<br /> ��� '�JJ�1J����IV.�����J� ��1LJ�J�� L.9, 1
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<br /> S�ate of Nebraska )
<br /> ss
<br /> Hall County � Bohle Saathoff, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and saye
<br /> that he v�as the gr�.ntee in a certain �arranty deed fro� Charles C, Johnson and �a.rie Johnson,
<br /> husband and wife, dated March �th,1922 and recorded in Book 59 of Deeds at Page 66�+, of the
<br /> records of Hall County, Nebraska, �hich deed conveyed to the affiant the following described
<br /> I pxoperty: The North One Hundred Ei�hty feet of the �Nest T�vo_thirds of the !�lest half (�1�-� of
<br /> �
<br /> Lot Six (6) , of Nor�vood Subdivision of Paxt of the �'�est h�lf (W�) of the IJorthwest Quarter
<br /> (N��) of Section Ten (10) , in Tov�nshi�o Eleven (11) , North, of Range Nine (9) , West of the
<br /> 6th P. �, , being a rectangular piece of ground having a west frontage of 1�0 feet and a. depth
<br /> of 440 f eet. (Sub j ect to the �ast half of the County Road on same Frontage. �
<br /> And in which deed was contained the follo�aing clause: " Subject also to a martga�e of �1000. "
<br /> Affiant deposes and saye tha,t the �aid �10�0. 00 mortgage referred to in said deed was the
<br /> unpaid balance of �1000. 00 on a mortgage exeeuted by Charles C, Johnson and wife, �arie
<br /> Johnson, to one Andrew Jessen, in the sum of �1300. 00 on the above descriiaed propert�, �hich
<br /> mortgage �as recorded in Book �-2 of �iortgagea, at Page 637, of the records of Hall County,
<br /> N ebraska.
<br /> Affiant further denoses and says that this mortgage hexeinbefore referred to was executed
<br /> to secure two prom�ssory notes, one fox $$300. 00 due October 22nd, 191.g and one for �10�0. 00
<br /> due Octobsr 22nd, 1923; that priox to the �aarranty deed above referred to the said Charles
<br /> C. Johnson paid the �300. 40 note and left unp�.id the �10�0. 00 note, which �1000. 00 note �vas
<br /> unp�.id at the tir�e Qf the exeeution and delivery of the �arranty deed above referred to,
<br /> and that the clause in said deed referring to the �1000. 00 mortgage had reference to the
<br /> unpaid balance of the mortgabe hereinaftex set forth and to no other.
<br /> Bohle Saathoff
<br /> Swbscribed in my presenee and s�aorn to before me thia lst day of May,1926.
<br /> Harold A. Prince
<br /> ( BEAL)
<br /> My commission ex?�ires ��a.rch 15t�i,1932, Notary Public
<br /> �iled for record this 1 day o� �ra,y z926 at �-: �5 0�clock P. �I.
<br /> ��;cs��� ����-
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> -O-0-0-0-0-0-�_0-O_O_O_0-0-0_0_0-0-0-0-O-O-p-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O..O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-
<br /> � State of Nebraska,
<br /> ss.
<br /> Adams County, In the County Court of said County:
<br /> At a Session of the County Court held in and for said Cou�ty, at the County Court Room, in
<br /> � the City of Hastings, County of Adams, and S�ate of Nebraska. �
<br /> Present: Jo�eph �2. Turbyfill, Judge of the County Court.
<br /> � In the Matter of the Guardianshi
<br /> p
<br /> ; Elmo C, Lee
<br />' , No�r on this 27th day of Nove�nber, 1925, this matter comes on for hearing upon the petition
<br /> � of Charles G. Lane, guardian of Elmo 'C. Lee filed herein �n Nove�nber 23rd, 1g25, praying that
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � he be diseharged as such guardian, allegin� that his �ard is no� 35 years of age and is
<br /> � � �
<br /> � competent and able to �.ttend to his personal and business �affairs and that there is no furth
<br /> ,
<br /> j need or reason for the eontinuation of said guar�ian�hip; upon the su�plemental petition
<br /> �
<br /> � ` thereto filed herein by John ?�. Proctor , uncle of said Elmo C. I;ee, filed herein c�n Novernber
<br /> z3�a,�.9z5, and upon the petition of said Elmo C. Lee filed herein on this �a.te praying for a
<br /> discharge of �uardian, and upon the final report of the �uas dian aforesaid filed herein on
<br />