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<br /> _ . . . �-STATE JOURNA... __._.�_..�_.., . . ._ . . . . .._ . .
<br /> . . ,_.t N,.. ._._. ... . . _ . _.__�.�_._.._ .___....�.__ . . .
<br /> THIS INDENTURE Made this lst day of December 1925 by and bet�reen John Caslson party of the
<br /> first part ,and PauZ Prietzsch party of the second part.
<br /> VPITN'E38ETH,That party of tbe first pa,rt has this day sold to �he partp of the second pa,rt
<br /> and party of second part has a.greed to buy the following deseribed progerty,to-wit; Lots 72
<br /> and 73 ,Hawthorn Place located on part of the 1�YY� 3ection 22,Townehip 11,DTorth Rarige 9,West
<br /> of the 6th P.M.In Hall County,Nebraska together �vith all appurtenances thereto belon�ing,
<br /> for whieh the pa rty of the second pa,rt agrees to pa,p the sum of Thir�een Hundred and OOJ140
<br /> Dollars (�1300.00j payable as follo�s: Five Hundred and 00 J104 Dollars Dash in hand,r�oeipt
<br /> of whieh is hereby aeknowledged.Bala.nce ��00 -payable as follo�s: �25.00 on January 1 ,1926 a.nd
<br /> I �25.00 on the lst day of each subsequent month thereafter until the balance ie fullq paid.
<br /> 4ptioa given to pay more or all at any time and stop interes� on amount so paid.Integest to
<br />, be at the rat e of 6� per a.nnum,payable semi--annua.11y from D�cember,192�.
<br /> .
<br /> �'o im rovement s now� on the 1
<br /> P p ace to be moved off and any improvements put on by party of the
<br />' secona
<br /> part are to be covered by thie contra"u,t and are not to be removed until the terms of
<br /> this contraot are fully eamplied xith.
<br /> ' Party of the eecond part is to �e� a.n abstract at this time and have it examined and �hea
<br /> he ie to return it to party of the first part to hold until this contract ie pa,id in full but
<br /> the party of the first part does not have to pay for eatending the contract any more whether
<br /> the party of th� 2nd part sells the property or rtot.
<br /> Party of the second pe,rt;-a�rees, that should he fail or refuse to carry out the above con-
<br /> ditions,the money already paid shall be forfeited as liquidated damages,at the election of
<br /> �:
<br /> party of the first part �
<br /> The party of the fira� part agrees to furnish a marketable abstract of title eovering said
<br /> property 5 days before delivery of deed,brought do�rn to date,and give 5 days for e�amination
<br /> ,
<br /> and if the title is defective eaid first party to have a reaeona.ble time to Qorrect eaid de-
<br /> fect or defects and show� same on the abetraot
<br /> Now,if the said party of the second pa.rt shall pay the sum or sums as above set forth
<br /> a.nd carry out the conditions abcyv e named,time being the essena� of thi� contract and of all
<br /> the canditions thereof,the pa,rty of the first part xill furniah a Warranty Deed to s aid sec-
<br /> ond paxty at Graad �sland,Nebraska and pay all ta.ae� tha� are a lien on said property,and
<br /> �
<br /> up to 1925 and to a ssign the insuraxice,and given possessi on o� deli�rery of this eontract. �
<br /> . ,
<br /> Party of the first part agree� to endorse the present insurance policp to cover the interest
<br /> ,
<br /> of both parties and Rhen this policy egpires ,the party of the second �,rt ie to pay the gre-
<br /> a
<br /> ' t mi� for renexiag the insusance, �
<br /> And whereas the said second party has a,greed and does hereby agree that"the second party
<br /> shall and will pay all taaes and assesaments levied or assessed upon this contract a,�d upon
<br /> the debt sect�red thereby;to keep the buildings on said premises insured for the sum of �-
<br /> , .
<br /> InsuraYil��value ,fi�oth fire and tornado for the benefit of said first party or assigns,and to
<br /> deliver to said firs� pa,rty or aseigns the policies for Said ineurance;to pay aIl taxes and
<br /> assessments on said pEemises,befor� the eame shall become delinquent ,and not to commit or per-
<br /> ,
<br /> � � � mit any waste on ar about ths sa,me;
<br />' � i And whereas it is further party ehall fail to pay the ta,xes
<br />� , agreed tha� if the seeond
<br /> ; upon said premises or upon this contraet or the debt secured thereby before delinq�}ency,
<br /> �
<br /> or to furnish such insurance thereon,the first party or assibns may pay such taxes,and prc�--
<br /> cure„s�c�i� insurance,and the second pa.rty ,shall re-pay to the first party or aseigns ,the sums
<br /> �
<br /> ,�
<br /> so paid for taxes and insurance ,with interest thereon at te�i per cent;and the sum so pa.id, �
<br /> a
<br />---_`_._----_��-.� - - _ _ '.
<br /> -��� ,� a e a en ereunder
<br />