />-�'�`"" "• • Property.shall npply any Funds held by Lender at the dmo ot acquisidon or sale as a credit a�ainst the sums secund by thls
<br />-:�:�ac�: ,..-.� , Security Instrument.
<br />�"�*"�����,� 3.Applkatfon of Payments. Unless applicable law provldes othenvise,all paymenss received by Lender under�aphs --
<br />_,-:..
<br />-,c:� • :Q --
<br />;.•.r� 1 and 2 ahall be applied:fust,to anY prepayment charges duo urider the Nots;seconcl, to amounts payable onder paragraph 2; __�--
<br />�i. '�•i. . thwd,to interest due;fo�uth.to principal due;and lest,W any late charges due under the Note. �`
<br />'''"°=`` �� 4.C6Argea;Lkas. Bocrower shall pay ell taxes. ass�ssments,charges.fim,s and imposidons amribntable ro trie Property =�`=- _
<br /> j�l'�.: . ..' which may attain priorlty over this Securiry InsVUmenL and leasehold payments ur ground rents.if�sny.Bozrower shall pay these ��
<br /> ' __ • obligations in the manncr pmvided In paragrnph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay�hcm on time diroctly w the �:
<br /> _°'�';s.�.,,":;.�-'. pr,rson owed paymenG Bonower shall promptly fumish a i.ender all notIces of amounts to be paid under tt►is p�ragraph. If =----
<br /> ��:�;;^�� �� Borrower makes thesc paYments dlrectly,Borrn�ver shall prampQy fumish to Lender rc�elpu cvidencing the payments. ��r.Y.�
<br /> - '�,t`��. gorrower shall ptompdy d�scharge any lien which h�u pr9odty over this Security Insuumcnt unlcss Borrower: (a)a@recs in -- -
<br /> - v�� ".� writing to the payment of the obligation sec�ued by the lien in a mnnner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the lien - ------
<br />- ` by, or dafends against en�forcement of tha llen in, legal proxecllngs which in ttxe Lender's opinion operatc to prcvent the °— _—__ � _
<br /> - enforcement of the Ilen;or(c)seciucs from the holder of�ha lien an agreement saasfectory to I.ender subordinating�he lien to -_- -- -
<br /> ' � � • this Seciuity Instrument If Lender deterniines that any parto�tha Property is subject to a lien which may sttmin pdority over this �=,�;
<br /> � •, Securlty Instrument,L.ender may giva Boaower a notic�identlfying the lien.Borrower sh�l satisfy the lien or take one or more ••- i�' �cv'�
<br /> :} :, of the acdons set farih above within 10 dnys of the givin�af nauce. :••`�� ���� " ^•_
<br /> Form 3D p/ ^•j_:r-�-.� d�~
<br /> . ,.��-�..y,�,�,
<br /> ' � �•SR(NE)t9z+2t.o� P�p�2 oie InNlair.�3� , l•���„�' •
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