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<br /> 'j�$6}-STA1'E JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB �� � � � - � ��----
<br /> 1�1e, the undersigned, President and Seeretary, resnective ly, of Grand Island Aerie No. 37�
<br /> Fraternal Order of Eagles, of Grand Island, Nebraska, owner of Block Two (2) of Hann� s Addit-
<br /> ion to the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that at a re�ular
<br /> meetin� of said Grand Island Aexie No. 37� Fraternal 4rder of Eagles, held on the 19th day of
<br /> Apri1,1926, at its usual meeting place, and at which meeting a legal quorum v�as present, the
<br /> following resolution vaas read, and upon motion �vas duly passed, adopted, and made a part of
<br /> the minutes of said Grand Island Aerie No. 37� Fra.ternal Order of Eagles, to-wit:
<br /> "1Nhereas, Grand Island Aerie No. 37�, Fraternal Order of Eagles, of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> �Tebraska, wishes to sell and Convey Block Two (2) of Hann� s Addition to the City of Grand
<br /> Island, Hall, County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded for the consideration of
<br /> �20,000. 00.
<br /> "BeIt �esolved, by Grand Island Aerie No. 37�, Fraternal Order of Ea�les, in regular meeting
<br /> assembled, at which a quorum of said Lodge is present an d acting, that the President and
<br /> Secretary be, and they are hereby authorized, for and in the name of said Lodge, tomake, exec e
<br /> and deliver to the party purchasing said above descxibed Block, a Warranty Deed, wi�h abstract
<br /> of marketable title of recoxd certified to date. "
<br /> 4Ne further certify that Section 2�0 of Article XXlil of the Constitution of said Gran d Island
<br /> Aerie No. 37� Fraternal Order of Eagles, which said Constitution is lawfully in our possesaion
<br /> and under our control, reads as follows:
<br /> '�R eal estate now owned or hereafter acquixed by a Subordinate Aerie, or by any person or body
<br /> in trust, con structive or otherwise for the use of a Subor dinate Aerie, may be smld, exchanged
<br /> '�� or conveyed by such Subordinate Aerie, but the approval of the Grand �Yorthy President shall be
<br /> first had, and evidenced by writing under his hand and seal. Any proceeds of such sale, exchan e
<br /> or conveyance shall be placed in the appropriate fund of the Subordinate Aerie, or reinveated
<br /> according to law. "
<br /> !�e further certify that a duly cer�ified copy of the charter issued to said Grand Island Aerie
<br /> No. 37� Fraternal Order of Eadles by the Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles was, on th�
<br /> d/Pr�
<br /> 13th day of �ay, 1909, duly filed and recorded �n the office of the County^of Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska; and that said Grand Island Aerie No. 37� Fraternal Order of Eagles is a Subordinate
<br /> Aerie of the Grand Aerie .Fraternal Order o� Eagles.
<br /> IN TESTIB�ONY �IEREDF, we have hexeunto set our hands and affixed the seal of said Grand Island �
<br /> � Aerie No. 37� Fraternal Order of Eagles this 24th day of Apri1,1926.
<br /> ; In presence of Thona.s M. Dillon
<br /> � President Grand Island Aerie
<br /> + R.R. Horth No. 37� Fraternal Order of
<br /> ` Eagles.
<br /> C. T. Powell
<br /> �ecretary Grand Island Aerie
<br /> No. 37� Frat ernal Order of
<br /> State of N�braska, Eaglea.
<br /> ss.
<br /> Hall County. On this 24th day of April, 1926, before the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> Public within a.nd for said county and state, personally appeaxed Thomas �, Dillon, and C. T.
<br /> Powell, Preaident and Secretary, respectively, of Grand Island Aerie No, 37� Fraternal Order
<br /> of Eagles, to me personally known and knov�n by me to �e such President and Secxetary, xespect-
<br /> ively, of Grand Island Aerie No. 37� Fraternal Order of Eagles, and they severally acknowledged
<br /> the execution of the foregoin�; C ertificate to be their voluntary act an d deed and the voluntar
<br /> act and deed of said Grand Island Aerie No. 37� Fraternal Or der of Ea�les, ani that its corpora e
<br /> seal �ras thereto affixed by authority.
<br /> IN TESTI�1lONY '1P�iER�OF, I have hereunto set my hand and a.ffixed my Notarial Seal at Grand Ialand
<br />